Source code for pylav.utils.vendor.redbot

This module contains various utilities for working with asyncio taken from

Original license can be found at:
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import re
from import (
from itertools import chain
from re import Pattern
from typing import Any, TypeVar, cast

import discord
from discord.ext import commands


_T = TypeVar("_T")
_S = TypeVar("_S")


# Benchmarked to be the fastest method.
[docs] def deduplicate_iterables(*iterables: Iterable[_T]) -> list[_T]: """ Returns a list of all unique items in ``iterables``, in the order they were first encountered. """ # dict insertion order is guaranteed to be preserved in 3.6+ return list(dict.fromkeys(chain.from_iterable(iterables)))
[docs] class AsyncFilter(AsyncIterator[_T], Awaitable[list[_T]]): # pylint: disable=duplicate-bases """Class returned by `async_filter`. See that function for details. We do not recommend instantiating this class directly. """ __slots__ = ("__func", "__iterable", "__generator_instance") def __init__( self, func: Callable[[_T], bool | Awaitable[bool]], iterable: AsyncIterable[_T] | Iterable[_T], ) -> None: self.__func: Callable[[_T], bool | Awaitable[bool]] = func self.__iterable: AsyncIterable[_T] | Iterable[_T] = iterable # We assign the generator strategy based on the arguments' types if isinstance(iterable, AsyncIterable): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): self.__generator_instance = self.__async_generator_async_pred() else: self.__generator_instance = self.__async_generator_sync_pred() elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): self.__generator_instance = self.__sync_generator_async_pred() else: raise TypeError("Must be either an async predicate, an async iterable, or both") async def __sync_generator_async_pred(self) -> AsyncIterator[_T]: for item in self.__iterable: if await self.__func(item): yield item async def __async_generator_sync_pred(self) -> AsyncIterator[_T]: async for item in self.__iterable: if self.__func(item): yield item async def __async_generator_async_pred(self) -> AsyncIterator[_T]: async for item in self.__iterable: if await self.__func(item): yield item async def __flatten(self) -> list[_T]: return [item async for item in self] def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncFilter[_T]: return self def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, list[_T]]: # Simply return the generator filled into a list return self.__flatten().__await__() def __anext__(self) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _T]: # This will use the generator strategy set in __init__ return self.__generator_instance.__anext__()
[docs] def async_filter( func: Callable[[_T], bool | Awaitable[bool]], iterable: AsyncIterable[_T] | Iterable[_T], ) -> AsyncFilter[_T]: """Filter an (optionally async) iterable with an (optionally async) predicate. At least one of the arguments must be async. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[T], Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]] A function or coroutine function which takes one item of ``iterable`` as an argument, and returns ``True`` or ``False``. iterable : Union[AsyncIterable[_T], Iterable[_T]] An iterable or async iterable which is to be filtered. Raises ------ TypeError If neither of the arguments are async. Returns ------- AsyncFilter[T] An object which can either be awaited to yield a list of the filtered items, or can also act as an async iterator to yield items one by one. """ return AsyncFilter(func, iterable)
[docs] async def async_enumerate(async_iterable: AsyncIterable[_T], start: int = 0) -> AsyncIterator[tuple[int, _T]]: """Async iterable version of `enumerate`. Parameters ---------- async_iterable : AsyncIterable[T] The iterable to enumerate. start : int The index to start from. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- AsyncIterator[Tuple[int, T]] An async iterator of tuples in the form of ``(index, item)``. """ async for item in async_iterable: yield start, item start += 1
async def _sem_wrapper(sem: asyncio.Semaphore, task: Awaitable[_T] | asyncio.Future) -> _T: async with sem: return await task
[docs] def bounded_gather_iter( *coros_or_futures: Awaitable[_T] | asyncio.Future, limit: int = 4, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore | None = None ) -> Iterator[Awaitable[Any]]: """ An iterator that returns tasks as they are ready, but limits the number of tasks running at a time. Parameters ---------- *coros_or_futures The awaitables to run in a bounded concurrent fashion. limit : Optional[`int`] The maximum number of concurrent tasks. Used when no ``semaphore`` is passed. semaphore : Optional[:class:`asyncio.Semaphore`] The semaphore to use for bounding tasks. If `None`, create one using ``loop`` and ``limit``. Raises ------ TypeError When invalid parameters are passed """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if semaphore is None: if not isinstance(limit, int) or limit <= 0: raise TypeError("limit must be an int > 0") semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(limit) pending = [] for cof in coros_or_futures: # noinspection PyProtectedMember if asyncio.isfuture(cof) and cof._loop is not loop: raise ValueError("futures are tied to different event loops") cof = _sem_wrapper(semaphore, cof) pending.append(cof) return asyncio.as_completed(pending)
[docs] def bounded_gather( *coros_or_futures, return_exceptions: bool = False, limit: int = 4, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[list[Any]]: """ A semaphore-bounded wrapper to :meth:`asyncio.gather`. Parameters ---------- *coros_or_futures The awaitables to run in a bounded concurrent fashion. return_exceptions : bool If true, gather exceptions in the result list instead of raising. limit : Optional[`int`] The maximum number of concurrent tasks. Used when no ``semaphore`` is passed. semaphore : Optional[:class:`asyncio.Semaphore`] The semaphore to use for bounding tasks. If `None`, create one using ``loop`` and ``limit``. Raises ------ TypeError When invalid parameters are passed """ asyncio.get_running_loop() if semaphore is None: if not isinstance(limit, int) or limit <= 0: raise TypeError("limit must be an int > 0") semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(limit) tasks = (_sem_wrapper(semaphore, task) for task in coros_or_futures) return asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=return_exceptions)
[docs] class AsyncIter(AsyncIterator[_T], Awaitable[list[_T]]): # pylint: disable=duplicate-bases """Asynchronous iterator yielding items from ``iterable`` that sleeps for ``delay`` seconds every ``steps`` items. Parameters ---------- iterable: Iterable The iterable to make async. delay: Union[float, int] The amount of time in seconds to sleep. steps: int The number of iterations between sleeps. Raises ------ ValueError When ``steps`` is lower than 1. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> async for value in AsyncIter(range(3)): ... print(value) 0 1 2 """ __slots__ = ("_delay", "_iterator", "_i", "_steps", "_map") def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable[_T], delay: float | int = 0, steps: int = 100) -> None: if steps < 1: raise ValueError("Steps must be higher than or equals to 1") self._delay = delay self._iterator = iter(iterable) self._i = 0 self._steps = steps self._map = None def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIter[_T]: return self async def __anext__(self) -> _T: try: item = next(self._iterator) except StopIteration as e: raise StopAsyncIteration from e if self._i == self._steps: self._i = 0 await asyncio.sleep(self._delay) self._i += 1 return await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(self._map, item) if self._map is not None else item
[docs] def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, list[_T]]: """Returns a list of the iterable. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> iterator = AsyncIter(range(5)) >>> await iterator [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] """ return self.flatten().__await__()
[docs] async def next(self, default: Any = ...) -> _T: """Returns a next entry of the iterable. Parameters ---------- default: Optional[Any] The value to return if the iterator is exhausted. Raises ------ StopAsyncIteration When ``default`` is not specified and the iterator has been exhausted. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> iterator = AsyncIter(range(5)) >>> await 0 >>> await 1 """ try: value = await self.__anext__() except StopAsyncIteration: if default is ...: raise value = default return value
[docs] async def flatten(self) -> list[_T]: """Returns a list of the iterable. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> iterator = AsyncIter(range(5)) >>> await iterator.flatten() [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] """ return [item async for item in self]
[docs] def filter(self, function: Callable[[_T], bool | Awaitable[bool]]) -> AsyncFilter[_T]: """Filter the iterable with an (optionally async) predicate. Parameters ---------- function: Callable[[T], Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]] A function or coroutine function which takes one item of ``iterable`` as an argument, and returns ``True`` or ``False``. Returns ------- AsyncFilter[T] An object which can either be awaited to yield a list of the filtered items, or can also act as an async iterator to yield items one by one. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> def predicate(value): ... return value <= 5 >>> iterator = AsyncIter([1, 10, 5, 100]) >>> async for i in iterator.filter(predicate): ... print(i) 1 5 >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> def predicate(value): ... return value <= 5 >>> iterator = AsyncIter([1, 10, 5, 100]) >>> await iterator.filter(predicate) [1, 5] """ return async_filter(function, self)
[docs] def enumerate(self, start: int = 0) -> AsyncIterator[tuple[int, _T]]: """Async iterable version of `enumerate`. Parameters ---------- start: int The index to start from. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- AsyncIterator[Tuple[int, T]] An async iterator of tuples in the form of ``(index, item)``. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> iterator = AsyncIter(['one', 'two', 'three']) >>> async for i in iterator.enumerate(start=10): ... print(i) (10, 'one') (11, 'two') (12, 'three') """ return async_enumerate(self, start)
[docs] async def without_duplicates(self) -> AsyncIterator[_T]: """ Iterates while omitting duplicated entries. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> iterator = AsyncIter([1,2,3,3,4,4,5]) >>> async for i in iterator.without_duplicates(): ... print(i) 1 2 3 4 5 """ _temp = set() async for item in self: if item not in _temp: yield item _temp.add(item) del _temp
[docs] async def find( self, predicate: Callable[[_T], bool | Awaitable[bool]], default: Any | None = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[_T]: """Calls ``predicate`` over items in iterable and return first value to match. Parameters ---------- predicate: Union[Callable, Coroutine] A function that returns a boolean-like result. The predicate provided can be a coroutine. default: Optional[Any] The value to return if there are no matches. Raises ------ TypeError When ``predicate`` is not a callable. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> await AsyncIter(range(3)).find(lambda x: x == 1) 1 """ while True: try: elem = await self.__anext__() except StopAsyncIteration: return default ret = await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(predicate, elem) if ret: return elem
[docs] def map(self, func: Callable[[_T], _S | Awaitable[_S]]) -> AsyncIter[_S]: """Set the mapping callable for this instance of `AsyncIter`. .. important:: This should be called after AsyncIter initialization and before any other of its methods. Parameters ---------- func: Union[Callable, Coroutine] The function to map values to. The function provided can be a coroutine. Raises ------ TypeError When ``func`` is not a callable. Examples -------- >>> from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter >>> async for value in AsyncIter(range(3)).map(bool): ... print(value) False True True """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError("Mapping must be a callable") self._map = func return self
[docs] class MessagePredicate(Callable[[discord.Message], bool]): """A simple collection of predicates for message events. These predicates intend to help simplify checks in message events and reduce boilerplate code. This class should be created through the provided classmethods. Instances of this class are callable message predicates, i.e. they return ``True`` if a message matches the criteria. All predicates are combined with :meth:`MessagePredicate.same_context`. Examples -------- Waiting for a response in the same channel and from the same author:: await bot.wait_for("message", check=MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx)) Waiting for a response to a yes or no question:: pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) await bot.wait_for("message", check=pred) if pred.result is True: # User responded "yes" ... Getting a member object from a user's response:: pred = MessagePredicate.valid_member(ctx) await bot.wait_for("message", check=pred) member = pred.result Attributes ---------- result : Any The object which the message content matched with. This is dependent on the predicate used - see each predicate's documentation for details, not every method will assign this attribute. Defaults to ``None``. """ __slots__ = ("result", "_pred") def __init__(self, predicate: Callable[[MessagePredicate, discord.Message], bool]) -> None: self._pred: Callable[[MessagePredicate, discord.Message], bool] = predicate self.result = None def __call__(self, message: discord.Message) -> bool: return self._pred(self, message)
[docs] @classmethod def same_context( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the message fits the described context. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] The current invocation context. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] The channel we expect a message in. If unspecified, defaults to ````. If ``ctx`` is unspecified too, the message's channel will be ignored. user : Optional[] The user we expect a message from. If unspecified, defaults to ````. If ``ctx`` is unspecified too, the message's author will be ignored. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ if ctx is not None: channel = channel or user = user or return cls( lambda self, m: (user is None or == and (channel is None or == )
[docs] @classmethod def cancelled( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the message is ``[p]cancel``. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: (same_context(m) and m.content.lower() == f"{ctx.prefix}cancel"))
[docs] @classmethod def yes_or_no( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the message is "yes"/"y" or "no"/"n". This will assign ``True`` for *yes*, or ``False`` for *no* to the `result` attribute. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False content = m.content.lower() if content in ("yes", "y"): self.result = True elif content in ("no", "n"): self.result = False else: return False return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def valid_int( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is an integer. Assigns the response to `result` as an `int`. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False try: self.result = int(m.content) except ValueError: return False else: return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def valid_float( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is a float. Assigns the response to `result` as a `float`. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False try: self.result = float(m.content) except ValueError: return False else: return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def positive( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is a positive number. Assigns the response to `result` as a `float`. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False try: number = float(m.content) except ValueError: return False else: if number > 0: self.result = number return True else: return False return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def valid_role( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response refers to a role in the current guild. Assigns the matching `discord.Role` object to `result`. This predicate cannot be used in DM. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) guild = cls._get_guild(ctx, channel, cast(discord.Member, user)) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False role = self._find_role(guild, m.content) if role is None: return False self.result = role return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def valid_member( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response refers to a member in the current guild. Assigns the matching `discord.Member` object to `result`. This predicate cannot be used in DM. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) guild = cls._get_guild(ctx, channel, cast(discord.Member, user)) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False match = DISCORD_ID.match(m.content) or DISCORD_USER_MENTION.match(m.content) if match: result = guild.get_member(int( else: result = guild.get_member_named(m.content) if result is None: return False self.result = result return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def valid_text_channel( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response refers to a text channel in the current guild. Assigns the matching `discord.TextChannel` object to `result`. This predicate cannot be used in DM. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) guild = cls._get_guild(ctx, channel, cast(discord.Member, user)) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False match = DISCORD_ID.match(m.content) or DISCORD_CHANNEL_MENTION.match(m.content) if match: result = guild.get_channel(int( else: result = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name=m.content) if not isinstance(result, discord.TextChannel): return False self.result = result return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def has_role( cls, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response refers to a role which the author has. Assigns the matching `discord.Role` object to `result`. One of ``user`` or ``ctx`` must be supplied. This predicate cannot be used in DM. Parameters ---------- ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) guild = cls._get_guild(ctx, channel, cast(discord.Member, user)) if user is None: if ctx is None: raise TypeError("One of `user` or `ctx` must be supplied to `MessagePredicate.has_role`.") user = def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False role = self._find_role(guild, m.content) if role is None or role not in user.roles: return False self.result = role return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def equal_to( cls, value: str, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is equal to the specified value. Parameters ---------- value : str The value to compare the response with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: same_context(m) and m.content == value)
[docs] @classmethod def lower_equal_to( cls, value: str, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response *as lowercase* is equal to the specified value. Parameters ---------- value : str The value to compare the response with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: same_context(m) and m.content.lower() == value)
[docs] @classmethod def less( cls, value: int | float, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is less than the specified value. Parameters ---------- value : Union[int, float] The value to compare the response with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ valid_int = cls.valid_int(ctx, channel, user) valid_float = cls.valid_float(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: (valid_int(m) or valid_float(m)) and float(m.content) < value)
[docs] @classmethod def greater( cls, value: int | float, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is greater than the specified value. Parameters ---------- value : Union[int, float] The value to compare the response with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ valid_int = cls.valid_int(ctx, channel, user) valid_float = cls.valid_float(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: (valid_int(m) or valid_float(m)) and float(m.content) > value)
[docs] @classmethod def length_less( cls, length: int, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response's length is less than the specified length. Parameters ---------- length : int The value to compare the response's length with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: same_context(m) and len(m.content) <= length)
[docs] @classmethod def length_greater( cls, length: int, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response's length is greater than the specified length. Parameters ---------- length : int The value to compare the response's length with. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) return cls(lambda self, m: same_context(m) and len(m.content) >= length)
[docs] @classmethod def contained_in( cls, collection: Sequence[str], ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response is contained in the specified collection. The index of the response in the ``collection`` sequence is assigned to the `result` attribute. Parameters ---------- collection : Sequence[str] The collection containing valid responses. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False try: self.result = collection.index(m.content) except ValueError: return False else: return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def lower_contained_in( cls, collection: Sequence[str], ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Same as :meth:`contained_in`, but the response is set to lowercase before matching. Parameters ---------- collection : Sequence[str] The collection containing valid lowercase responses. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False try: self.result = collection.index(m.content.lower()) except ValueError: return False else: return True return cls(predicate)
[docs] @classmethod def regex( cls, pattern: Pattern[str] | str, ctx: commands.Context | None = None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | discord.DMChannel | None = None, user: | None = None, ) -> MessagePredicate: """Match if the response matches the specified regex pattern. This predicate will use `` to find a match. The resulting `match object <match-objects>` will be assigned to `result`. Parameters ---------- pattern : Union[`pattern object <re-objects>`, str] The pattern to search for in the response. ctx : Optional[Context] Same as ``ctx`` in :meth:`same_context`. channel : Optional[Union[`discord.TextChannel`, `discord.Thread`, `discord.DMChannel`]] Same as ``channel`` in :meth:`same_context`. user : Optional[] Same as ``user`` in :meth:`same_context`. Returns ------- MessagePredicate The event predicate. """ same_context = cls.same_context(ctx, channel, user) def predicate(self: MessagePredicate, m: discord.Message) -> bool: if not same_context(m): return False pattern_obj = re.compile(pattern) if isinstance(pattern, str) else pattern if match := self.result = match return True return False return cls(predicate)
@staticmethod def _find_role(guild: discord.Guild, argument: str) -> discord.Role | None: return ( guild.get_role(int( if (match := DISCORD_ID.match(argument) or DISCORD_ROLE_MENTION.match(argument)) else discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name=argument) ) @staticmethod def _get_guild( ctx: commands.Context | None, channel: discord.TextChannel | discord.Thread | None, user: discord.Member | None, ) -> discord.Guild: if ctx is not None: return ctx.guild elif channel is not None: return channel.guild elif user is not None: return user.guild