pylav.nodes package#



pylav.nodes.manager module#

class pylav.nodes.manager.NodeManager(client, external_host=None, external_password=None, external_port=None, external_ssl=False)[source]#

Bases: object

Manages nodes and their connections to the client.

async add_node(*, host, port, password, unique_identifier, name, resume_timeout=60, reconnect_attempts=-1, ssl=False, search_only=False, disabled_sources=None, managed=False, yaml=None, extras=None, temporary=False)[source]#

Adds a node to PyLav’s node manager.

  • host (str) – The address of the Lavalink node.

  • port (int) – The port to use for websocket and REST connections.

  • password (str) – The password used for authentication.

  • resume_timeout (Optional[:class:`int]`) – How long the node should wait for a connection while disconnected before clearing all players. Defaults to 60.

  • name (str) – An identifier for the node that will show in logs. Defaults to None.

  • reconnect_attempts (Optional[:class:`int]`) – The amount of times connection with the node will be reattempted before giving up. Set to -1 for infinite. Defaults to 3.

  • ssl (Optional[:class:`bool]`) – Whether to use a ssl connection. Defaults to False.

  • search_only (bool) – Whether the node is search only. Defaults to False.

  • unique_identifier (Optional[:class:`str]`) – A unique identifier for the node. Defaults to None.

  • disabled_sources (Optional[:class:`list`[:class:`str]]`) – A list of sources to disable. Defaults to None.

  • managed (Optional[:class:`bool]`) – Whether the node is managed by the client. Defaults to False.

  • yaml (Optional[:class:`dict]`) – A dictionary of node settings. Defaults to None.

  • extras (Optional[:class:`dict]`) – A dictionary of extra settings. Defaults to {}.

  • temporary (bool) – Whether the node is temporary. Defaults to False. Temporary nodes are not added to the db.


The node that was added.

Return type:


property available_nodes#

Returns a list of available nodes

property client#

Returns the client

async close()[source]#

Disconnects all nodes and closes the session.

async connect_to_all_nodes()[source]#

Connects to all nodes.

async find_best_node(region=None, not_region=None, feature=None, already_attempted_regions=None, coordinates=None, wait=False, attempt=0, backoff=None)[source]#

Finds the best (least used) node in the given region, if applicable. :param region: The region to use. :type region: str :param not_region: The region to exclude. :type not_region: str :param feature: The feature required. :type feature: str :param already_attempted_regions: A set of regions that have already been attempted. :type already_attempted_regions: set`[:class:`str] :param coordinates: The coordinates to use. :type coordinates: tuple`[:class:`float, float] :param wait: Whether to wait for a node to become available. :type wait: bool :param attempt: The current attempt number. :type attempt: int :param backoff: The backoff to use. :type backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset

Return type:



Returns the closest node to a given region. :param region: The region to use. :type region: str

Return type:



Returns a node by its unique identifier. :param unique_identifier: The unique identifier of the node. :type unique_identifier: int

Return type:



Returns a region from a Discord voice server address. :param endpoint: The address of the Discord voice server. :type endpoint: str

Return type:


property managed_nodes#

Returns a list of nodes that are managed by the client

async node_connect(node)[source]#

Called when a node is connected from Lavalink. :param node: The node that has just connected. :type node: Node

async node_disconnect(node, code, reason)[source]#

Called when a node is disconnected from Lavalink. :param node: The node that has just connected. :type node: Node :param code: The code for why the node was disconnected. :type code: int :param reason: The reason why the node was disconnected. :type reason: str

property nodes#

Returns a list of all nodes

property player_queue#

Returns a list of players that are queued to be played

async remove_node(node)[source]#

Removes a node. :param node: The node to remove from the list. :type node: Node

property search_only_nodes#

Returns a list of nodes that are search only

property session#

Returns the aiohttp session used by the client

async wait_until_ready(timeout=None)[source]#

Wait until all nodes are ready.

pylav.nodes.node module#

class pylav.nodes.node.Node(manager, host, password, resume_timeout, port=None, name=None, reconnect_attempts=-1, ssl=False, search_only=False, unique_identifier=None, disabled_sources=None, managed=False, extras=None, temporary=False)[source]#

Bases: object

Represents a Node connection with Lavalink.


Nodes are NOT meant to be added manually, but rather with Client.add_node().

property api_version#

The API version of the node.

property available#

Returns whether the node is available for requests

property base_api_url#

Returns the base API URL of the target node.

property base_url#

Returns the base URL of the target node.

property base_ws_url#

Returns the base WebSocket URL of the target node.

property can_resume#

Returns whether the node can be resumed

property capabilities#

Returns the capabilities of the target node.


The capabilities of the target node.

Return type:


async close()[source]#

Closes the target node.

property config#

The config of the node.

property connected_count#

Returns the number of players on this node that are connected

property connected_players#

Returns a list of all players on this node that are connected

property connection_protocol#

The protocol used for the connection

property coordinates#

The coordinates of the node.


The coordinates of the node.

Return type:


property count#

Returns the number of players on this node

async delete_session_player(guild_id)[source]#

Deletes the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

async delete_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id)[source]#

Deletes the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

property disabled_sources#

Returns the disabled sources of the target node.


The disabled sources of the target node.

Return type:



Dispatches the given event to all registered hooks. :param event: The event to dispatch to the hooks. :type event: Event


Removes a down vote for this node


Adds a down vote for this node

property down_votes#

Returns the down votes for this node

async fetch_api_version()[source]#

Fetches the API version response from the target node.

async fetch_decodetrack(encoded_track, timeout=<object object>, raise_on_failure=True)[source]#

Fetches the decodetrack response from the target node.

async fetch_info(raise_on_error=False)[source]#

Fetches the info response from the target node.

async fetch_loadsearch(query)[source]#
async fetch_loadtracks(query)[source]#

Fetches the loadtracks response from the target node.

async fetch_node_version()[source]#

Fetches the version response from the target node.

async fetch_routeplanner_status()[source]#

Fetches the routeplanner status response from the target node.

async fetch_session_player(guild_id)[source]#

Gets the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

async fetch_session_players()[source]#

Gets all players associated with the target node.


A list of all players associated with the target node.

Return type:


async fetch_stats(raise_on_error=False)[source]#

Fetches the stats response from the target node.

async fetch_version(raise_on_error=False)[source]#

Fetches the version response from the target node.

async filters(*, player, volume=None, equalizer=None, karaoke=None, timescale=None, tremolo=None, vibrato=None, rotation=None, distortion=None, low_pass=None, channel_mix=None, echo=None)[source]#

Set the filters for a player.


Returns the decodetrack endpoint of the target node.


Returns the decodetracks endpoint of the target node.


Returns the info endpoint of the target node.


Returns the loadsearch endpoint of the target node.


Returns the loadtracks endpoint of the target node.


Returns the routeplanner free address endpoint of the target node.


Returns the routeplanner free all endpoint of the target node.


Returns the routeplanner status endpoint of the target node.


Returns the session endpoint of the target node.


Returns the session player endpoint of the target node for the given guild ID.


Returns the session player sponsorblock categories endpoint of the target node for the given guild ID.


Returns the session players endpoint of the target node.


Returns the stats endpoint of the target node.


Returns the version endpoint of the target node.


Returns the WebSocket endpoint of the target node.

get_filter_payload(*, player, volume=None, equalizer=None, karaoke=None, timescale=None, tremolo=None, vibrato=None, rotation=None, distortion=None, low_pass=None, channel_mix=None, reset_no_set=False, reset=False, pluginFilters=None)[source]#

Gets the filter payload.

async get_guild_player(guild_id)[source]#

Fetches the player for the given guild ID.

async get_lavasearch(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from LavaSearch. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadSearch Response Object

Return type:


async get_lavasearch_collection(query, bypass_cache=False, sleep=False, filter=None)[source]#

Gets all tracks associated with the given query.

  • query (Query) – The query to perform a search for.

  • filter (Optional[Literal[``”tracks”`` , "albums", "artists", "playlists"]]) – Whether to filter the response to a specific type.

  • bypass_cache (bool) – Whether to bypass the cache.

  • sleep (bool) – Whether to sleep for 1 second before returning the response.


Lavalink LoadSearch Response object

Return type:

Optional[rest_api.LoadSearchResponses | list[PlaylistData] | list[Track]]

async get_query_localfiles(query, bypass_cache=True)[source]#

Gets the query from Localfiles. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async get_query_speak(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query for speak. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async get_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id)[source]#

Gets the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

async get_track(query, first=False, bypass_cache=False, sleep=False)[source]#

Gets all tracks associated with the given query.

  • query (Query) – The query to perform a search for.

  • first (bool) – Whether to return the first result or all results.

  • bypass_cache (bool) – Whether to bypass the cache.

  • sleep (bool) – Whether to sleep for 1 second before returning the response.


Lavalink LoadTrack Response object

Return type:


async get_track_from_cache(query, first=False)[source]#

Gets a query from the query cache.

async get_unsupported_features()[source]#

Returns the unsupported features of the target node.


Checks if the target node has the specified source.


source (str) – The source to check.


True if the target node has the specified source, False otherwise.

Return type:



Checks if the target node has the specified filter.


filter_name (str) – The filter to check.


True if the target node has the specified filter, False otherwise.

Return type:



Checks if the target node has the specified source.


source (str) – The source to check.


True if the target node has the specified source, False otherwise.

Return type:


property host#

The host of the node

property identifier#

The identifier of the Node.

property is_ready#

Whether the node is ready or not.

property managed#

Whether the node is managed or not.

property name#

The name of the node

property node_manager#

The NodeManager this node belongs to

async node_monitor_task()[source]#

Monitors the node for health and stability.

static parse_loadtrack_response(data)[source]#
Parses the loadtrack response.
data: LoadTracksResponseT

The data to parse.


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

property password#

The password of the node

async patch_session(payload)[source]#

Patches the session associated with the target node.

async patch_session_player(guild_id, no_replace=False, payload=None)[source]#

Updates the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

property penalty#

Returns the load-balancing penalty for this node

async penalty_with_region(region)[source]#

The penalty for the node, with the region added in

property players#

Returns a list of all players on this node

property playing_count#

Returns the number of players on this node that are playing

property playing_players#

Returns a list of all players on this node that are playing

property port#

The port of the node

async post_decodetracks(encoded_tracks, raise_on_failure=False)[source]#

Posts the decodetracks response from the target node.

async post_routeplanner_free_address(address)[source]#

Frees the given address from the routeplanner.

async post_routeplanner_free_all()[source]#

Frees all addresses from the routeplanner.

async put_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id, categories)[source]#

Sets the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID.

property reconnect_attempts#

The number of attempts to reconnect to the node

property region#

The region of the node

async region_distance(region)[source]#

Returns the numeric representation of the distance between the target node and the given region.


region (str) – The region to get the distance to.


The numeric representation of the distance between the target node and the given region.

Return type:


property resume_timeout#

The timeout to use for resuming

async search_apple_music(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from Apple Music. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async search_deezer(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from Deezer. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


property search_only#

Whether the node is search only or not.

async search_soundcloud(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from Soundcloud. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async search_spotify(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from Spotify. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async search_yandex(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from Yandex Music. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async search_youtube(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from YouTube music. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


async search_youtube_music(query, bypass_cache=False)[source]#

Gets the query from YouTube music. :param query: The query to search for. :type query: str :param bypass_cache: Whether to bypass the cache. :type bypass_cache: bool


Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object

Return type:


property server_connected_players#

Returns the number of players on this node that are connected

property server_playing_players#

Returns the number of players on this node that are playing

property session#

The aiohttp session of the node

property session_id#

Returns the session id of the node

property socket_protocol#

The protocol used for the socket connection

property sources#

Returns the sources of the target node.


The sources of the target node.

Return type:


property ssl#

Whether the node is using a ssl connection

property stats#

The stats of the node

property supports_apple_music#

Checks if the target node supports Apple Music.


True if the target node supports Apple Music, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_bandcamp#

Checks if the target node supports Bandcamp.


True if the target node supports Bandcamp, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_clypit#

Checks if the target node supports ClypIt.


True if the target node supports ClypIt, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_deezer#

Checks if the target node supports Deezer.


True if the target node supports Deezer, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_getyarn#

Checks if the target node supports GetYarn.


True if the target node supports GetYarn, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_http#

Checks if the target node supports HTTP.


True if the target node supports HTTP, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_lavasearch#

Checks if the target node supports LavaSearch.


True if the target node supports LavaSearch, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_local#

Checks if the target node supports local files.


True if the target node supports local files, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_mixcloud#

Checks if the target node supports Mixcloud.


True if the target node supports Mixcloud, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_ocremix#

Checks if the target node supports OCRemix.


True if the target node supports OCRemix, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_pornhub#

Checks if the target node supports PornHub.


True if the target node supports PornHub, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_reddit#

Checks if the target node supports Reddit.


True if the target node supports Reddit, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_soundcloud#

Checks if the target node supports SoundCloud.


True if the target node supports SoundCloud, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_soundgasm#

Checks if the target node supports Soundgasm.


True if the target node supports Soundgasm, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_speak#

Checks if the target node supports speak source.


True if the target node supports speak, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_sponsorblock#

Checks if the target node supports SponsorBlock.


True if the target node supports SponsorBlock, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_spotify#

Checks if the target node supports Spotify.


True if the target node supports Spotify, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_tiktok#

Checks if the target node supports TikTok.


True if the target node supports TikTok, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_tts#

Checks if the target node supports Google Cloud TTS.


True if the target node supports Google Cloud TTS, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_twitch#

Checks if the target node supports Twitch.


True if the target node supports Twitch, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_vimeo#

Checks if the target node supports Vimeo.


True if the target node supports Vimeo, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_yandex_music#

Checks if the target node supports Yandex Music.


True if the target node supports Yandex Music, False otherwise.

Return type:


property supports_youtube#

Checks if the target node supports YouTube.


True if the target node supports YouTube, False otherwise.

Return type:


property trace#

Returns whether the node is being traced or not.

async update_disabled_sources(sources)[source]#

Updates the disabled sources.

Return type:


async update_features()[source]#

Updates the features of the target node.

property version#

The version of the node.


Returns whether a player has voted for this node

async wait_until_ready(timeout=None)[source]#

Waits until the target node is ready.

property websocket#

The websocket of the node

pylav.nodes.utils module#

class pylav.nodes.utils.Penalty(stats)[source]#

Bases: object

Represents the penalty of the stats of a Node

property cpu_penalty#

The penalty of the cpu load of the node

property deficit_frame_penalty#

The penalty of the deficit frames of the node

property null_frame_penalty#

The penalty of the nulled frames of the node

property player_penalty#

The penalty of the players playing on the node.

This is the number of players playing in the node.

property special_handling#

The special handling penalty of the node.

property total#

The total penalty of the node.

This is the sum of the penalties of the node.

class pylav.nodes.utils.Stats(node, data)[source]#

Bases: object

Represents the stats of Lavalink node

property cpu_cores#

The amount of cpu cores the system of the node has

property frames_deficit#

The number of missing frames. Lavalink generates this figure by calculating how many packets to expect per minute, and deducting frames_sent. Deficit frames could mean the CPU is overloaded, and isn’t generating frames as quickly as it should be.

property frames_nulled#

The number of frames that yielded null, rather than actual data

property frames_sent#

The number of frames sent to Discord. .. warning:: Given that audio packets are sent via UDP, this number may not be 100% accurate due to dropped packets.

The CPU load generated by Lavalink

property memory_allocated#

The amount of memory allocated to the node

property memory_free#

The amount of memory free to the node

property memory_reservable#

The amount of memory reservable to the node

property memory_used#

The amount of memory that is used by the node

property penalty#

The penalty for the node

property players#

The amount of players connected to the node

property playing_players#

The amount of players that are playing in the node

property system_load#

The overall CPU load of the system

property uptime#

How long the node has been running for in milliseconds

property uptime_seconds#

How long the node has been running for in seconds

async pylav.nodes.utils.sort_key_nodes(node, region=None)[source]#

The sort key for nodes.

pylav.nodes.websocket module#

class pylav.nodes.websocket.WebSocket(*, node, host, port, password, resume_timeout, reconnect_attempts, ssl)#

Bases: object

Represents the WebSocket connection with Lavalink

property bot_id#

Returns the bot’s ID

property can_resume#

Returns whether the websocket can resume

property client#

Returns the Client instance

async close()#

Closes the websocket connection.

async configure_resume_and_timeout()#

Configures the resume and timeout

async connect()#

Attempts to establish a connection to Lavalink

property connected#

Returns whether the websocket is connected to Lavalink

property connecting#

Returns whether the websocket is connecting to Lavalink

async handle_event(data)#

Handles the event message from Lavalink.


data (LavalinkEventT) – The data given from Lavalink.

async handle_message(data)#

Handles the response from the websocket.


data (LavalinkPlayerUpdateT|LavalinkEventT| LavalinkStatsT| LavalinkReadyT) – The data given from Lavalink.

async handle_player_update(data)#

Handles the player update message from the websocket.


data (LavalinkPlayerUpdateT) – The data given from Lavalink.

async handle_ready(data)#

Handles the ready message from the websocket.


data (LavalinkReadyT) – The data given from Lavalink.

async handle_stats(data)#

Handles the stats message from the websocket.


data (LavalinkStatsOpObject) – The data given from Lavalink.

property is_ready#

Returns whether the websocket is ready

property lib_version#

Returns the PyLav library version

async manual_closure(managed_node=False)#

Triggers a manual closure of the websocket connection.

async maybe_reconnect_player(player)#

Attempts to reconnect the player if it is not connected.


player (Player) – The player to reconnect.

property node#

Returns the Node instance

async ping()#

Pings the websocket

property resumed#

Returns whether the websocket has resumed

async send(**data)#

Sends a payload to Lavalink.


data (dict) – The data sent to Lavalink.

property session_id#

Returns the session ID

property socket_protocol#

The protocol used for the socket connection

async wait_until_ready(timeout=None)#

Waits until the websocket is ready

Module contents#