Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import discord

from pylav.helpers.misc import TimedFeature
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from import PlayerConfig

    from pylav.core.client import Client
LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.Database.Controller.Player.Config")

[docs] class PlayerConfigController: __slots__ = ("_client",) def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client @property def client(self) -> Client: return self._client
[docs] async def initialize_global_config(self) -> None: await PlayerConfig.create_global(
[docs] def get_global_config(self) -> PlayerConfig: return PlayerConfig(, id=0)
[docs] def get_config(self, guild_id: int) -> PlayerConfig: return PlayerConfig(, id=guild_id)
[docs] async def reset_to_default(self, guild_id: int) -> None: await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).delete()
[docs] async def get_volume(self, guild_id: int) -> int: global_vol = await self.get_global_config().fetch_volume() server_vol = await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_volume() return global_vol if global_vol < server_vol else server_vol
[docs] async def get_max_volume(self, guild_id: int) -> int: global_vol = await self.get_global_config().fetch_max_volume() server_vol = await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_max_volume() return global_vol if global_vol < server_vol else server_vol
[docs] async def get_shuffle(self, guild_id: int) -> bool: if await self.get_global_config().fetch_shuffle() is False: return False return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_shuffle()
[docs] async def get_auto_shuffle(self, guild_id: int) -> bool: if await self.get_global_config().fetch_auto_shuffle() is False: return False return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_auto_shuffle()
[docs] async def get_self_deaf(self, guild_id: int) -> bool: if await self.get_global_config().fetch_self_deaf() is True: return True return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_self_deaf()
[docs] async def get_empty_queue_dc(self, guild_id: int) -> TimedFeature: if (global_empty_queue_dc := await self.get_global_config().fetch_empty_queue_dc()).enabled is True: return global_empty_queue_dc return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_empty_queue_dc()
[docs] async def get_alone_dc(self, guild_id: int) -> TimedFeature: if (global_alone_dc := await self.get_global_config().fetch_alone_dc()).enabled is True: return global_alone_dc return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_alone_dc()
[docs] async def get_alone_pause(self, guild_id: int) -> TimedFeature: if (global_alone_pause := await self.get_global_config().fetch_alone_pause()).enabled is True: return global_alone_pause return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_alone_pause()
[docs] async def get_auto_play(self, guild_id: int) -> bool: if await self.get_global_config().fetch_auto_play() is False: return False return await self.get_config(guild_id=guild_id).fetch_auto_play()
[docs] async def is_dj( self, user: discord.Member, guild: discord.Guild, *, additional_role_ids: list = None, additional_user_ids: list = None, ) -> bool: if additional_user_ids and in additional_user_ids: return True if additional_role_ids and any( in additional_role_ids for r in user.roles): return True return await self.get_config( user=user, additional_role_ids=None, additional_user_ids=None )