Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import discord
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator

from pylav.helpers import emojis

_ = Translator("PyLav", Path(__file__))

[docs] class DisconnectButton(discord.ui.Button): def __init__( self, cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE, style: discord.ButtonStyle, row: int = None, ): super().__init__( style=style, emoji=emojis.POWER, row=row, ) self.cog = cog
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE): if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) context = await if not await await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, title=_("You are not authorized to perform this action.") ), ephemeral=True, ) return player = self.view.source.current_player if not player: await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, title=_("There are no players available for this action. Try refreshing.") ), ephemeral=True, ) return if notify_channel := await player.notify_channel(): with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await notify_channel.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( title=_("My bot owner requested an action"), description=_( "My bot owner has requested that I disconnect from this server. " "I have saved my current position, so connect me to a voice channel to resume playback. " "Sorry for any inconvenience caused." ), ) ) await player.disconnect( await self.view.prepare() kwargs = await self.view.get_page(self.view.current_page) attachments = [] if "file" in kwargs: attachments = [kwargs.pop("file")] elif "files" in kwargs: attachments = kwargs.pop("files") if attachments: kwargs["attachments"] = attachments await self.view.message.edit(view=self.view, **kwargs)
[docs] class StopTrackButton(discord.ui.Button): def __init__( self, cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE, style: discord.ButtonStyle, row: int = None, ): super().__init__( style=style, emoji=emojis.STOP, row=row, ) self.cog = cog
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE): if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) context = await if not await await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, description=_("You are not authorized to perform this action.") ), ephemeral=True, ) return player = self.view.source.current_player if not player: await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, description=_("There are no players available for this action. Try refreshing."), ), ephemeral=True, ) return await player.stop(interaction.user) if notify_channel := await player.notify_channel(): with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await notify_channel.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( title=_("My bot owner requested an action"), description=_( "My owner has requested that I wipe the queue for this server and stop playback. Sorry for any inconvenience caused." ), ) ) await self.view.prepare() kwargs = await self.view.get_page(self.view.current_page) attachments = [] if "file" in kwargs: attachments = [kwargs.pop("file")] elif "files" in kwargs: attachments = kwargs.pop("files") if attachments: kwargs["attachments"] = attachments await self.view.message.edit(view=self.view, **kwargs)
[docs] class DisconnectAllButton(discord.ui.Button): def __init__( self, cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE, disconnect_type: Literal["all", "inactive"], style: discord.ButtonStyle, row: int = None, ): super().__init__( style=style, emoji=emojis.POWER, row=row, ) self.disconnect_type = disconnect_type self.cog = cog
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE): if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) context = await if not await await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, description=_("You are not authorized to perform this action.") ), ephemeral=True, ) return players = ( self.cog.pylav.player_manager.connected_players if self.disconnect_type == "all" else self.cog.pylav.player_manager.not_playing_players ) if not players: await context.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( messageable=context, description=_("There are no players available for this action. Try refreshing."), ), ephemeral=True, ) return for player in players: if notify_channel := await player.notify_channel(): with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await notify_channel.send( embed=await self.cog.pylav.construct_embed( title=_("My bot owner requested an action"), description=_( "My bot owner has requested that I disconnect from all servers. " "I have saved my current position, so connect me to a voice channel to resume playback. " "Sorry for any inconvenience caused." ), ) ) await player.disconnect( await self.view.prepare() kwargs = await self.view.get_page(self.view.current_page) attachments = [] if "file" in kwargs: attachments = [kwargs.pop("file")] elif "files" in kwargs: attachments = kwargs.pop("files") if attachments: kwargs["attachments"] = attachments await self.view.message.edit(view=self.view, **kwargs)