Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import heapq
import pathlib
import re
from import Awaitable, Callable
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import wraps
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from cashews import Cache
from discord.app_commands import Choice
from rapidfuzz import fuzz

from import API_TYPES
from pylav.helpers.format.strings import shorten_string
from pylav.type_hints.generics import ANY_GENERIC_TYPE, PARAM_SPEC_TYPE

    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator

    _ = Translator("PyLav", pathlib.Path(__file__))
except ImportError:
    Translator = None

    def _(string: str) -> str:
        return string

    from pylav.core.client import Client, Translator
    from import Codec, Country, CountryCode, Language, State, Station, Tag

CACHE.setup("mem://?check_interval=10", size=1_000_000, enable=True)

[docs] class Error(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions raised by this module"""
[docs] class IllegalArgumentError(Error): """Raised for illegal argument"""
[docs] def bool_to_string(boolean: bool) -> str: """Convert a boolean type to string. Args: boolean (bool): A Boolean. Raises: TypeError Returns: str: String representation of a bool type. """ string = str(boolean).lower() if string in {"true", "false"}: return string raise TypeError("Value must be True or False")
[docs] def snake_to_camel(string: str) -> str: """Convert a snake case string to camel case.""" first, *others = string.split("_") return "".join([first.lower(), *map(str.title, others)])
[docs] def radio_browser_adapter(**kwargs: PARAM_SPEC_TYPE.kwargs) -> PARAM_SPEC_TYPE.kwargs: """Converts the keyword arguments to the format required by the RadioBrowser API.""" params = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): new_key = snake_to_camel(key) if isinstance(kwargs[key], bool): value = bool_to_string(value) params[new_key] = value return params
[docs] def validate_input( type_value: dict[str, type[str | bool | int]] | dict[str, str | int | bool], input_data: PARAM_SPEC_TYPE.kwargs, ) -> None: """Validate the input data.""" for key, value in input_data.items(): try: key_type = type_value[key] except KeyError as exc: raise IllegalArgumentError(f"There is no parameter named '{exc.args[0]}'") from exc else: if not isinstance(value, key_type): raise TypeError(f"Argument {key!r} must be {key_type.__name__}, not {type(value).__name__}")
[docs] def type_check( func: Callable[PARAM_SPEC_TYPE, Awaitable[ANY_GENERIC_TYPE]] # type: ignore ) -> Callable[PARAM_SPEC_TYPE, Awaitable[ANY_GENERIC_TYPE]]: # type: ignore """Decorator to check the type of the input data.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args: PARAM_SPEC_TYPE.args, **kwargs: PARAM_SPEC_TYPE.kwargs) -> Awaitable[ANY_GENERIC_TYPE]: validate_input(API_TYPES[func.__name__], kwargs) kwargs = radio_browser_adapter(**kwargs) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class TransformerCache: """A class to cache the data from the RadioBrowser API.""" _cache_stations: dict[str, Station] = {} _cache_tags: dict[str, Tag] = {} _cache_languages: dict[str, Language] = {} _cache_states: dict[str, State] = {} _cache_codecs: dict[str, Codec] = {} _cache_country_codes: dict[str, CountryCode] = {} _cache_countries: dict[str, Country] = {} _choice_cache_stations: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_tags: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_languages: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_states: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_codecs: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_country_codes: dict[str, Choice] = {} _choice_cache_countries: dict[str, Choice] = {} _top_25_stations: list[Choice] = [] _client: Client | None = None
[docs] @classmethod def clear_cache(cls): cls._cache_stations = {} cls._cache_tags = {} cls._cache_languages = {} cls._cache_states = {} cls._cache_codecs = {} cls._cache_country_codes = {} cls._cache_countries = {} cls._choice_cache_stations = {} cls._choice_cache_tags = {} cls._choice_cache_languages = {} cls._choice_cache_states = {} cls._choice_cache_codecs = {} cls._choice_cache_country_codes = {} cls._choice_cache_countries = {}
[docs] @classmethod async def fill_cache(cls, client: Client): """Fill the cache with data from the RadioBrowser API.""" cls._client = client cls._cache_stations = { s.stationuuid: s for s in sorted( await client.radio_browser.stations(hidebroken="true"), key=attrgetter("votes"), reverse=True ) } cls._cache_tags = { t for t in sorted(await client.radio_browser.tags(), key=attrgetter("name"))} cls._cache_languages = { l for l in sorted(await client.radio_browser.languages(), key=attrgetter("name")) } cls._cache_states = { s for s in sorted(await client.radio_browser.states(), key=attrgetter("name"))} cls._cache_codecs = { c for c in sorted(await client.radio_browser.codecs(), key=attrgetter("name"))} cls._cache_country_codes = { c for c in sorted(await client.radio_browser.countrycodes(), key=attrgetter("name")) } cls._cache_countries = { c for c in sorted(await client.radio_browser.countries(), key=attrgetter("name")) }
[docs] @classmethod def fill_choice_cache(cls): """Fill the choice cache with data from the cache.""" cls._choice_cache_stations = { station.stationuuid: Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else shorten_string(max_length=100, string=_("Unnamed")), value=f"{station.stationuuid}", ) for station in cls._cache_stations.values() } cls._choice_cache_tags = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else shorten_string(max_length=100, string=_("Unnamed")), value=f"{}", ) for tag in cls._cache_tags.values() } cls._choice_cache_languages = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else shorten_string(max_length=100, string=_("Unnamed")), value=f"{}", ) for language in cls._cache_languages.values() } cls._choice_cache_states = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else _("Unnamed"), value=f"{}" ) for state in cls._cache_states.values() } cls._choice_cache_codecs = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else _("Unnamed"), value=f"{}" ) for codec in cls._cache_codecs.values() } cls._choice_cache_country_codes = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else _("Unnamed"), value=f"{}", ) for country_code in cls._cache_country_codes.values() } cls._choice_cache_countries = { Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else _("Unnamed"), value=f"{}", ) for country in cls._cache_countries.values() }
[docs] @classmethod def get_station_cache(cls) -> dict[str, Station]: """Get the station cache.""" return cls._cache_stations
[docs] @classmethod def get_tag_cache(cls) -> dict[str, Tag]: """Get the tag cache.""" return cls._cache_tags
[docs] @classmethod def get_language_cache(cls) -> dict[str, Language]: """Get the language cache.""" return cls._cache_languages
[docs] @classmethod def get_state_cache(cls) -> dict[str, State]: """Get the state cache.""" return cls._cache_states
[docs] @classmethod def get_codec_cache(cls) -> dict[str, Codec]: """Get the codec cache.""" return cls._cache_codecs
[docs] @classmethod def get_country_code_cache(cls) -> dict[str, CountryCode]: """Get the country code cache.""" return cls._cache_country_codes
[docs] @classmethod def get_country_cache(cls) -> dict[str, Country]: """Get the country cache.""" return cls._cache_countries
[docs] @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def filter_cache( cls, cache_type: str, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any ) -> list[Station] | list[Tag] | list[Language] | list[State] | list[Codec] | list[CountryCode] | list[Country]: """Filter the cache by the given type and kwargs.""" match cache_type: case "station": return await cls._filter_station_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "tag": return await cls._filter_tag_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "language": return await cls._filter_language_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "state": return await cls._filter_state_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "codec": return await cls._filter_codec_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "countrycode": return await cls._filter_country_code_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case "country": return await cls._filter_country_cache(limit=limit, **kwargs) case __: return []
[docs] @classmethod def build_filter(cls, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str | bool]: """Build a filter dict from the given kwargs.""" filters = {} if "code" in kwargs: filters["code"] = kwargs["code"] if "country" in kwargs: filters["country"] = kwargs["country"] if kwargs["country"] in cls._choice_cache_country_codes: filters["country_exact"] = True kwargs["countrycode"] = cls._cache_countries[kwargs["country"]].iso_3166_1 if "state" in kwargs: filters["state"] = kwargs["state"] if kwargs["state"] in cls._choice_cache_states: filters["state_exact"] = True if "language" in kwargs: filters["language"] = kwargs["language"] if kwargs["language"] in cls._choice_cache_languages: filters["language_exact"] = True if "tag" in kwargs: filters["tag"] = kwargs["tag"] if kwargs["tag"] in cls._choice_cache_tags: filters["tag_exact"] = True elif "tag_list" in kwargs: filters["tag_list"] = kwargs["tag_list"].split(",") if "order" in kwargs: filters["order"] = kwargs["order"] if "countrycode" in kwargs: filters["countrycode"] = kwargs["countrycode"] if "name" in kwargs: filters["name"] = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", kwargs["name"]) return filters
@classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_station_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Station]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) key_set = { "state_exact", "language_exact", "tag_exact", "countrycode", "state", "language", "tag", "tag_list", "name", "order", } search_args = {} for key in filter_data: if filter_data[key] is not None and key in key_set: data = filter_data[key] search_args[key] = ",".join(data) if key == "tag_list" else data station = await limit=limit, **search_args, ) def _sort(c: Station) -> float | list[float]: if "name" not in filter_data: return [-ord(c) for c in] if == filter_data["name"]: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, filter_data["name"], ) return sorted(station, key=_sort, reverse=True) @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_tag_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Tag]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) tag_exact = filter_data.pop("tag_exact", False) tag = filter_data.pop("tag", None) tag_list = filter_data.pop("tag_list", None) def _filter_tag(c: Tag) -> float: if (tag_exact and == tag) or (tag_list and in tag_list): return 101 elif tag_list: return 0 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, tag, ) def _filter(c: Tag) -> float: return _filter_tag(c) extracted: list[Tag] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_tag_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_country_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Country]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) country_exact = filter_data.pop("country_exact", False) country = filter_data.pop("country", None) countrycode = filter_data.pop("code", filter_data.pop("countrycode", None)) def _filter_country(c: Country) -> float: if country_exact and == country: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, country, ) def _filter_countrycode(c: Country) -> float: return 101 if countrycode and c.iso_3166_1 == countrycode else 0 def _filter(c: Country) -> float: result = ( _filter_country(c) if country else 0, _filter_countrycode(c) if countrycode is None else 0, ) return sum(result) extracted: list[Country] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_country_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_country_code_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[CountryCode]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) countrycode = filter_data.pop("code", filter_data.pop("countrycode", None)) def _filter_countrycode(c: CountryCode) -> int: return 101 if countrycode and == countrycode else 0 def _filter(c: CountryCode) -> int: return _filter_countrycode(c) if countrycode else 0 extracted: list[CountryCode] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_country_code_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_state_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[State]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) state_exact = filter_data.pop("state_exact", False) state = filter_data.pop("state", None) country = filter_data.pop("country", None) country_exact = filter_data.pop("country_exact", False) def _filter_state(c: State) -> float: if state_exact and == state: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, state, ) def _filter_country(c: State) -> float: if country_exact and == country: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, country, ) def _filter(c: State) -> float: result = ( _filter_state(c) if state else 0, _filter_country(c) if country else 0, ) return sum(result) extracted: list[State] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_state_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_language_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Language]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) language_exact = filter_data.pop("language_exact", False) language = filter_data.pop("language", None) def _filter_language(c: Language) -> float: if language_exact and == language: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, language, ) def _filter(c: Language) -> float: return _filter_language(c) if language else 0 extracted: list[Language] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_language_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def _filter_codec_cache(cls, limit: int = 25, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Codec]: filter_data = cls.build_filter(**kwargs) codec_exact = filter_data.pop("codec_exact", False) codec = filter_data.pop("codec", None) def _filter_codec(c: Codec) -> float: if codec_exact and == codec: return 101 return fuzz.partial_ratio(, codec, ) def _filter(c: Codec) -> float: return _filter_codec(c) if codec else 0 extracted: list[Codec] = heapq.nlargest(limit, cls.get_codec_cache().values(), key=_filter) return extracted
[docs] @classmethod @CACHE.cache(ttl=timedelta(hours=24)) async def get_top_25_stations(cls) -> list[Choice]: """Get the top 25 stations by vote count.""" if cls._top_25_stations: return cls._top_25_stations def _filter(c: Station) -> int: return c.votes extracted: list[Station] = heapq.nlargest(25, cls.get_station_cache().values(), key=_filter) cls._top_25_stations = [ Choice( name=shorten_string(, max_length=100) if else shorten_string(max_length=100, string=_("Unnamed")), value=f"{e.stationuuid}", ) for e in extracted ] return cls._top_25_stations