Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import aiohttp
import aiohttp_client_cache
from yarl import URL

from pylav.compat import json
from import pick_base_url
from import Codec, Country, CountryCode, Language, State, Station, Tag
from import TransformerCache, type_check
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.type_hints.dict_typing import JSON_DICT_TYPE
from pylav.utils.vendor.redbot import AsyncIter

    from pylav.core.client import Client

LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.extension.RadioBrowser")

[docs] class Request: """A wrapper for the aiohttp client.""" __slots__ = ("_headers", "_cached_session", "_session") def __init__( self, headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cached_session: aiohttp_client_cache.CachedSession | None = None, session: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None, ) -> None: self._headers = headers self._cached_session = cached_session self._session = session
[docs] async def get(self, url: str | URL, skip_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> list[JSON_DICT_TYPE] | None: if skip_cache: async with self._session.get(url, params=kwargs) as resp: if resp.status == 200: return await resp.json(loads=json.loads) else: async with self._cached_session.get(url, headers=self._headers, params=kwargs) as resp: if resp.status == 200: return await resp.json(loads=json.loads) resp.raise_for_status()
[docs] class RadioBrowser: """This class implements the main interface for the Radio Browser API.""" def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: headers = {"User-Agent": f"PyLav/{client.lib_version}"} self._client = client self.request = Request( headers=headers, cached_session=self._client.cached_session, session=self._client.session ) self._disabled = False
[docs] async def initialize(self) -> None: try: self._disabled = not await self.base_url if self._disabled: LOGGER.error("Error while initializing the Radio Browser extension - disabling it") return LOGGER.debug("Priming radio cache") await TransformerCache.fill_cache(self._client) await self.stations_by_clicks(limit=25) await self.stations_by_votes(limit=25) TransformerCache.fill_choice_cache() LOGGER.debug("Radio cache primed") except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while initializing the Radio Browser extension - disabling it") LOGGER.debug(e, exc_info=e) self._disabled = True
@property async def base_url(self) -> URL: """The base URL for the Radio Browser API.""" if url := await pick_base_url(self._client.session): return url self._disabled = True return URL() @property def disabled(self) -> bool: """Whether the extension is disabled.""" return self._disabled
[docs] @type_check async def countries(self, code: str | None = None) -> list[Country]: """Lists all countries. Args: code (str, optional): Filter by country code. Defaults to None. Returns: list: Countries. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "countries" if code: url /= code if self._disabled: return [] return [Country(**country) for country in await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true")]
[docs] @type_check async def countrycodes(self, code: str | None = None) -> list[CountryCode]: """Lists all countries. Args: code (str, optional): Filter by country code. Defaults to None. Returns: list: Countries. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "countrycodes" if code: url /= code if self._disabled: return [] return [CountryCode(**country) for country in await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true")]
[docs] @type_check async def codecs(self, codec: str | None = None) -> list[Codec]: """Lists all codecs. Args: codec (str, optional): Filter by codec. Defaults to None. Returns: list: Codecs. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "codecs" if self._disabled: return [] response = await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true") if codec: return [Codec(**tag) for tag in filter(lambda s: s["name"].lower() == codec.lower(), response)] return [Codec(**tag) for tag in response]
[docs] @type_check async def states(self, country: str | None = None, state: str | None = None) -> list[State]: """Lists all states. Args: country (str, optional): Filter by country. Defaults to None. state (str, optionla): Filter by state. Defaults to None. Returns: list: States. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "states" if self._disabled: return [] response = await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true") if country: if state: return [ State(**state) for state in filter( lambda s: s["country"].lower() == country.lower() and s["name"].lower() == state.lower(), response, ) ] return [State(**state) for state in filter(lambda s: s["country"].lower() == country.lower(), response)] if state: return [State(**state) for state in filter(lambda s: s["name"].lower() == state.lower(), response)] return [State(**state) for state in response]
[docs] @type_check async def languages(self, language: str | None = None) -> list[Language]: """Lists all languages. Args: language (str, optional): Filter by language. Defaults to None. Returns: list: Languages. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "languages" if language: url /= language if self._disabled: return [] response = await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true") return [Language(**language) for language in response]
[docs] @type_check async def tags(self, tag: str | None = None) -> list[Tag]: """Lists all tags. Args: tag (str, optional): Filter by tag. Defaults to None. Returns: list: Tags. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "tags" if tag: url /= tag.lower() if self._disabled: return [] response = await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true") return [Tag(**tag) for tag in response]
[docs] async def station_by_uuid(self, stationuuid: str) -> list[Station]: """Radio station by stationuuid. Args: stationuuid (str): A globally unique identifier for the station. Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "stations" / "byuuid" / stationuuid if self._disabled: return [] response = await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true") return [Station(radio_api_client=self, **station) async for station in AsyncIter(response, steps=250)]
[docs] async def stations_by_name( self, name: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None ) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by name. Args: name (str): The name of the station. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `name` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"name": name, "name_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_codec( self, codec: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None ) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by codec. Args: codec (str): The name of the codec. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `codec` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"codec": codec, "codec_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_country( self, country: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None ) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by country. Args: country (str): The name of the country. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `country` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"country": country, "country_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_countrycode(self, code: str, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by country code. Arguments: ---------- code (str): Official countrycodes as in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `code` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"countrycode": code, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_state( self, state: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None ) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by state. Args: state (str): The name of the state. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `state` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"state": state, "state_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_language( self, language: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None ) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by language. Args: language (str): The name of the language. exact (bool): if the search should search for a station with the exact `language` Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"language": language, "language_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_tag(self, tag: str, exact: bool = False, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by tag. Args: tag (str): The name of the tag. exact (bool): If set to True, the tag must be exactly the same as the given tag. Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ kwargs |= {"tag": tag, "tag_exact": exact, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def stations_by_tag_list(self, tag_list: list[str], **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations by tag. Must match all tags exactly. Args: tag_list (list): A list of names of tags. Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ tag_list = ",".join(tag_list) kwargs["tag_list"] = tag_list kwargs |= {"tag_list": tag_list, "order": "votes"} kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", True) return await**kwargs)
[docs] async def click_counter(self, stationuuid: str) -> list[dict[str, str | int | bool]]: """Increase the click count of a station by one. This should be called everytime when a user starts playing a stream to mark the stream more popular than others. Every call to this endpoint from the same IP address and for the same station only gets counted once per day. The call will return detailed information about the stat stream, supported output formats: JSON Args: stationuuid (str): A globally unique identifier for the station. Returns: dict: A dict containing informations about the radio station. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "url" / f"{stationuuid}" return [] if self._disabled else await self.request.get(url, hidebroken="true")
[docs] async def stations(self, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """Lists all radio stations. Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "stations" if self._disabled: return [] kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", "true") return [ Station(radio_api_client=self, **station) async for station in AsyncIter(await self.request.get(url, **kwargs), steps=250) ]
[docs] async def stations_by_votes(self, limit: int, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """A list of the highest-voted stations. Args: limit: Number of wanted stations Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "stations" / "topvote" / f"{limit}" if self._disabled: return [] kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", "true") response = await self.request.get(url, **kwargs) return [Station(radio_api_client=self, **station) async for station in AsyncIter(response, steps=250)]
[docs] async def stations_by_clicks(self, limit: int, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """A list of the stations that are clicked the most. Args: limit: Number of wanted stations Returns: list: Stations. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "stations" / "topclick" / f"{limit}" if self._disabled: return [] kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", "true") response = await self.request.get(url, **kwargs) return [Station(radio_api_client=self, **station) async for station in AsyncIter(response, steps=250)]
[docs] @type_check async def search(self, **kwargs: str | int | bool | None) -> list[Station]: """Advanced search. It will search for the station whose attribute contains the search term. Arguments: ---------- name (str, optional): Name of the station. name_exact (bool, optional): Only exact matches, otherwise all matches (default: False). country (str, optional): Country of the station. country_exact (bool, optional): Only exact matches, otherwise all matches (default: False). countrycode (str, optional): 2-digit countrycode of the station (see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) state (str, optional): State of the station. state_exact (bool, optional): Only exact matches, otherwise all matches. (default: False) language (str, optional): Language of the station. language_exact (bool, optional): Only exact matches, otherwise all matches. (default: False) tag (str, optional): Tag of the station. tag_exact (bool, optional): Only exact matches, otherwise all matches. (default: False) tag_list (str, optional): A comma-separated list of tag. bitrate_min (int, optional): Minimum of kbps for bitrate field of stations in result. (default: 0) bitrate_max (int, optional): Maximum of kbps for bitrate field of stations in result. (default: 1000000) order (str, optional): The result list will be sorted by: name, url, homepage, favicon, tags, country, state, language, votes, codec, bitrate, lastcheckok, lastchecktime, clicktimestamp, clickcount, clicktrend, random reverse (bool, optional): Reverse the result list if set to true. (default: false) offset (int, optional): Starting value of the result list from the database. For example, if you want to do paging on the server side. (default: 0) limit (int, optional): Number of returned datarows (stations) starting with offset (default 100000) hidebroken (bool, optional): do list/not list broken stations. Note: Not documented in the "Advanced Station Search". Returns: list: Station. See details: """ url = await self.base_url / "json" / "stations" / "search" if self._disabled: return [] # lowercase tag reference since the API turned to be case-sensitive for paramkey in ["tag", "tagList"]: if paramkey in kwargs: kwargs[paramkey] = kwargs[paramkey].lower() kwargs["hidebroken"] = kwargs.pop("hidebroken", "true") if kwargs["hidebroken"] is False: kwargs["hidebroken"] = "false" return [ Station(radio_api_client=self, **station) async for station in AsyncIter(await self.request.get(url, **kwargs), steps=250) ]
[docs] async def click(self, station: Station | None = None, station_id: str | None = None) -> None: """Increase the click count of a station by one. This should be called everytime when a user starts playing a stream to mark the stream more popular than others. Every call to this endpoint from the same IP address and for the same station only gets counted once per day. Parameters: station (Station, optional): The station to click. station_id (str, optional): The station uuid to click. """ if (not station) and (not station_id): return if station: station_id = station.stationuuid url = await self.base_url / "json" / "url" / f"{station_id}" if self._disabled: return with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self.request.get(url)