Source code for pylav.extension.m3u.base

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import os

import aiopath
from cashews import Cache

from pylav.extension.m3u.http_client import DefaultHTTPClient, parsed_url
from pylav.extension.m3u.models import M3U8
from pylav.extension.m3u.parser import is_url

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2014 Player authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT License
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

CACHE = Cache("M3U3CACHE")
CACHE.setup("mem://?check_interval=10", size=1_000_000, enable=True)

[docs] @CACHE(ttl=600, prefix="m3u_loads") async def loads(self, content: str, uri: str = None, custom_tags_parser=None): # noqa """ Given a string with a m3u8 content, returns a M3U8 object. Optionally parses a uri to set a correct base_uri on the M3U8 object. Raises ValueError if invalid content """ if uri is None: return await asyncio.to_thread(M3U8, content, custom_tags_parser=custom_tags_parser) else: parsed_url(uri)
[docs] @CACHE(ttl=600, prefix="m3u_load") async def load( self, # noqa uri: str, timeout: float = None, headers: dict[str, str] = None, custom_tags_parser=None, http_client: DefaultHTTPClient = DefaultHTTPClient(), verify_ssl: bool = True, ): """ Retrieves the content from a given URI and returns a M3U8 object. Raises ValueError if invalid content or IOError if request fails. """ if headers is None: headers = {} if is_url(uri): content, base_uri = await, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) return await asyncio.to_thread(M3U8, content, base_uri=base_uri, custom_tags_parser=custom_tags_parser) else: return await load_from_file(uri, custom_tags_parser)
[docs] async def load_from_file(uri: str, custom_tags_parser=None): """Loads a m3u8 file from the filesystem Parameters: ----------- uri: str uri of the m3u8 file custom_tags_parser: callable custom tags parser function """ path = aiopath.AsyncPath(uri) async with"r", encoding="utf8") as file: raw_content = (await base_uri = os.path.dirname(uri) return M3U8(raw_content, base_uri=base_uri, custom_tags_parser=custom_tags_parser)