Source code for pylav.extension.bundled_node.manager

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import datetime
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import tempfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import aiohttp
import aiopath
import dateutil
import dateutil.parser
import psutil
import rich.progress
import yaml
from packaging.version import Version

from pylav._internals.functions import get_true_path
from pylav.compat import json
from pylav.constants.config import JAVA_EXECUTABLE
from pylav.constants.misc import EPOCH_DT_TZ_AWARE
from pylav.constants.node import JAR_SERVER_RELEASES
from pylav.constants.regex import (
from pylav.constants.versions import VERSION_4_0_0_FIRST
from pylav.exceptions.node import (
from pylav.extension.bundled_node.utils import change_dict_naming_convention, get_jar_ram_actual
from pylav.helpers.misc import ExponentialBackoffWithReset
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.node import Node
from import update_plugins
from pylav.type_hints.dict_typing import JSON_DICT_TYPE

    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator

    _ = Translator("PyLav", pathlib.Path(__file__))
except ImportError:
    Translator = None

    def _(string: str) -> str:
        return string

    from pylav.core.client import Client

LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.ManagedNode")

[docs] class LocalNodeManager: """A manager for a local Lavalink node.""" __slots__ = ( "ready", "_ci_info", "_client", "_proc", "_node_pid", "_shutdown", "start_monitor_task", "timeout", "_args", "_session", "_node_id", "_node", "_current_config", "abort_for_unmanaged", "_wait_for", "_java_path", "_java_exc", "_java_available", "_java_version", "_java_version", "_up_to_date", "_blacklisted_archs", "_lavaplayer", "_lavalink_build", "_jvm", "_lavalink_branch", "_buildtime", "_commit", "_version", "__buffer_task", "_disabled", ) def __init__(self, client: Client, timeout: int | None = None) -> None: self._java_available: bool | None = None self._java_version: tuple[int, int] | None = None self._up_to_date: bool | None = None self._blacklisted_archs: list[str] = [] self._lavaplayer: str | None = None self._lavalink_build: int | None = None self._jvm: str | None = None self._lavalink_branch: str | None = None self._buildtime: str | None = None self._commit: str | None = None self._version: str | None = None self._java_exc: str = JAVA_EXECUTABLE self.ready: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() self._ci_info: dict = {"number": 0, "branchName": "", "finishDate": "", "href": "", "jar_url": ""} self._client = client self._proc: asyncio.subprocess.Process | None = None # pylint:disable=no-member self._node_pid: int | None = None self._shutdown: bool = False self.start_monitor_task = None self.timeout = timeout self._args = [] self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=120), json_serialize=json.dumps) self._node_id: int = self._node: Node | None = None self._current_config = {} self.abort_for_unmanaged: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() self._args = [] self._wait_for = asyncio.Event() self._java_path = None self.__buffer_task = None self._disabled = True @property def disabled(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is disabled or not.""" return self._disabled @property def node(self) -> Node | None: """The node object.""" return self._node @property def path(self) -> str | None: """The path to the Lavalink jar file.""" return self._java_exc @property def jvm(self) -> str | None: """The JVM version used by Lavalink.""" return self._jvm @property def lavaplayer(self) -> str | None: """The Lavaplayer version used by Lavalink.""" return self._lavaplayer @property def ll_build(self) -> int | None: """The Lavalink build number used by Lavalink.""" return self._lavalink_build @property def ll_branch(self) -> str | None: """The Lavalink branch used by Lavalink.""" return self._lavalink_branch @property def build_time(self) -> str | None: """The Lavalink build time used by Lavalink.""" return self._buildtime @staticmethod def _get_release_publish_dt_or_epoch(release: dict) -> datetime.datetime: return ( dateutil.parser.parse(release["published_at"]) if Version(release["tag_name"]) >= VERSION_4_0_0_FIRST else EPOCH_DT_TZ_AWARE ) @staticmethod def _get_release_filter(release: dict) -> bool: return Version(release["tag_name"]) >= VERSION_4_0_0_FIRST
[docs] async def get_ci_latest_info(self) -> dict[str, int | str | None]: """Get the latest CI info from GitHub.""" async with self._client.cached_session.get( f"{JAR_SERVER_RELEASES}", headers={"Accept": "application/json"} ) as response: if response.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("Failed to get latest CI info from GitHub: %s", response.status) self._ci_info["number"] = -1 return self._ci_info data = await response.json(loads=json.loads) release = max(filter(self._get_release_filter, data), key=self._get_release_publish_dt_or_epoch) assets = release.get("assets", []) url = None for asset in iter(assets): if asset["name"] != "Lavalink.jar": continue url = asset.get("browser_download_url") if url is None: LOGGER.warning("Failed to get a supported released from from GitHub") self._ci_info["number"] = -1 return self._ci_info date = release.get("published_at") branch = release.get("target_commitish") return {"number": int(release.get("id")), "branchName": branch, "finishDate": date, "jar_url": url}
async def _start(self, java_path: str) -> None: arch_name = platform.machine() self._java_exc = java_path if arch_name in self._blacklisted_archs: raise InvalidArchitectureException( _("You are attempting to run the managed Lavalink node on an unsupported machine architecture.") ) await self.process_settings() possible_lavalink_processes = await self.get_lavalink_process(lazy_match=True) if possible_lavalink_processes: await self.process_existing_lavalink_processes(possible_lavalink_processes) await self.maybe_download_jar() args, msg = await self._get_jar_args() if msg is not None: LOGGER.warning(msg) command_string = shlex.join(args)"Managed Lavalink node startup command: %s", command_string) if "-Xmx" not in command_string and msg is None: LOGGER.warning("Managed Lavalink node maximum allowed RAM not set or higher than available RAM") try: self._proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( # pylint:disable=no-member *args, cwd=str(LAVALINK_DOWNLOAD_DIR), stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL, ) self._node_pid ="Managed Lavalink node started. PID: %s", self._node_pid) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self._wait_for_launcher(), timeout=self.timeout) except TimeoutError: LOGGER.warning("Timeout occurred whilst waiting for managed Lavalink node to be ready") raise except TimeoutError: await self._partial_shutdown() except Exception: # noqa await self._partial_shutdown() raise
[docs] async def process_settings(self) -> None: """Process settings.""" data = await self._client.node_db_manager.bundled_node_config().fetch_yaml() data = change_dict_naming_convention(data) # The reason this is here is to completely remove these keys from the application.yml # if they are set to empty values await self.maybe_remove_ratelimit_config(data) await self.update_dns_config(data) await self.maybe_remove_proxy_config(data) await self.maybe_remove_apple_music_config(data) await self.maybe_remove_yandex_config(data) data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["providers"] = list(dict.fromkeys(data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["providers"])) await self.maybe_update_apple_music_country_code(data) await self.maybe_update_spotify_country_code(data) await self.maybe_update_tts_country_code(data) self._current_config = data async with"w") as f: await f.write(yaml.safe_dump(data))
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_update_tts_country_code(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Update TTS country code if it's invalid.""" if len(data["plugins"]["dunctebot"]["ttsLanguage"]) != 5: data["plugins"]["dunctebot"]["ttsLanguage"] = "en-US" LOGGER.warning("Invalid TTS language code provided for dunctebot plugin, defaulting to en-US")
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_update_spotify_country_code(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Update Spotify country code if it's invalid.""" if len(data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["countryCode"]) != 2: data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["countryCode"] = "US" LOGGER.warning( "Spotify country code is not set to a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code and has been defaulted to US" )
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_update_apple_music_country_code(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Update Apple Music country code if it's invalid.""" if len(data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["countryCode"]) != 2: data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["countryCode"] = "US" LOGGER.warning( "Apple Music country code is not set to a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code and has been defaulted to US" )
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_remove_yandex_config(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Remove Yandex Music config if it's not set.""" if ( "accessToken" not in data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["yandexmusic"] or not data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["yandexmusic"]["accessToken"] ): del data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["yandexmusic"]
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_remove_apple_music_config(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Remove Apple Music config if it's not set.""" if ( "mediaAPIToken" not in data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"] or not data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["mediaAPIToken"] ): del data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["mediaAPIToken"]
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_remove_proxy_config(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Remove proxy config if it's not set.""" if not data["lavalink"]["server"]["httpConfig"].get("proxyHost"): del data["lavalink"]["server"]["httpConfig"]
[docs] async def update_dns_config(self, data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Update DNS config if it's not set.""" if data["sentry"]["dsn"]: data["sentry"]["tags"]["ID"] = data["sentry"]["tags"]["pylav_version"] = self._client.lib_version
[docs] @staticmethod async def maybe_remove_ratelimit_config(data: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None: """Remove ratelimit config if it's not set.""" if not ( data["lavalink"]["server"]["ratelimit"].get("ipBlocks") and data["lavalink"]["server"]["ratelimit"].get("strategy") ): del data["lavalink"]["server"]["ratelimit"]
async def _get_jar_args(self) -> tuple[list[str], str | None]: java_available, java_version = await self._has_java() if not java_available: raise OSError(f"Pylav - Java executable not found, tried to use: '{self._java_exc}'") java_xms_default, java_xmx_default, __, java_max_allowed_ram = get_jar_ram_actual(self._java_exc) java_xms, java_xmx = ( java_xms_default, (await self._client.node_db_manager.bundled_node_config().fetch_extras()).get("max_ram", java_xmx_default), ) match = re.match(r"^(\d+)([MG])$", java_xmx, flags=re.IGNORECASE) command_args = [self._java_exc, f"-Xms{java_xms}"] if (11, 0) <= java_version < (12, 0): command_args.append("-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2") meta = 0, None invalid = None if match and int(match[1]) * 1024 ** (2 if match[2].lower() == "m" else 3) <= java_max_allowed_ram: command_args.append(f"-Xmx{java_xmx}") elif meta[0] is not None: invalid = "Managed Lavalink node RAM allocation ignored due to system limitations, please fix this" command_args.extend(["-jar", str(LAVALINK_JAR_FILE)]) self._args = command_args return command_args, invalid async def _has_java(self) -> tuple[bool, tuple[int, int] | None]: if self._java_available: # Return cached value if we've checked this before return self._java_available, self._java_version java_exec = get_true_path(self._java_exc) java_available = java_exec is not None if not java_available: self._java_available = False self._java_version = None else: self._java_version = await self._get_java_version() self._java_available = self._java_version >= ( 17, 0, ) # self._java_exc = java_exec return self._java_available, self._java_version async def _get_java_version(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """This assumes we've already checked that java exists""" _proc: asyncio.subprocess.Process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( # pylint:disable=no-member self._java_exc, "-version", stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # java -version outputs to stderr __, err = await _proc.communicate() version_info: str = err.decode("utf-8") lines = version_info.splitlines() for line in iter(lines): match = if match is None: match = if match is None: match = if match is None: continue major = int(match["major"]) minor = 0 if minor_str := match["minor"]: minor = int(minor_str) return major, minor raise UnexpectedJavaResponseException( _( "The output of `{command_name_variable_do_not_translate}` was unexpected\n{command_output_variable_do_not_translate}" ).format( command_name_variable_do_not_translate=f"{self._java_exc} -version", command_output_variable_do_not_translate=version_info, ) ) async def __consume_buffer(self) -> None: async for __ in self._proc.stdout: pass async def _wait_for_launcher(self) -> None:"Waiting for Managed Lavalink node to be ready") async for line in self._proc.stdout: if self.ready.set()"Managed Lavalink node is ready to receive requests") self.__buffer_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__consume_buffer()) break if if f"Port {self._current_config['server']['port']} was already in use".encode() in line: raise PortAlreadyInUseException( _( "The port {port_variable_do_not_translate} is already in use. Managed Lavalink startup has been aborted." ).format(port_variable_do_not_translate=self._current_config["server"]["port"]) ) raise ManagedLavalinkStartFailureException( _("Lavalink failed to start: {error_variable_do_not_translate}").format( error_variable_do_not_translate=line.decode("utf-8") ) ) if self._proc.returncode is not None: # Avoid Console spam only print once every 2 seconds raise EarlyExitException("Managed Lavalink node server exited early")
[docs] async def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shuts down the managed Lavalink node server and removes it from the node manager.""" self._disabled = True if self.start_monitor_task is not None: self.start_monitor_task.cancel() if self.node: await self._client.node_manager.remove_node(self.node) self._node = None await self._partial_shutdown() await self._session.close()
async def _partial_shutdown(self) -> None: self.ready.clear() self._wait_for.clear() self.abort_for_unmanaged.clear() # In certain situations to await self._proc.wait() is invalid so waiting on it waits forever. if self._shutdown is True: # For convenience, calling this method more than once or calling it before starting it # does nothing. return if self.__buffer_task is not None: self.__buffer_task.cancel() self.__buffer_task = None await self.maybe_kill_existing_process() await self.maybe_kill_alive_process() self._proc = None self._shutdown = True self._node_pid = None if self._node is not None: await self._client.remove_node(self._node_id) self._node = None
[docs] async def maybe_kill_alive_process(self) -> None: """Kills the process if it is still alive""" if self._proc is not None and self._proc.returncode is None: self._proc.terminate() self._proc.kill() await self._proc.wait()
[docs] async def maybe_kill_existing_process(self) -> None: """Kills the process if it is still alive""" if self._node_pid: with contextlib.suppress(psutil.Error): p = psutil.Process(self._node_pid) p.terminate() p.kill()
[docs] async def should_auto_update(self) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the managed node should auto update""" # noinspection PyProtectedMember return ( False if USING_FORCED else await self._client._lib_config_manager.get_config().fetch_auto_update_managed_nodes() )
async def _download_jar(self, forced: bool = False) -> None: if not await self.should_auto_update() and not forced: return"Downloading Lavalink.jar") jar_url = ( self._ci_info["jar_url"] or "" ) async with self._session.get(jar_url, timeout=3600) as response: if response.status == 404: raise LavalinkDownloadFailedException(response=response, should_retry=False) elif 400 <= response.status < 600: raise LavalinkDownloadFailedException(response=response, should_retry=True) fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() file = open(fd, "wb") nbytes = 0 with rich.progress.Progress( rich.progress.SpinnerColumn(), rich.progress.TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), rich.progress.BarColumn(), rich.progress.TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), rich.progress.TimeRemainingColumn(), rich.progress.TimeElapsedColumn(), ) as progress: progress_task_id = progress.add_task("[red]Downloading Lavalink.jar", total=response.content_length) try: chunk = await while chunk: chunk_size = file.write(chunk) nbytes += chunk_size progress.update(progress_task_id, advance=chunk_size) chunk = await file.flush() finally: file.close() shutil.move(path, str(LAVALINK_JAR_FILE), copy_function=shutil.copyfile)"Successfully downloaded Lavalink.jar (%s bytes written)", format(nbytes, ",")) await self._is_up_to_date(forced=forced) # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self._client._config.update_download_id(self._ci_info["number"]) async def _is_up_to_date(self, forced: bool = False) -> bool: if self._up_to_date is True and not forced: # Return cached value if we've checked this before return True # noinspection PyProtectedMember last_download_id = await self._client._config.fetch_download_id() args, _ = await self._get_jar_args() args.append("--version") _proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( # pylint:disable=no-member *args, cwd=str(LAVALINK_DOWNLOAD_DIR), stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, ) stdout = (await _proc.communicate())[0] build = or {"build": b"Unknown"} branch = or {"branch": b"Unknown"} java = or {"jvm": b"Unknown"} lavaplayer = or {"lavaplayer": b"Unknown"} buildtime = or {"build_time": b"Unknown"} commit = or {"commit": b"Unknown"} version = or {"version": b"Unknown"} "Current Lavalink meta: Lavalink build: %s, branch: %s, " "java: %s, lavaplayer: %s, build_time: %s commit: %s version: %s", build["build"], branch["branch"], java["jvm"], lavaplayer["lavaplayer"], buildtime["build_time"], commit["commit"], version["version"], ) if build["build"] == b"Unknown": build = int(last_download_id) else: build = int(build["build"]) date = buildtime["build_time"].decode() date = date.replace(".", "/") self._lavalink_build = build self._lavalink_branch = branch["branch"].decode() self._jvm = java["jvm"].decode() self._lavaplayer = lavaplayer["lavaplayer"].decode() self._commit = commit["commit"].decode() self._version = version["version"].decode() self._buildtime = date if await self.should_auto_update() or forced: self._up_to_date = last_download_id == self._ci_info.get("number", -1) else: self._ci_info["number"] = build self._up_to_date = True return self._up_to_date
[docs] async def maybe_download_jar(self) -> None: """Download the Lavalink.jar if it doesn't exist or is out of date.""" if USING_FORCED is False: self._ci_info = await self.get_ci_latest_info()"CI info: %s", self._ci_info) if not (await LAVALINK_JAR_FILE.exists() and await self._is_up_to_date()): await self._download_jar()
[docs] async def wait_until_ready(self, timeout: float | None = None) -> None: """Wait until Lavalink is ready to accept connections.""" tasks = [asyncio.create_task(c) for c in [self.ready.wait(), self.abort_for_unmanaged.wait()]] done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, timeout=timeout or self.timeout, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in pending: task.cancel() if done: done.pop().result() if self.abort_for_unmanaged.is_set(): raise TimeoutError if not self.ready.is_set(): raise TimeoutError
[docs] async def wait_until_connected(self, timeout: float | None = None) -> None: """Wait until Lavalink is connected.""" tasks = [asyncio.create_task(c) for c in [self._wait_for.wait(), self.wait_until_ready()]] _, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, timeout=timeout or self.timeout, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) for task in pending: task.cancel()
[docs] async def start_monitor(self, java_path: str) -> None: """Start the monitor task for this node.""" retry_count = 0 backoff = ExponentialBackoffWithReset(base=3) while True: try: await self._monitor_primary_healthy_flow(backoff, java_path, retry_count) except (TooManyProcessFoundException, IncorrectProcessFoundException, NoProcessFoundException): await self._partial_shutdown() except TimeoutError: delay = backoff.delay() await self._partial_shutdown() LOGGER.warning( "Lavalink Managed node health check timeout, restarting in %s seconds", delay, ) await asyncio.sleep(delay) except ManagedLavalinkStartFailureException: await self._monitor_managed_start_failure() except NodeUnhealthyException: await self._monitor_handle_unhealthy(backoff) except LavalinkDownloadFailedException as exc: delay = backoff.delay() if exc.should_retry: LOGGER.warning( "Lavalink Managed node download failed retrying in %s seconds\n%s", delay, exc.response, ) retry_count += 1 await self._partial_shutdown() await asyncio.sleep(delay) else: LOGGER.error( "Fatal exception whilst starting managed Lavalink node, aborting...\n%s", exc.response, ) # lavalink_connection_aborted return await self.shutdown() except InvalidArchitectureException: LOGGER.error("Invalid machine architecture, cannot run a managed Lavalink node") # lavalink_connection_aborted return await self.shutdown() except (UnsupportedJavaException, UnexpectedJavaResponseException) as exc: LOGGER.error(exc) # lavalink_connection_aborted return await self.shutdown() except ManagedLinkStartAbortedUseExternal: LOGGER.warning("Lavalink Managed node start aborted, using the detected external Lavalink node") return await self.connect_node(reconnect=False, wait_for=0, external_fallback=True) except ManagedLavalinkNodeException as exc: await self._monitor_managed_node_error(backoff, exc) except asyncio.CancelledError: LOGGER.warning("Lavalink Managed monitor task cancelled") return except Exception as exc: delay = backoff.delay() LOGGER.warning("Lavalink Managed node startup failed retrying in %s seconds", delay, exc_info=exc) await self._partial_shutdown() await asyncio.sleep(delay)
async def _monitor_primary_healthy_flow( self, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset, java_path: str, retry_count: int ) -> None: self._shutdown = False if self._node_pid is None or not psutil.pid_exists(self._node_pid): self.ready.clear() await self._start(java_path=java_path) while True: await self._monitor_primary_node_iteration(backoff, retry_count) async def _monitor_primary_node_iteration(self, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset, retry_count: int) -> None: await self.wait_until_ready(timeout=self.timeout) if not psutil.pid_exists(self._node_pid): raise NoProcessFoundException if self._node is None or not self._node.websocket.connected and not self._node.websocket.connecting: await self.connect_node(reconnect=retry_count != 0, wait_for=3) try: await self._monitor_connect_to_node(backoff) except AttributeError as e: await self._monitor_wait_for_connection(e) except Exception as exc: LOGGER.debug(exc, exc_info=exc) raise NodeUnhealthyException(str(exc)) from exc async def _monitor_managed_node_error(self, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset, exc: Exception) -> None: delay = backoff.delay() LOGGER.error( exc, ) await self._partial_shutdown() LOGGER.warning("Lavalink Managed node startup failed retrying in %s seconds", delay, exc_info=exc) await asyncio.sleep(delay) async def _monitor_handle_unhealthy(self, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset) -> None: delay = backoff.delay() await self._partial_shutdown() LOGGER.warning( "Lavalink Managed node health check failed, restarting in %s seconds", delay, ) await asyncio.sleep(delay) async def _monitor_managed_start_failure(self) -> None: LOGGER.warning("Lavalink Managed node failed to start, restarting") await self._partial_shutdown() for process in iter( await self.get_lavalink_process( "-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2", "-Xms64M", "-jar", cwd=str(LAVALINK_DOWNLOAD_DIR) ) ): with contextlib.suppress(psutil.Error): pid = process["pid"] p = psutil.Process(pid) p.terminate() p.kill() async def _monitor_wait_for_connection(self, e: Exception) -> None: try: LOGGER.debug("Managed node monitor detected PyLav is not connected to any nodes -%s", exc_info=e) while True: node = self._client.node_manager.get_node_by_id(self._node_id) if node is not None: await node.wait_until_ready(timeout=30) if node and node.websocket.connected: break await asyncio.sleep(1) except TimeoutError: raise async def _monitor_connect_to_node(self, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset) -> None: node = self._client.node_manager.get_node_by_id(self._node_id) if node is not None: await node.wait_until_ready(timeout=30) if node.websocket.connected: try: # Hoping this throws an exception which will then trigger a restart await backoff.reset() await asyncio.sleep(1) except WebsocketNotConnectedException: await asyncio.sleep(5) except ConnectionResetError as e: raise AttributeError from e elif node.websocket.connecting: await node.websocket.wait_until_ready(timeout=30) else: raise AttributeError
[docs] async def start(self, java_path: str) -> None: """Start the managed node.""" self._disabled = False self._java_path = java_path if self.start_monitor_task is not None: await self.shutdown() self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=120), json_serialize=json.dumps) if self.__buffer_task is not None: self.__buffer_task.cancel() self.__buffer_task = None self._wait_for.clear() await update_plugins(self._client) self.start_monitor_task = asyncio.create_task(self.start_monitor(java_path)) self.start_monitor_task.set_name("LavalinkManagedNode.health_monitor")
[docs] async def connect_node(self, reconnect: bool, wait_for: float = 0.0, external_fallback: bool = False) -> None: """Connect to the managed node.""" # sourcery no-metrics await asyncio.sleep(wait_for) self._wait_for.clear() if not self.ready.is_set(): if external_fallback: self.ready.set() else: raise ManagedLavalinkStartFailureException() if reconnect: node = self._client.node_manager.get_node_by_id(self._node_id) if node is not None: self._node = node if node.websocket.connecting: await node.wait_until_ready(timeout=30) elif node.websocket.connected:"Managed Lavalink node is connected") else:"Managed Lavalink node is not connected, reconnecting") await self.restart() return self._wait_for.set() return if (node := self._client.node_manager.get_node_by_id(self._node_id)) is None: node = await self.connect_to_node(external_fallback) else: self._node = node if node.websocket.connecting: await node.wait_until_ready() elif node.websocket.connected:"Managed Lavalink node is connected") else:"Managed Lavalink node is not connected, reconnecting") await node.websocket.close() # noinspection PyProtectedMember await node.websocket._websocket_closed(reason="Managed Node restart") await node.wait_until_ready(timeout=60) self._wait_for.set()
[docs] async def connect_to_node(self, external_fallback: bool) -> Node: """Connect to the managed node.""" data = await self._client.node_db_manager.bundled_node_config().fetch_all() name = ( f"PyLavPortConflictRecovery: {self._node_pid}" if external_fallback else f"PyLavManagedNode: {self._node_pid}" ) data["yaml"]["sentry"]["tags"]["pylav_version"] = self._client.lib_version node = self._node = await self._client.add_node( host=self._current_config["server"]["address"], port=self._current_config["server"]["port"], password=self._current_config["lavalink"]["server"]["password"], resume_timeout=data["resume_timeout"], name=name, managed=True, ssl=False, search_only=False, unique_identifier=self._client.node_db_manager.bundled_node_config().id, temporary=True, ) await node.config.update_name(name) return node
[docs] async def restart(self, java_path: str = None) -> None: """Restart the managed node.""""Restarting managed Lavalink node") if node := self._client.get_my_node(): if self.start_monitor_task is not None: self.start_monitor_task.cancel() self.start_monitor_task = None if self.__buffer_task is not None: self.__buffer_task.cancel() self.__buffer_task = None # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not node.websocket._manual_shutdown: await node.websocket.manual_closure(managed_node=True) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await node.close() await self.shutdown() await self.start(java_path=java_path or self._java_path)