Source code for pylav.core.client

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import datetime
import itertools
import operator
import os
import pathlib
import random
import sys
from import AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Iterator
from types import MethodType
from typing import Any

import aiohttp
import aiohttp_client_cache
import aiopath
import discord
import discord.ext.commands
from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
from asyncspotify import Client as SpotifyClient
from asyncspotify import ClientCredentialsFlow
from import Messageable
from discord.ext.commands import Context
from discord.types.embed import EmbedType
from packaging.version import Version

from pylav import VERSION

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pylav._internals.functions import add_property
from pylav.compat import json
from pylav.constants import MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH
from pylav.constants.config import (
from pylav.core.bot_overrides import get_context, process_commands
from pylav.core.context import PyLavContext
from import PyLavEvent
from import DispatchManager
from pylav.exceptions.client import AnotherClientAlreadyRegisteredException, PyLavInvalidArgumentsException
from pylav.exceptions.node import NoNodeAvailableException, NoNodeWithRequestFunctionalityAvailableException
from pylav.exceptions.request import HTTPException
from pylav.extension.bundled_node import LAVALINK_DOWNLOAD_DIR
from pylav.extension.bundled_node.manager import LocalNodeManager
from pylav.extension.m3u import M3UParser
from import RadioBrowser
from pylav.helpers.singleton import SingletonCallable, SingletonClass
from pylav.helpers.time import get_now_utc, get_tz_utc
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.api.responses import rest_api
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.route_planner import Status as RoutePlannerStatus
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.track import Track as Track_namespace_conflict
from pylav.nodes.manager import NodeManager
from pylav.nodes.node import Node
from pylav.players.manager import PlayerController
from pylav.players.player import Player
from pylav.players.query.obj import Query
from pylav.players.tracks.decoder import decode_track
from pylav.players.tracks.obj import Track
from import ConfigController
from import EqualizerController
from import MigrationController
from import NodeController
from import PlayerConfigController
from import PlayerStateController
from import PlaylistController
from import QueryController
from import CachedModel
from import Config
from import Equalizer
from import Node as Node_namespace_conflict
from import PlayerState
from pylav.utils.aiohttp_postgres_cache import PostgresCacheBackend
from pylav.utils.localtracks import LocalTrackCache

    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator

    _ = Translator("PyLav", pathlib.Path(__file__))
except ImportError:
    Translator = None

    def _(string: str) -> str:
        return string

LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.Client")

[docs] class Client(metaclass=SingletonClass): """ Represents a Lavalink client used to manage nodes and connections. .. _event loop: Parameters ---------- bot : :class:`DISCORD_BOT_TYPE` The bot instance. cog: :class:`DISCORD_COG_TYPE` The cog to register the client to. player: Optional[:class:`Player`] The class that should be used for the player. Defaults to ``Player``. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing! connect_back: Optional[:class:`bool`] A boolean that determines if a player will connect back to the node it was originally connected to. This is not recommended doing since the player will most likely be performing better in the new node. Defaults to `False`. Warning ------- If this option is enabled and the player's node is changed through `Player.change_node` after the player was moved via the fail-over mechanism, the player will still move back to the original node when it becomes available. This behaviour can be avoided in custom player implementations by setting `self._original_node` to `None` in the `change_node` function. config_folder: Optional[:class:`pathlib.Path`] The path to the settings folder. Defaults to ``CONFIG_DIR``. """ _local_node_manager: LocalNodeManager _asyncio_lock = asyncio.Lock() _config: Config __cogs_registered = set() __old_process_command_method: Callable = None __old_get_context: Callable = None _initiated = False __local_tracks_cache: LocalTrackCache def __init__( self, bot: DISCORD_BOT_TYPE, cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE, player: type[Player] = Player, # type: ignore connect_back: bool = False, config_folder: aiopath.AsyncPath | pathlib.Path = CONFIG_DIR, ): try: setattr(bot, "_pylav_client", self) # noinspection PyProtectedMember add_property(bot, "lavalink", lambda b: b._pylav_client) # noinspection PyProtectedMember add_property(bot, "pylav", lambda b: b._pylav_client) if self.__old_process_command_method is None: self.__old_process_command_method = bot.process_commands if self.__old_get_context is None: self.__old_get_context = bot.get_context self._disable_translations = False self._context_translator: Callable[[DISCORD_BOT_TYPE, discord.Guild], Awaitable[None]] | None = None self.ready = asyncio.Event() bot.process_commands = MethodType(process_commands, bot) bot.get_context = MethodType(get_context, bot) self.__cogs_registered.add(cog.__cog_name__) config_folder = pathlib.Path(config_folder) (config_folder / ".data").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self._config_folder = aiopath.AsyncPath(config_folder) self._bot = bot self._user_id = str( if REDIS_FULL_ADDRESS_RESPONSE_CACHE: self._aiohttp_client_cache = aiohttp_client_cache.RedisBackend( address=REDIS_FULL_ADDRESS_RESPONSE_CACHE, cache_control=True, allowed_codes=(200,), allowed_methods=("GET",), include_headers=True, expire_after=datetime.timedelta(days=1), timeout=2.5, ignored_params=["auth_token", "timestamp"], ) else: self._aiohttp_client_cache = PostgresCacheBackend( cache_control=True, allowed_codes=(200,), allowed_methods=("GET",), include_headers=True, ignored_params=["auth_token", "timestamp"], expire_after=datetime.timedelta(days=1), timeout=2.5, ) self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30), json_serialize=json.dumps) self._cached_session = aiohttp_client_cache.CachedSession( timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30), json_serialize=json.dumps, cache=self._aiohttp_client_cache ) # Attach the Client to the necessary objects CachedModel.attach_client(self) Query.attach_client(self) Track.attach_client(self) PlayerState.attach_client(self) Equalizer.attach_client(self) self._node_manager = NodeManager( self, external_host=EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_HOST, external_port=EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_PORT, external_password=EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_PASSWORD, external_ssl=EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_SSL, ) self._player_manager = PlayerController(self, player) self._lib_config_manager = ConfigController(self) self._node_config_manager = NodeController(self) self._playlist_config_manager = PlaylistController(self) self._query_cache_manager = QueryController(self) self._update_schema_manager = MigrationController(self) self._dispatch_manager = DispatchManager(self) self._player_state_db_manager = PlayerStateController(self) self._player_config_manager = PlayerConfigController(self) self._equalizer_config_manager = EqualizerController(self) self._radio_manager = RadioBrowser(self) self._m3u8parser = M3UParser(self) self._connect_back = connect_back self._warned_about_no_search_nodes = False self._spotify_client_id = None self._spotify_client_secret = None self._spotify_auth = None self._shutting_down = False self._scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler(prefix="pylav_scheduler.") self._scheduler.configure(timezone=get_tz_utc()) self._wait_for_playlists = asyncio.Event() self._wait_for_playlists.set() except Exception: LOGGER.exception("Failed to initialize Lavalink") raise
[docs] async def set_context_locale(self, guild: discord.Guild | None) -> None: """Set the locale for the current context.""" if self._disable_translations: return try: if self._context_translator is None: from redbot.core.i18n import set_contextual_locales_from_guild self._context_translator = set_contextual_locales_from_guild await self._context_translator(, guild) except Exception: # noqa self._disable_translations = True
[docs] async def on_pylav_red_api_tokens_update(self, service_name: str, api_tokens: dict[str, str]) -> None: """Update API tokens for services when they are updated in Red.""" match service_name: case "spotify" if "client_id" in api_tokens and "client_secret" in api_tokens: await self.update_spotify_tokens(**api_tokens) case "apple_music" if "token" in api_tokens and "country_code" in api_tokens: await self.update_applemusic_tokens(**api_tokens) case "deezer" if "master_token" in api_tokens: await self.update_deezer_tokens(**api_tokens) case "yandexmusic" if "token" in api_tokens: await self.update_yandex_tokens(**api_tokens)
[docs] async def on_pylav_shard_resumed(self, shard_id: int) -> None: """Handle shard resume events.""" if self._shutting_down or not self.initialized: return LOGGER.debug("Shard %s resumed, checking for affected players", shard_id) players = filter(lambda p: p.guild.shard_id == shard_id, self.player_manager.players.copy().values()) for player in players: await self.set_context_locale(player.guild) await player.reconnect()
[docs] async def on_pylav_shard_ready(self, shard_id: int) -> None: """Handle shard ready events.""" if self._shutting_down or not self.initialized: return LOGGER.debug("Shard %s ready, checking for affected players", shard_id) players = filter(lambda p: p.guild.shard_id == shard_id, self.player_manager.players.copy().values()) for player in players: await self.set_context_locale(player.guild) await player.reconnect()
[docs] async def on_pylav_resumed(self) -> None: """Handle resume events.""" if self._shutting_down or not self.initialized: return LOGGER.debug("Resumed, checking for affected players") for player in self.player_manager.players.values(): await self.set_context_locale(player.guild) await player.reconnect()
[docs] async def on_pylav_ready(self) -> None: """Handle ready events.""" if self._shutting_down or not self.initialized: return LOGGER.debug("Ready, checking for affected players") for player in self.player_manager.players.values(): await self.set_context_locale(player.guild) await player.reconnect()
[docs] async def wait_until_ready(self, timeout: float | None = None) -> None: """Wait until the client is ready to use.""" await asyncio.wait_for(self.ready.wait(), timeout=timeout)
@property def initialized(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the client has been initialized""" return self._initiated @property def scheduler(self) -> AsyncIOScheduler: """Returns the scheduler""" return self._scheduler @property def radio_browser(self) -> RadioBrowser: """Returns the radio browser instance""" return self._radio_manager @property def dispatch_manager(self) -> DispatchManager: """Returns the dispatch manager""" return self._dispatch_manager @property def player_config_manager(self) -> PlayerConfigController: """Returns the player config manager""" return self._player_config_manager @property def spotify_client(self) -> SpotifyClient | None: """Returns the spotify client""" return SpotifyClient(self._spotify_auth) if self._spotify_auth else None @property def is_shutting_down(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the client is shutting down""" return self._shutting_down @property def node_db_manager(self) -> NodeController: """Returns the sql node config manager""" return self._node_config_manager @property def player_state_db_manager(self) -> PlayerStateController: """Returns the sql player state config manager""" return self._player_state_db_manager @property def playlist_db_manager(self) -> PlaylistController: """Returns the sql playlist config manager""" return self._playlist_config_manager @property def equalizer_db_manager(self) -> EqualizerController: """Returns the sql equalizer config manager""" return self._equalizer_config_manager @property def lib_db_manager(self) -> ConfigController: """Returns the sql lib config manager""" return self._lib_config_manager @property def query_cache_manager(self) -> QueryController: """Returns the query cache manager""" return self._query_cache_manager @property def managed_node_controller(self) -> LocalNodeManager: """Returns the local node manager""" return self._local_node_manager @property def node_manager(self) -> NodeManager: """Returns the node manager""" return self._node_manager @property def player_manager(self) -> PlayerController: """Returns the player manager""" return self._player_manager @property def config_folder(self) -> aiopath.AsyncPath: """Returns the config folder""" return self._config_folder @property def bot(self) -> DISCORD_BOT_TYPE: """Returns the bot client""" return self._bot @property def session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """Returns the aiohttp session used by the PyLav client""" return self._session @property def cached_session(self) -> aiohttp_client_cache.CachedSession: """Returns the cached aiohttp session used by the PyLav client""" return self._cached_session @property def lib_version(self) -> Version: """Returns the version of the PyLav library""" return VERSION @property def bot_id(self) -> str: """Returns the bot id""" return self._user_id @property def local_tracks_cache(self) -> LocalTrackCache: """Returns the local tracks cache""" return self.__local_tracks_cache
[docs] @SingletonCallable.run_once_async async def initialize(self) -> None: """Initialize the client""" try: if not self._initiated: await self._maybe_start_pylav() except Exception as exc: LOGGER.critical("Failed start up", exc_info=exc) raise exc
async def _maybe_start_pylav(self): async with self._asyncio_lock: if not self._initiated: self._initiated = True self.ready.clear() await self._wait_until_ready() if IS_POSTGRES: await DATABASE_ENGINE.start_connection_pool(max_size=POSTGRES_CONNECTIONS) ( spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret, deezer_token, yandex_access_token, apple_music_token, ) = await self._get_service_tokens(), name="on_red_api_tokens_update") if isinstance(, discord.AutoShardedClient):, name="on_shard_ready") else:, name="on_ready") await self._initialise_modules() await self._config.update_config_folder(CONFIG_DIR) config_data = await self._config.fetch_all() java_path = config_data["java_path"] config_folder = config_data["config_folder"] localtrack_folder = await self.update_localtracks_folder(folder=config_data["localtrack_folder"]) if java_path != JAVA_EXECUTABLE and os.path.exists(JAVA_EXECUTABLE): await self._config.update_java_path(JAVA_EXECUTABLE)"Lavalink folder: %s", LAVALINK_DOWNLOAD_DIR)"Settings folder: %s", config_folder)"Localtracks folder: %s", localtrack_folder) self._config_folder = aiopath.AsyncPath(config_folder) self.__local_tracks_cache = LocalTrackCache(self, localtrack_folder) bundled_node_config = self._node_config_manager.bundled_node_config() spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret = await self._initialize_yaml_config( bundled_node_config, spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret, deezer_token, yandex_access_token, apple_music_token, ) self._has_deezer_support = True self._has_apm_support = True self._has_spotify_support = False self._has_yandex_support = False if spotify_client_id and spotify_client_secret: self._spotify_auth = ClientCredentialsFlow( client_id=spotify_client_id, client_secret=spotify_client_secret ) self._has_spotify_support = True await self.update_spotify_tokens(client_id=spotify_client_id, client_secret=spotify_client_secret) if yandex_access_token: self._has_yandex_support = True await self.update_yandex_tokens(token=yandex_access_token) if apple_music_token: await self.update_applemusic_tokens( token=apple_music_token, country_code=MANAGED_NODE_APPLE_MUSIC_COUNTRY_CODE ) await self._run_post_init_jobs(java_path) self.ready.set()"PyLav is ready") await self.__local_tracks_cache.initialize() async def _initialise_modules(self): await self._lib_config_manager.initialize() self._config = self._lib_config_manager.get_config() await Node_namespace_conflict.create_managed( await self._update_schema_manager.run_updates() await self._radio_manager.initialize() await self._player_manager.initialize() await self.player_config_manager.initialize_global_config()
[docs] async def managed_node_is_enabled(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the managed node is enabled or not""" if IN_CONTAINER: return False return ( False if (self._node_manager._unmanaged_external_password and self._node_manager._unmanaged_external_host) else await self.lib_db_manager.get_config().fetch_enable_managed_node() )
async def _run_post_init_jobs(self, java_path) -> None: self._user_id = str( self._local_node_manager = LocalNodeManager(self) enable_managed_node = await self.managed_node_is_enabled() if IN_CONTAINER: LOGGER.warning("Running in container, disabling managed node") time_now = get_now_utc() await self._maybe_start_bundled_node(enable_managed_node, java_path) await self.node_manager.connect_to_all_nodes() await self.node_manager.wait_until_ready() await self._maybe_wait_until_bundled_node(enable_managed_node) await self._update_schema_manager.run_deferred_tasks_which_depend_on_node() await self._maybe_update_next_execution_bundled_playlist(time_now) await self._maybe_update_next_execution_bundled_external_playlists(time_now) await self._maybe_update_next_execution_external_playlists(time_now) await self._maybe_force_update_bundled_playlists() await self._add_scheduler_job_cache_cleanup() await self._add_scheduler_job_bundled_playlist() await self._add_scheduler_job_bundled_external_playlists() await self._add_scheduler_job_external_playlists() self._scheduler.start() await self.player_manager.restore_player_states() async def _maybe_start_bundled_node(self, enable_managed_node: bool, java_path: str) -> None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember if enable_managed_node: await self._local_node_manager.start(java_path=java_path) else: self._local_node_manager.ready.set() async def _maybe_force_update_bundled_playlists(self) -> None: total_bundled_playlists = len(BUNDLED_PLAYLIST_IDS) if not self._has_deezer_support: total_bundled_playlists -= len(BUNDLED_DEEZER_PLAYLIST_IDS) if not self._has_spotify_support: total_bundled_playlists -= len(BUNDLED_SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_IDS) if await self.playlist_db_manager.count() < total_bundled_playlists: time_now = get_now_utc() self._wait_for_playlists.clear() await self._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists(time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) await self._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists( time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=7) ) async def _maybe_wait_until_bundled_node(self, enable_managed_node): # noinspection PyProtectedMember if enable_managed_node: await self._local_node_manager.wait_until_connected() async def _wait_until_ready(self): if hasattr(, "wait_until_red_ready"): LOGGER.debug("Running on a Red bot, waiting for Red to be ready") await else: LOGGER.debug("Running a bot waiting for bot to be ready") await async def _get_service_tokens(self): if hasattr(, "get_shared_api_tokens") and callable(getattr(, "get_shared_api_tokens")): spotify = await"spotify") client_id = spotify.get("client_id") client_secret = spotify.get("client_secret") if client_id and client_secret: LOGGER.debug("Existing Spotify tokens found; Using clientID - %s", client_id) else: client_id = MANAGED_NODE_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID client_secret = MANAGED_NODE_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET deezer = await"deezer") deezer_token = deezer.get("master_token") if deezer_token: LOGGER.debug("Existing Deezer token found; Using it") else: deezer_token = MANAGED_NODE_DEEZER_KEY yandex = await"yandexmusic") yandex_access_token = yandex.get("token") if yandex_access_token: LOGGER.debug("Existing Yandex Music token found; Using it") else: yandex_access_token = MANAGED_NODE_YANDEX_MUSIC_ACCESS_TOKEN apple_music = await"apple_music") apple_music_token = apple_music.get("token") if apple_music_token: LOGGER.debug("Existing Apple Music token found; Using it") else: apple_music_token = MANAGED_NODE_APPLE_MUSIC_API_KEY else:"PyLav being run from a non Red bot") client_id = MANAGED_NODE_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID client_secret = MANAGED_NODE_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET deezer_token = MANAGED_NODE_DEEZER_KEY yandex_access_token = MANAGED_NODE_YANDEX_MUSIC_ACCESS_TOKEN apple_music_token = MANAGED_NODE_APPLE_MUSIC_API_KEY return client_id, client_secret, deezer_token, yandex_access_token, apple_music_token async def _add_scheduler_job_external_playlists(self): next_execution_update_external_playlists = await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_external_playlists() if next_execution_update_external_playlists >= ( alt_next := (get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS)) ): next_execution_update_external_playlists = alt_next self._scheduler.add_job( self.playlist_db_manager.update_external_playlists, trigger="interval", days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS, max_instances=1, next_run_time=next_execution_update_external_playlists, replace_existing=True, name="update_external_playlists", coalesce=True, id=f"{}-update_external_playlists", misfire_grace_time=None, # type: ignore ) "Scheduling next run of External Playlist update task to: %s", next_execution_update_external_playlists, ) async def _add_scheduler_job_bundled_external_playlists(self): next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists = ( await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists() ) if next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists >= ( alt_next := (get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS)) ): next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists = alt_next self._scheduler.add_job( self.playlist_db_manager.update_bundled_external_playlists, trigger="interval", days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS, max_instances=1, next_run_time=next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists, replace_existing=True, name="update_bundled_external_playlists", coalesce=True, id=f"{}-update_bundled_external_playlists", misfire_grace_time=None, # type: ignore ) "Scheduling next run of Bundled External Playlist update task to: %s", next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists, ) async def _add_scheduler_job_bundled_playlist(self): next_execution_update_bundled_playlists = await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists() if next_execution_update_bundled_playlists >= ( alt_next := (get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_PLAYLISTS_DAYS)) ): next_execution_update_bundled_playlists = alt_next self._scheduler.add_job( self.playlist_db_manager.update_bundled_playlists, trigger="interval", days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_PLAYLISTS_DAYS, max_instances=1, next_run_time=next_execution_update_bundled_playlists, replace_existing=True, name="update_bundled_playlists", coalesce=True, id=f"{}-update_bundled_playlists", misfire_grace_time=None, # type: ignore ) "Scheduling next run of Bundled Playlist update task to: %s", next_execution_update_bundled_playlists, ) async def _add_scheduler_job_cache_cleanup(self): self._scheduler.add_job( self._query_cache_manager.delete_old, trigger="interval", seconds=600, max_instances=1, replace_existing=True, name="cache_delete_old", coalesce=True, id=f"{}-cache_delete_old", ) async def _maybe_update_next_execution_external_playlists(self, time_now): if await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_external_playlists() is None: await self._config.update_next_execution_update_external_playlists( time_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30) ) async def _maybe_update_next_execution_bundled_external_playlists(self, time_now): if await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists() is None: await self._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists( time_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10, days=7) ) async def _maybe_update_next_execution_bundled_playlist(self, time_now): if await self._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists() is None: await self._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists( time_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5, days=1) ) @staticmethod async def _initialize_yaml_config( bundled_node_config, spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret, deezer_token, yandex_access_token, apple_music_token, ): yaml_data = await bundled_node_config.fetch_yaml() need_update = False if not all([spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret]): yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["spotify"] = False need_update = True elif all([spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret]): yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["clientId"] = spotify_client_id yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["clientSecret"] = spotify_client_secret yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["spotify"] = True need_update = True if deezer_token: yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["deezer"]["masterDecryptionKey"] = deezer_token yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["deezer"] = True need_update = True if yandex_access_token: yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["yandexmusic"]["accessToken"] = yandex_access_token yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["yandexmusic"] = True need_update = True if apple_music_token: yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["mediaAPIToken"] = apple_music_token yaml_data["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["applemusic"] = True if need_update: await bundled_node_config.update_yaml(yaml_data) return spotify_client_id, spotify_client_secret
[docs] async def register(self, cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE) -> None: """Register a cog to the PyLav Client.""" LOGGER.debug("Registering cog %s", cog.__cog_name__) if (instance := getattr(, "pylav", None)) and not isinstance(instance, Client): raise AnotherClientAlreadyRegisteredException( f"Another client instance has already been registered to bot.pylav with type: {type(instance)}" ) self.__cogs_registered.add(cog.__cog_name__)
[docs] async def update_spotify_tokens(self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Update Spotify tokens for the managed node and the client instance.""""Updating Spotify Tokens") LOGGER.debug("New Spotify token: ClientId: %s || ClientSecret: %s", client_id, client_secret) self._spotify_auth = ClientCredentialsFlow(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret) bundled_node_config = self._node_config_manager.bundled_node_config() bundled_node_config_yaml = await bundled_node_config.fetch_yaml() bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["spotify"] = True bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["clientId"] = client_id bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["clientSecret"] = client_secret bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["spotify"]["countryCode"] = kwargs.get( "country_code", MANAGED_NODE_SPOTIFY_COUNTRY_CODE ) await bundled_node_config.update_yaml(bundled_node_config_yaml)
[docs] async def update_deezer_tokens(self, master_token: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Update Deezer tokens for the managed node.""""Updating Deezer Tokens") LOGGER.debug("New Deezer token: %s", master_token) bundled_node_config = self._node_config_manager.bundled_node_config() bundled_node_config_yaml = await bundled_node_config.fetch_yaml() bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["deezer"] = True bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["deezer"]["masterDecryptionKey"] = master_token await bundled_node_config.update_yaml(bundled_node_config_yaml)
[docs] async def update_yandex_tokens(self, token: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Update Yandex tokens for the managed node.""""Updating Yandex Tokens") LOGGER.debug("New Yandex token: %s", token) bundled_node_config = self._node_config_manager.bundled_node_config() bundled_node_config_yaml = await bundled_node_config.fetch_yaml() bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["yandexmusic"] = True bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["yandexmusic"]["accessToken"] = token await bundled_node_config.update_yaml(bundled_node_config_yaml)
[docs] async def update_applemusic_tokens(self, token: str, country_code: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Update Apple Music tokens for the managed node.""""Updating Apple Music Tokens") LOGGER.debug("New Apple Music tokens: mediaAPIToken %s || countryCode %s", token, country_code) bundled_node_config = self._node_config_manager.bundled_node_config() bundled_node_config_yaml = await bundled_node_config.fetch_yaml() bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["sources"]["applemusic"] = True bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["mediaAPIToken"] = token bundled_node_config_yaml["plugins"]["lavasrc"]["applemusic"]["countryCode"] = kwargs.get( "country_code", MANAGED_NODE_APPLE_MUSIC_COUNTRY_CODE ) await bundled_node_config.update_yaml(bundled_node_config_yaml)
[docs] async def add_node( self, *, unique_identifier: int, host: str, port: int, password: str, resume_timeout: int = 60, name: str = None, reconnect_attempts: int = -1, ssl: bool = False, search_only: bool = False, managed: bool = False, yaml: dict | None = None, disabled_sources: list[str] = None, extras: dict = None, temporary: bool = False, ) -> Node: """ Adds a node to PyLav's node manager. Parameters ---------- host: :class:`str` The address of the Lavalink node. port: :class:`int` The port to use for websocket and REST connections. password: :class:`str` The password used for authentication. resume_timeout: Optional[:class:`int`] How long the node should wait for a connection while disconnected before clearing all players. Defaults to `60`. name: :class:`str` An identifier for the node that will show in logs. Defaults to `None` reconnect_attempts: Optional[:class:`int`] The amount of times connection with the node will be reattempted before giving up. Set to `-1` for infinite. Defaults to `3`. ssl: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to use SSL for the connection. Defaults to `False`. search_only: :class:`bool` Whether the node should only be used for searching. Defaults to `False`. unique_identifier: :class:`in` A unique identifier for the node. Defaults to `None`. yaml: Optional[:class:`dict`] A dictionary of extra information to be stored in the node. Defaults to `None`. extras: Optional[:class:`dict`] A dictionary of extra information to be stored in the node. Defaults to `None`. managed: :class:`bool` Whether the node is managed by the client. Defaults to `False`. disabled_sources: Optional[:class:`list`[:class:`str`]] A list of sources that should be disabled for the node. Defaults to `None`. temporary: :class:`bool` Whether the node is temporary. Defaults to `False`. """ return await self.node_manager.add_node( host=host, port=port, password=password, resume_timeout=resume_timeout, name=name, reconnect_attempts=reconnect_attempts, ssl=ssl, search_only=search_only, unique_identifier=unique_identifier, managed=managed, yaml=yaml, disabled_sources=disabled_sources, extras=extras or {}, temporary=temporary, )
[docs] async def decode_track( self, track: str, feature: str = None, raise_on_failure: bool = False, lazy: bool = False ) -> Track_namespace_conflict | HTTPException: """|coro| Decodes a base64-encoded track string into a dict. Parameters ---------- track: :class:`str` The base64-encoded `track` string. feature: Optional[:class:`str`] The feature to decode the track for. Defaults to `None`. raise_on_failure: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to raise an exception if the track fails to decode. Defaults to `False`. lazy: :class:`bool` Weather to decode within the Bot or send to Lavalink. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- LavalinkTrackObject An object representing the track's information. """ if lazy: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): return decode_track(track) if not self.node_manager.available_nodes: raise NoNodeAvailableException(_("There are no available nodes!")) node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node(feature=feature) if node is None and feature: raise NoNodeWithRequestFunctionalityAvailableException( _("No node with {feature_name_variable_do_not_translate} functionality available!").format( feature_name_variable_do_not_translate=feature ), feature=feature, ) try: response = await node.fetch_decodetrack(track, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure) if isinstance(response, Track_namespace_conflict): return response raise TypeError except Exception: # noqa return decode_track(track)
[docs] async def decode_tracks( self, tracks: list, feature: str = None, raise_on_failure: bool = False ) -> list[Track_namespace_conflict]: """|coro| Decodes a list of base64-encoded track strings into a dict. Parameters ---------- tracks: list[:class:`str`] A list of base64-encoded `track` strings. feature: Optional[:class:`str`] The feature to decode the tracks for. Defaults to `None`. raise_on_failure: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to raise an exception if the tracks fail to decode. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- List[LavalinkTrackObject] A list of LavalinkTrackObject representing track information. """ if not self.node_manager.available_nodes: raise NoNodeAvailableException(_("There are no available nodes!")) node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node(feature=feature) if node is None and feature: raise NoNodeWithRequestFunctionalityAvailableException( _("No node with {feature_name_variable_do_not_translate} functionality available!").format( feature_name_variable_do_not_translate=feature ), feature=feature, ) try: response = await node.post_decodetracks(tracks, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure) if isinstance(response, HTTPException): raise TypeError return response except Exception: # noqa response_tracks = [] for track in tracks: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): response_tracks.append(decode_track(track)) return response_tracks
[docs] @staticmethod async def routeplanner_status(node: Node) -> RoutePlannerStatus: """|coro| Gets the route-planner status of the target node. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node to use for the query. Returns ------- RoutePlannerStatusResponseObject An object representing the route-planner information. """ return await node.fetch_routeplanner_status()
[docs] @staticmethod async def routeplanner_free_address(node: Node, address: str) -> None: """|coro| Gets the route-planner status of the target node. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node to use for the query. address: :class:`str` The address to free. """ return await node.post_routeplanner_free_address(address)
[docs] @staticmethod async def routeplanner_free_all_failing(node: Node) -> None: """|coro| Gets the route-planner status of the target node. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node to use for the query. """ return await node.post_routeplanner_free_all()
[docs] def dispatch_event(self, event: PyLavEvent) -> None: """Dispatches the given event to all registered hooks.""" asyncio.create_task(self._dispatch_event(event))
async def _dispatch_event(self, event: PyLavEvent) -> None: """|coro| Dispatches the given event to all registered hooks. Parameters ---------- event: :class:`Event` The event to dispatch to the hooks. """ event_dispatcher = [self._dispatch_manager.dispatch] task_list = [] for hook in itertools.chain( event_dispatcher, ): task = asyncio.create_task(hook(event)) # type: ignore task.set_name(f"Event hook {hook.__name__}") task.add_done_callback(self.__done_callback) task_list.append(task) await asyncio.gather(*task_list) @staticmethod def __done_callback(task: asyncio.Task) -> None: if (exc := task.exception()) is not None: name = task.get_name() LOGGER.warning("Event hook %s encountered an exception!", name) LOGGER.debug("Event hook %s encountered an exception!", name, exc_info=exc)
[docs] async def unregister(self, cog: discord.ext.commands.Cog): """|coro| Unregister the specified Cog and if no cogs are left closes the client. Parameters ---------- cog: :class:`discord.ext.commands.Cog` The cog to unregister. """ if self._shutting_down: return async with self._asyncio_lock: if not self._shutting_down: self.__cogs_registered.discard(cog.__cog_name__) LOGGER.debug("%s has been unregistered", cog.__cog_name__) if not self.__cogs_registered:, name="on_red_api_tokens_update"), name="on_shard_resumed"), name="on_shard_ready"), name="on_ready"), name="on_resumed") self._shutting_down = True self.ready.clear() try: Client._instances.clear() SingletonCallable.reset() self._initiated = False await self.__local_tracks_cache.shutdown() await self.player_manager.save_all_players() await self.player_manager.shutdown() await self._node_manager.close() await self._local_node_manager.shutdown() await self._session.close() await self._cached_session.close() if self._scheduler: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self._scheduler.shutdown(wait=True) except Exception as e: LOGGER.critical("Failed to shutdown the client", exc_info=e) if self.__old_process_command_method is not None: = self.__old_process_command_method if self.__old_get_context is not None: = self.__old_get_context del # noqa await DATABASE_ENGINE.close_connection_pool()"All cogs have been unregistered, PyLav client has been shutdown")
# self.__reload_pylav() @staticmethod def __reload_pylav(): import importlib name = __name__.split(".")[0] temp = sorted(((k, v) for k, v in sys.modules.copy().items() if k.startswith(name)), reverse=True) for n, m in temp: if n.startswith(name): importlib.reload(m)
[docs] def get_player(self, guild: discord.Guild | int | None) -> Player | None: """Gets the player for the target guild. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`discord.Guild` The guild to get the player for. Returns ------- :class:`Player` The player for the target guild. """ if not guild: return None if not isinstance(guild, int): guild = return self.player_manager.get(guild)
[docs] async def connect_player( self, requester: discord.Member, channel:, node: Node = None, self_deaf: bool | None = None, ) -> Player: """|coro| Connects the player for the target guild. Parameters ---------- channel: :class:`` The channel to connect to. node: :class:`Node` The node to use for the connection. self_deaf: :class:`bool` Whether the bot should be deafened. requester: :class:`discord.Member` The member requesting the connection. Returns ------- :class:`Player` The player for the target guild. """ return await self.player_manager.create(channel, channel.rtc_region, node, self_deaf, requester)
[docs] async def construct_embed( self, *, embed: discord.Embed = None, colour: discord.Colour | int | None = None, color: discord.Colour | int | None = None, title: str = None, embed_type: EmbedType = "rich", url: str = None, description: str = None, timestamp: datetime.datetime = None, author_name: str = None, author_url: str = None, thumbnail: str = None, footer: str = None, footer_url: str = None, messageable: Messageable | DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE = None, ) -> discord.Embed: """|coro| Constructs an embed. """ if messageable and not colour and not color and hasattr(self._bot, "get_embed_color"): colour = await self._bot.get_embed_color(messageable) elif colour or color: colour = colour or color if not (timestamp and isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime)): timestamp = get_now_utc() contents = dict( title=title, type=embed_type, url=url, description=description, timestamp=timestamp.isoformat(), ) embed = embed.to_dict() if embed is not None else {} contents |= embed new_embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(contents) new_embed.color = colour if footer: new_embed.set_footer(text=footer, icon_url=footer_url) if thumbnail: new_embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if author_url and author_name: new_embed.set_author(name=author_name, icon_url=author_url) return new_embed
[docs] async def get_context( self, what: discord.Message | DISCORD_CONTEXT_TYPE | DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE ) -> PyLavContext: """|coro| Gets the context for the target message or interaction. """ if isinstance(what, PyLavContext): return what elif isinstance(what, Context): ctx_ = what.interaction or what.message ctx: PyLavContext = await self._bot.get_context(ctx_, cls=PyLavContext) # type: ignore else: ctx: PyLavContext = await self._bot.get_context(what, cls=PyLavContext) # type: ignore return ctx
[docs] async def update_localtracks_folder(self, folder: str | None) -> aiopath.AsyncPath: """|coro| Updates the localtracks folder. """ if overrides.LOCAL_TRACKS_FOLDER: localtrack_folder = aiopath.AsyncPath(overrides.LOCAL_TRACKS_FOLDER) elif not folder: localtrack_folder = ( aiopath.AsyncPath(LOCAL_TRACKS_FOLDER) if LOCAL_TRACKS_FOLDER else self._config_folder / "music" ) else: localtrack_folder = aiopath.AsyncPath(folder) if not await localtrack_folder.exists(): localtrack_folder = self._config_folder / "music" from pylav.players.query.local_files import LocalFile await self.lib_db_manager.get_config().update_localtrack_folder(await localtrack_folder.absolute()) await LocalFile.add_root_folder(path=localtrack_folder, create=True) return localtrack_folder
[docs] def get_all_players(self) -> Iterator[Player]: """Gets all players.""" return iter(self.player_manager)
[docs] def get_managed_node(self) -> Node | None: """Gets a managed node.""" available_nodes = list(filter(operator.attrgetter("available"), self.node_manager.managed_nodes)) return random.choice(available_nodes) if available_nodes else None
[docs] def get_my_node(self) -> Node | None: """Gets the local node that is managed by PyLav.""" return next( filter(lambda n: n.identifier ==, self.node_manager.managed_nodes), None, )
async def _get_tracks( self, query: Query, first: bool = False, bypass_cache: bool = False, player: Player | None = None, ) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets all tracks associated with the given query. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`Query` The query to perform a search for first: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to only return the first track. Defaults to `False`. bypass_cache: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to bypass the cache. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- :class:`LavalinkLoadTrackObjects` A LavalinkLoadTrackObjects representing Lavalink response. """ if not self.node_manager.available_nodes: raise NoNodeAvailableException("There are no available nodes!") node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node( feature=query.requires_capability, region=player.region if player else None, coordinates=player.coordinates if player else None, ) if node is None: raise NoNodeWithRequestFunctionalityAvailableException( _("No node with {feature_name_variable_do_not_translate} functionality available!").format( feature_name_variable_do_not_translate=query.requires_capability ), query.requires_capability, ) return await node.get_track(query, first=first, bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def get_all_tracks_for_queries( self, *queries: Query, requester: discord.Member, player: Player | None = None, bypass_cache: bool = False, enqueue: bool = True, ) -> tuple[list[Track], int, list[Query]]: # sourcery no-metrics """High level interface to get and return all tracks for a list of queries. This will automatically handle playlists, albums, searches and local files. Parameters ---------- queries : `Query` The list of queries to search for. bypass_cache : `bool`, optional Whether to bypass the cache and force a new search. Local files will always be bypassed. requester : `discord.Member` The user who requested the op. player : `Player` The player requesting the op. enqueue : `bool`, optional Whether to enqueue the tracks as needed while try are processed so users dont sit waiting for the bot to finish. Returns ------- tracks : `List[Track]` The list of tracks found. total_tracks : `int` The total number of tracks found. queries : `List[Query]` The list of queries that were not found. """ successful_tracks = [] queries_failed = [] track_count = 0 for query in queries: try: track_count = await self._get_tracks_single_query( bypass_cache, enqueue, player, queries_failed, query, requester, successful_tracks, track_count, ) except Exception: queries_failed.append(query) return successful_tracks, track_count, queries_failed
async def _get_tracks_single_query( self, bypass_cache, enqueue, player, queries_failed, query, requester, successful_tracks, track_count ): async for sub_query in self._yield_recursive_queries(query): node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node( region=player.region if player else None, coordinates=player.coordinates if player else None, feature=sub_query.requires_capability, ) if node is None: queries_failed.append(sub_query) continue await self._get_tracks_play_or_enqueue(enqueue, player, requester, successful_tracks) if sub_query.is_search or sub_query.is_single: track_count = await self._get_tracks_search_or_single( bypass_cache, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count, ) elif ( (sub_query.is_playlist or sub_query.is_album) and not sub_query.is_local and not sub_query.is_custom_playlist ): track_count = await self._get_tracks_playlist_or_album_no_local( bypass_cache, enqueue, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count, ) elif (sub_query.is_local or sub_query.is_custom_playlist) and sub_query.is_album: track_count = await self._get_tracks_local_album( enqueue, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count ) else: queries_failed.append(sub_query) LOGGER.warning("Unhandled query: %s, %s", sub_query.to_dict(), sub_query.query_identifier) return track_count @staticmethod async def _get_tracks_play_or_enqueue(enqueue, player, requester, successful_tracks): # Query tracks as the queue builds as this may be a slow operation if player is None: return if enqueue and successful_tracks and not player.is_playing and not player.paused: track = successful_tracks.pop() await, await track.query(), requester) elif successful_tracks and player.is_playing and player.queue.empty(): track = successful_tracks.pop() await player.add(, track, query=await track.query()) async def _get_tracks_local_album( self, enqueue, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count, ): yielded = False async for local_track in sub_query.get_all_tracks_in_folder(): yielded = True response = await self._get_tracks(player=player, query=local_track, first=True, bypass_cache=True) match response.loadType: case "track": tracks = [] case "search": tracks = case "playlist": tracks = case __: queries_failed.append(local_track) continue if __ := tracks[0].encoded: track_count += 1 successful_tracks.append( await Track.build_track( data=tracks[0], node=node, query=None,, player_instance=player ) ) # Query tracks as the queue builds as this may be a slow operation if enqueue and successful_tracks and not player.is_playing: track = successful_tracks.pop() await, await track.query(), requester) if not yielded: queries_failed.append(sub_query) return track_count async def _get_tracks_playlist_or_album_no_local( self, bypass_cache, enqueue, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count, ): response = await self._get_tracks(player=player, query=sub_query, bypass_cache=bypass_cache) match response.loadType: case "track": tracks = [] enqueue = False case "search": tracks = case "playlist": tracks = case __: queries_failed.append(sub_query) return track_count if not tracks: queries_failed.append(sub_query) for track in tracks: if __ := track.encoded: track_count += 1 successful_tracks.append( await Track.build_track( data=track, node=node, query=None,, player_instance=player ) ) # Query tracks as the queue builds as this may be a slow operation if enqueue and successful_tracks and not player.is_playing: track = successful_tracks.pop() await, await track.query(), requester) return track_count async def _get_tracks_search_or_single( self, bypass_cache, node, player, queries_failed, requester, sub_query, successful_tracks, track_count ): response = await self._get_tracks(player=player, query=sub_query, first=True, bypass_cache=bypass_cache) match response.loadType: case "track": tracks = [] case "search": tracks = case "playlist": tracks = case __: queries_failed.append(sub_query) return track_count if tracks: track_count += 1 new_query = await Query.from_string(tracks[0].info.uri) new_query.merge(sub_query, start_time=True) successful_tracks.append( await Track.build_track( data=tracks[0], node=node, query=sub_query,, player_instance=player ) ) else: queries_failed.append(sub_query) return track_count @staticmethod async def _yield_recursive_queries(query: Query, recursion_depth: int = 0) -> AsyncIterator[Query]: """|coro| Gets all queries associated with the given query. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`Query` The query to perform a search for """ if query.invalid or recursion_depth > MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH: return recursion_depth += 1 if query.is_m3u: # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for m3u in query._yield_m3u_tracks(): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for q in query._yield_tracks_recursively(m3u, recursion_depth): yield q elif query.is_pylav: # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for pylav in query._yield_pylav_file_tracks(): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for q in query._yield_tracks_recursively(pylav, recursion_depth): yield q elif query.is_pls: # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for pls in query._yield_pls_tracks(): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for q in query._yield_tracks_recursively(pls, recursion_depth): yield q elif query.is_local and query.is_album: # noinspection PyProtectedMember async for local in query._yield_local_tracks(): yield local else: yield query
[docs] async def get_tracks( self, *queries: Query, bypass_cache: bool = False, fullsearch: bool = False, region: str | None = None, player: Player | None = None, sleep: bool = False, ) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: # sourcery skip: low-code-quality """This method can be rather slow as it recursively queries all queries and their associated entries. Thus, if you are processing user input you may be interested in using the :meth:`get_all_tracks_for_queries` where it can enqueue tracks as needed to the player. Parameters ---------- queries : `Query` The list of queries to search for. bypass_cache : `bool`, optional Whether to bypass the cache and force a new search. Local files will always be bypassed. fullsearch : `bool`, optional if a Search query is passed wether to returrn a list of tracks instead of the first. region : `str`, optional The region to search in. player : `Player`, optional The player to use for enqueuing tracks. sleep : `bool`, optional Whether to sleep between each query to avoid ratelimits. """ output_tracks = [] playlist_name = "" plugin_info = {} if region is None and player is not None: region = player.region if region is None: region = "us_east" playlist_count = 0 for query in queries: async for subquery in self._yield_recursive_queries(query): response = await self.search_query( subquery, bypass_cache=bypass_cache, fullsearch=fullsearch, region=region, sleep=sleep ) match response.loadType: case "track": tracks = [] playlist_name = "" playlist_info = {} case "search": tracks = playlist_name = "" playlist_info = {} case "playlist": playlist_count += 1 tracks = plugin_info |= playlist_name = if else "" playlist_info = ( if else {"name": playlist_name, "selectedTrack": 0} ) case __: continue if subquery.is_playlist or subquery.is_album: output_tracks.extend(tracks) elif fullsearch and subquery.is_search or subquery.is_single: output_tracks.extend(tracks) else: LOGGER.error("Unknown query type: %s", subquery) data = { "loadType": "playlist" if playlist_name and playlist_count == 1 else "search" if len(output_tracks) > 1 else "track" if output_tracks else "empty", "data": None, } match data["loadType"]: case "playlist": data["data"] = { "info": playlist_info, "pluginInfo": plugin_info, "tracks": [track.to_dict() for track in output_tracks], } case "search": data["data"] = [track.to_dict() for track in output_tracks] case "track": data["data"] = output_tracks[0].to_dict() case "empty": data["data"] = None case "error" | "apiError": data["data"] = {"cause": "No tracks returned", "severity": "common", "message": "No tracks found"} node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node() while not node: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node() return node.parse_loadtrack_response(data)
[docs] async def search_query( self, query: Query, bypass_cache: bool = False, fullsearch: bool = False, region: str | None = None, sleep: bool = False, player: Player | None = None, ) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses | None: """ Search for the specified query returns a LoadTrackResponse object Parameters ---------- query : `Query` The list of queries to search for. bypass_cache : `bool`, optional Whether to bypass the cache and force a new search. Local files will always be bypassed. fullsearch : `bool`, optional if a Search query is passed wether to returrn a list of tracks instead of the first. region : `str`, optional The region to search in. sleep : `bool`, optional Whether to sleep for a short duration if a lavalink call is made. player : `Player`, optional The player to use for enqueuing tracks. """ if region is None and player is not None: region = player.region node = await self.node_manager.find_best_node(region=region, feature=query.requires_capability) if node is None: return if query.is_playlist or query.is_album or (fullsearch and query.is_search): return await node.get_track(query, bypass_cache=bypass_cache, sleep=sleep) elif query.is_single: return await node.get_track(query, first=True, bypass_cache=bypass_cache, sleep=sleep) else: LOGGER.error("Unknown query type: %s", query)
[docs] async def remove_node(self, node_id: int): """Removes a node from the node manager""" if node := self.node_manager.get_node_by_id(node_id): await self.node_manager.remove_node(node)
[docs] async def is_dj( self, user: discord.Member, guild: discord.Guild, *, additional_role_ids: list = None, additional_user_ids: list = None, ) -> bool: """Checks if a user is a DJ in a guild.""" if additional_user_ids and in additional_user_ids: return True if additional_role_ids and any( in additional_role_ids for r in user.roles): return True return await self.player_config_manager.is_dj( user=user, guild=guild, additional_role_ids=None, additional_user_ids=None )
[docs] @staticmethod async def generate_mix_playlist( *, video_id: str | None = None, user_id: str | None = None, playlist_id: str | None = None, channel_id: str | None = None, ) -> str: """Generates an YouTube mixed playlist url from a single video, user, channel or playlist.""" if not any([video_id, playlist_id, channel_id, user_id]): raise PyLavInvalidArgumentsException( _("A single video, user, channel or playlist identifier is necessary to generate a mixed playlist.") ) if sum(1 for i in [video_id, playlist_id, channel_id, user_id] if i) > 1: raise PyLavInvalidArgumentsException( _( "A single video, user, channel or playlist identifier is necessary to generate a mixed playlist. " "However, you provided multiple" ) ) if video_id: return f"{video_id}" if user_id: return f"{user_id}" if playlist_id: return f"{playlist_id}" if channel_id: return f"{channel_id}"