Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import datetime
import pathlib
import typing
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import asyncpg
import discord

from pylav.constants.config import (
from pylav.constants.playlists import (
from pylav.core.context import PyLavContext
from pylav.exceptions.database import EntryNotFoundException
from pylav.helpers.time import get_now_utc
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.rest_api import PlaylistResponse
from pylav.players.query.obj import Query
from pylav.players.tracks.obj import Track
from import PlaylistRow
from import Playlist
from import DISCORD_BOT_TYPE
from pylav.type_hints.dict_typing import JSON_DICT_TYPE

    from pylav.core.client import Client
LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.Database.Controller.Playlist")

    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator  # type: ignore

    _ = Translator("PyLav", pathlib.Path(__file__))
except ImportError:
    Translator = None

    def _(string: str) -> str:
        return string

[docs] class PlaylistController: __slots__ = ("_client",) def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client @property def client(self) -> Client: return self._client
[docs] @staticmethod def get_playlist(**kwargs: typing.Any) -> Playlist: if identifier := kwargs.pop("identifier", kwargs.pop("id", None)): return Playlist(id=identifier) else: raise ValueError("Playlist identifier not provided")
[docs] async def get_bundled_playlists(self) -> list[Playlist]: return [ p for playlist in BUNDLED_PLAYLIST_IDS if (p := self.get_playlist(identifier=playlist)) and await p.exists() ]
[docs] async def get_playlist_by_name(self, playlist_name: str, limit: int = None) -> list[Playlist]: query = ( .where("%{playlist_name.lower()}%")) .output(load_json=True, nested=True) ) if limit is not None: query = query.limit(limit) playlists = await query if not playlists: raise EntryNotFoundException( _("Playlist with the name {playlist_name_variable_do_not_translate} was not found.").format( playlist_name_variable_do_not_translate=playlist_name ) ) return [self.get_playlist(**playlist) for playlist in playlists]
[docs] async def get_playlist_by_id(self, playlist_id: int | str) -> Playlist: try: playlist_id = int(playlist_id) response = await PlaylistRow.exists().where( == playlist_id) except ValueError as e: raise EntryNotFoundException(f"Playlist with id {playlist_id} not found") from e if response: return self.get_playlist(identifier=playlist_id) else: raise EntryNotFoundException(f"Playlist with id {playlist_id} not found")
[docs] async def get_playlist_by_name_or_id(self, playlist_name_or_id: int | str, limit: int = None) -> list[Playlist]: try: return [await self.get_playlist_by_id(playlist_name_or_id)] except EntryNotFoundException: return await self.get_playlist_by_name(playlist_name_or_id, limit=limit)
[docs] async def get_playlists_by_author(self, author: int, return_empty: bool = True) -> list[Playlist]: playlists = ( await .where( == author) .output(load_json=True, nested=True) ) if playlists or return_empty: return [self.get_playlist(**playlist) for playlist in playlists] else: raise EntryNotFoundException(f"Playlist with author {author} not found")
[docs] async def get_playlists_by_scope(self, scope: int, return_empty: bool = True) -> list[Playlist]: playlists = ( await .where(PlaylistRow.scope == scope) .output(load_json=True, nested=True) ) if playlists or return_empty: return [self.get_playlist(**playlist) for playlist in playlists] else: raise EntryNotFoundException(f"Playlist with scope {scope} not found")
[docs] async def get_all_playlists(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[Playlist]: for entry in await, nested=True): yield self.get_playlist(**entry)
[docs] async def get_external_playlists(self, *ids: int, ignore_ids: list[int] = None) -> typing.AsyncIterator[Playlist]: if ignore_ids is None: ignore_ids = [] base_query =, nested=True) if ids and ignore_ids: query = base_query.where( PlaylistRow.url.is_not_null() & & ) elif ignore_ids: query = base_query.where(PlaylistRow.url.is_not_null() & else: query = base_query.where(PlaylistRow.url.is_not_null() & for entry in await query: yield self.get_playlist(**entry)
[docs] async def create_or_update_playlist( self, identifier: int, scope: int, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str | JSON_DICT_TYPE | Track] = None, ) -> Playlist: playlist = self.get_playlist(identifier=identifier) await playlist.bulk_update( scope=scope, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks or [], ) return playlist
[docs] async def delete_playlist(self, playlist_id: int) -> None: await self.get_playlist(identifier=playlist_id).delete()
[docs] async def create_or_update_global_playlist( self, identifier: int, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str | Track] = None ) -> Playlist: return await self.create_or_update_playlist( identifier=identifier,, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks )
[docs] async def create_or_update_user_playlist( self, identifier: int, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str | Track] = None ) -> Playlist: return await self.create_or_update_playlist( identifier=identifier, scope=author, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks )
[docs] async def create_or_update_channel_playlist( self, channel:, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str] = None, ) -> Playlist: return await self.create_or_update_playlist(,, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks )
[docs] async def create_or_update_guild_playlist( self, guild: discord.Guild, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str] = None ) -> Playlist: return await self.create_or_update_playlist(,, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks )
[docs] async def create_or_update_vc_playlist( self, vc:, author: int, name: str, url: str | None = None, tracks: list[str] = None, ) -> Playlist: return await self.create_or_update_playlist(,, author=author, name=name, url=url, tracks=tracks )
[docs] async def get_all_for_user( self, requester: int, empty: bool = False, *, vc: = None, guild: discord.Guild = None, channel: = None, ) -> tuple[list[Playlist], list[Playlist], list[Playlist], list[Playlist], list[Playlist]]: """ Gets all playlists a user has access to in a given context. Globals, User specific, Guild specific, Channel specific, VC specific. """ global_playlists = [ p for p in await self.get_playlists_by_scope(, return_empty=True) if (not empty or await p.size()) ] user_playlists = [ p for p in await self.get_playlists_by_scope(scope=requester, return_empty=True) if (not empty or await p.size()) ] vc_playlists = [] guild_playlists = [] channel_playlists = [] if vc is not None: vc_playlists = [ p for p in await self.get_playlists_by_scope(, return_empty=True) if (not empty or await p.size()) ] if guild is not None: guild_playlists = [ p for p in await self.get_playlists_by_scope(, return_empty=True) if (not empty or await p.size()) ] if channel is not None: channel_playlists = [ p for p in await self.get_playlists_by_scope(, return_empty=True) if (not empty or await p.size()) ] return global_playlists, user_playlists, guild_playlists, channel_playlists, vc_playlists
[docs] async def get_manageable_playlists( self, requester:, bot: DISCORD_BOT_TYPE, *, name_or_id: str | None = None ) -> list[Playlist]: if name_or_id: try: playlists = await self.get_playlist_by_name_or_id(name_or_id) except EntryNotFoundException: playlists = [] else: try: playlists = [p async for p in self.get_all_playlists()] except EntryNotFoundException: playlists = [] returning_list = [] if playlists: for playlist in playlists: if await playlist.can_manage(requester=requester, bot=bot): returning_list.append(playlist) return returning_list
async def _update_bundled_playlists(self, playlist_id, url, source, name, old_time_stamp): try: ctx = typing.cast( PyLavContext, namedtuple("PyLavContext", "message author")( message=discord.Object(id=playlist_id), author=discord.Object( ), ) playlist = await Playlist.from_yaml(context=ctx, url=url,"Updating bundled playlist - %s - %s", playlist_id, f"[{source}] {name}") except Exception as exc: LOGGER.error( "Built-in playlist couldn't be parsed - %s, report this error", f"[{source}] {name}", exc_info=exc, ) playlist = None if not playlist: # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists(old_time_stamp) return
[docs] async def update_bundled_playlists(self, *playlist_ids: int) -> None: # NOTICE: Update the BUNDLED_PLAYLIST_IDS constant in the file with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError, asyncpg.exceptions.CannotConnectNowError): await self.client.node_manager.wait_until_ready() # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._maybe_wait_until_bundled_node(await self.client.managed_node_is_enabled()) # noinspection PyProtectedMember old_time_stamp = await self.client._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists() id_filtered = { playlist_id: BUNDLED_PYLAV_PLAYLISTS[playlist_id] for playlist_id in playlist_ids if playlist_id in BUNDLED_PYLAV_PLAYLISTS } if not id_filtered: id_filtered = BUNDLED_PYLAV_PLAYLISTS count = 0 tasks = [] for playlist_id, (name, url, source) in id_filtered.items(): tasks.append(self._update_bundled_playlists(playlist_id, url, source, name, old_time_stamp)) if count % 10 == 0: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) tasks = [] count += 1 if tasks: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_playlists( get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_PLAYLISTS_DAYS) ) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.client._wait_for_playlists.set()"Finished updating bundled playlists")
async def _update_bundled_external_playlist( self, playlist_id, album_playlist, identifier, name, old_time_stamp, retry: int = 0 ): is_deezer = False if retry > 3: return if (playlist_id in BUNDLED_SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_IDS and not self.client._spotify_auth) or ( playlist_id in BUNDLED_DEEZER_PLAYLIST_IDS and not self.client._has_deezer_support ): return elif playlist_id in BUNDLED_SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_IDS: url = f"{album_playlist}/{identifier}" elif playlist_id in BUNDLED_DEEZER_PLAYLIST_IDS: url = f"{album_playlist}/{identifier}" is_deezer = True else: LOGGER.debug("Unknown playlist id: %s", playlist_id) return tracks_raw = [] data = None try:"Updating bundled external playlist - %s - %s", playlist_id, name) query = await Query.from_string(url) data: PlaylistResponse = await self.client.get_tracks(query, bypass_cache=True) name = ( f"[{query.source_abbreviation}] {}" if else f"[{query.source_abbreviation}] {name}" ) tracks_raw = except Exception as exc: if (not data) and is_deezer: await asyncio.sleep(1) LOGGER.debug("Retrying Deezer playlist - %s (%s) (%s)", name, playlist_id, url) await self._update_bundled_external_playlist( playlist_id, album_playlist, identifier, name, old_time_stamp, retry=retry + 1 ) return else: LOGGER.error( "Built-in external playlist couldn't be parsed - %s, report this error", name, exc_info=exc ) LOGGER.debug("Built-in external playlist couldn't be parsed - %s (%r)", name, data, exc_info=exc) data = None if not data: # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists(old_time_stamp) return if tracks_raw: await self.create_or_update_global_playlist( identifier=playlist_id, name=name, tracks=tracks_raw,, url=url ) else: await self.delete_playlist(playlist_id=playlist_id)
[docs] async def update_bundled_external_playlists(self, *playlist_ids: int) -> None: with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError, asyncpg.exceptions.CannotConnectNowError): await self.client.node_manager.wait_until_ready() # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._maybe_wait_until_bundled_node(await self.client.managed_node_is_enabled()) # noinspection PyProtectedMember old_time_stamp = await self.client._config.fetch_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists() # NOTICE: Update the BUNDLED_PLAYLIST_IDS constant in the file id_filtered = { playlist_id: BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS[playlist_id] for playlist_id in playlist_ids if playlist_id in BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS } if not id_filtered: id_filtered = BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS tasks = [] count = 0 for playlist_id, (identifier, name, album_playlist) in id_filtered.items(): tasks.append( self._update_bundled_external_playlist( playlist_id, album_playlist, identifier, name, old_time_stamp ) ) if count % 10 == 0: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) tasks = [] count += 1 if tasks: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._config.update_next_execution_update_bundled_external_playlists( get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_BUNDLED_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS) )"Finished updating bundled external playlists")
[docs] async def update_external_playlists(self, *playlist_ids: int) -> None: with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError, asyncpg.exceptions.CannotConnectNowError): await self.client.node_manager.wait_until_ready() # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._maybe_wait_until_bundled_node(await self.client.managed_node_is_enabled()) count = 0 tasks = [] async for playlist in self.get_external_playlists(*playlist_ids, ignore_ids=BUNDLED_PLAYLIST_IDS): tasks.append(self._update_external_playlist(playlist)) if count % 10 == 0: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) tasks = [] count += 1 if tasks: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # noinspection PyProtectedMember await self.client._config.update_next_execution_update_external_playlists( get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(days=TASK_TIMER_UPDATE_EXTERNAL_PLAYLISTS_DAYS) )"Finished updating external playlists")
async def _update_external_playlist(self, playlist, retry: int = 0): name = await playlist.fetch_name() url = await playlist.fetch_url() query = await Query.from_string(url) response = None try:"Updating external playlist - %s (%s)", name, response: PlaylistResponse = await self.client.get_tracks( query, bypass_cache=True, ) tracks_raw = new_name = new_name = f"[{query.source_abbreviation}] {new_name}" if new_name else None if tracks_raw: await playlist.update_tracks(tracks=tracks_raw) if new_name and new_name != name: await playlist.update_name(new_name) except Exception as exc: if (not response) and query.is_deezer: await asyncio.sleep(1) await self._update_external_playlist(playlist, retry=retry + 1) return LOGGER.error( "External playlist couldn't be updated - %s (%s), report this error", name,, exc_info=exc, )
[docs] @staticmethod async def count() -> int: """Returns the number of playlists in the database.""" return await PlaylistRow.count()