Source code for pylav.players.tracks.decoder

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import typing

from dacite import from_dict  # type: ignore

from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.track import Track
from pylav.utils.vendor.lavalink_py.datarw import DataReader

LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.Track.Decoder")

# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection,PyPep8Naming
[docs] def decode_track(track: str) -> Track: """Decodes a base64 track string into a Track object. Parameters ---------- track: :class:`str` The base64 track string. Returns ------- :class:`Track` The decoded Track object """ reader = DataReader(track) version = reader.read_version() plugin_info = {} title = reader.read_utfm() author = reader.read_utfm() length = reader.read_long() identifier = reader.read_utf() is_stream = reader.read_boolean() uri = reader.read_nullable_utf() if version >= 2 else None if version >= 3: artworkUrl = reader.read_nullable_utf() isrc = reader.read_nullable_utf() else: artworkUrl = None isrc = None source = reader.read_utf() try: match source: case "local" | "http" if version >= 2: plugin_info["probeInfo"] = reader.read_utfm() case "spotify" | "applemusic" | "deezer" if version == 2: isrc = reader.read_nullable_utf() artworkUrl = reader.read_nullable_utf() case "yandexmusic" if version == 2: artworkUrl = reader.read_nullable_utf() # Position __ = reader.read_long() # Discard position, we don't need it except Exception as exc: LOGGER.verbose("Error while decoding version %d track: %s", version, track, exc_info=exc) raise UnicodeError("Error while decoding track") from exc return typing.cast( Track, from_dict( data_class=Track, data={ "encoded": track, "info": { "version": version, "title": title, "author": author, "length": length, "identifier": identifier, "isStream": is_stream, "uri": uri, "isSeekable": not is_stream, "sourceName": source, "artworkUrl": artworkUrl, "isrc": isrc, "position": 0, }, "pluginInfo": plugin_info, }, ), )
[docs] async def async_decoder(track: str) -> Track: return await asyncio.to_thread(decode_track, track=track)