Source code for pylav.nodes.node

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import datetime
import functools
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal
from uuid import uuid4

import aiohttp
from aiohttp.helpers import sentinel  # noqa:
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import JobLookupError
from dacite import from_dict
from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
from multidict import CIMultiDictProxy
from packaging.version import Version, parse
from yarl import URL

from pylav.compat import json
from pylav.constants.builtin_nodes import BUNDLED_NODES_IDS_HOST_MAPPING, PYLAV_NODES
from pylav.constants.coordinates import REGION_TO_COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MAPPING
from pylav.constants.node_features import SUPPORTED_FEATURES, SUPPORTED_SOURCES
from pylav.constants.regex import SEMANTIC_VERSIONING
from import LavalinkLoadSearchEvent, LavalinkLoadtracksEvent
from import PyLavEvent
from pylav.exceptions.request import HTTPException, UnauthorizedException
from pylav.helpers.time import get_now_utc
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.api.responses import rest_api
from pylav.nodes.api.responses import websocket as websocket_responses
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.errors import LavalinkError
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.plugins import lyrics as lyrics_responses
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.rest_api import PlaylistData
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.route_planner import Status as RoutePlannerStart
from pylav.nodes.api.responses.track import Track
from pylav.nodes.utils import EMPTY_RESPONSE, Stats
from pylav.nodes.websocket import WebSocket
from pylav.players.filters import (
from pylav.players.query.obj import Query
from import mocked as node_mocked
from import real as node_real
from pylav.type_hints.dict_typing import JSON_DICT_TYPE
from pylav.utils.location import distance

    from pylav.nodes.manager import NodeManager
    from pylav.players.player import Player

[docs] class Node: """Represents a Node connection with Lavalink. Note ---- Nodes are **NOT** meant to be added manually, but rather with :func:`Client.add_node`. """ __slots__ = ( "_query_cls", "_manager", "_session", "_temporary", "_host", "_port", "_password", "_name", "_ssl", "_config", "_managed", "_region", "_extras", "_stats", "_disabled_sources", "_identifier", "_resume_timeout", "_reconnect_attempts", "_search_only", "_capabilities", "_coordinates", "_down_votes", "_ready", "_ws", "_version", "_api_version", "_logger", "_filters", "__cli_flags", ) def __init__( self, manager: NodeManager, host: str, password: str, resume_timeout: int, port: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, reconnect_attempts: int = -1, ssl: bool = False, search_only: bool = False, unique_identifier: int = None, disabled_sources: list[str] = None, managed: bool = False, extras: dict = None, temporary: bool = False, ) -> None: self._query_cls: type[Query] = Query self._version: Version | None = None self._api_version: int | None = None self._manager = manager self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession( timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=120), json_serialize=json.dumps, headers={ "Authorization": password, "Client-Name": f"PyLav/{self._manager.client.lib_version}", "App-Id": self._manager.client._user_id, }, ) self._temporary = temporary if not temporary: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._config: node_real.Node = self._manager._client.node_db_manager.get_node_config(unique_identifier) else: self._config: node_mocked.NodeMock | None = None if unique_identifier is None: unique_identifier = str(uuid4()) self._managed = managed self._region = None self._host = host self._name = name or f"{self._region}-{self._host}-{unique_identifier}" self._extras = extras or {} self._disabled_sources = set(disabled_sources or []) self._logger = getLogger(f"PyLav.Node-{self._name}") if self._manager.get_node_by_id(unique_identifier) is not None: raise ValueError(f"A Node with identifier:{unique_identifier} already exists") self._identifier = unique_identifier self._ssl = ssl if port is None: self._port = 443 if self._ssl else 80 else: self._port = port self._password = password self._resume_timeout = resume_timeout self._reconnect_attempts = reconnect_attempts self._search_only = search_only self._capabilities: set[str] = set() self._filters: set[str] = set() self._coordinates = (0, 0) self._down_votes = ExpiringDict(max_len=float("inf"), max_age_seconds=600) # type: ignore self.__cli_flags = getattr("", "_cli_flags", None) self._stats = None self._ready = asyncio.Event() self._ws = WebSocket( node=self,, port=self.port, password=self.password, resume_timeout=self.resume_timeout, reconnect_attempts=self.reconnect_attempts, ssl=self.ssl, ) self._manager.client.scheduler.add_job( self.node_monitor_task, trigger="interval", seconds=15, max_instances=1, id=f"{self.identifier}-{}-node_monitor_task", replace_existing=True, coalesce=True, next_run_time=get_now_utc() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=15), ) @property def trace(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the node is being traced or not.""" if getLogger("PyLav").getEffectiveLevel() < logging.INFO: return True return self.__cli_flags.logging_level < logging.INFO if self.__cli_flags else False async def _unhealthy(self) -> None: del self.down_votes if self._ws is not None: await self.websocket.manual_closure( managed_node=self.identifier == and self.websocket is not None ) if self.identifier == await self.node_manager.client.managed_node_controller.restart() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self.close()
[docs] async def node_monitor_task(self) -> None: """Monitors the node for health and stability.""" with contextlib.suppress( asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError, ): if self.websocket and self.websocket._connecting is True: return try: await self._logger.trace("Healthy") except Exception: # noqa # noinspection PyProtectedMember if self.websocket._connecting is True: return self._logger.warning("Unhealthy - Triggering a state reset") await self._unhealthy() playing_players = len(self.playing_players) if playing_players == 0: return if (self.down_votes / playing_players) >= 0.5: # noinspection PyProtectedMember if self.websocket._connecting is True: return await self._unhealthy()
@property def version(self) -> Version | None: """The version of the node.""" return self._version @property def api_version(self) -> int | None: """The API version of the node.""" return self._api_version @property def socket_protocol(self) -> str: """The protocol used for the socket connection""" return "wss" if self._ssl else "ws" @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is ready or not.""" return self._ready.is_set() and self.websocket.connected @property def coordinates(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """The coordinates of the node. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` The coordinates of the node. """ return self._coordinates @property def managed(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is managed or not.""" return self._managed @property def config(self) -> node_mocked.NodeMock | node_real.Node: """The config of the node.""" return self._config @property def identifier(self) -> int: """ The identifier of the :class:`Node`. """ return self._identifier @property def search_only(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is search only or not.""" return self._search_only @property def session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """The aiohttp session of the node""" return self._session @property def websocket(self) -> WebSocket: """The websocket of the node""" return self._ws @property def node_manager(self) -> NodeManager: """The :class:`NodeManager` this node belongs to""" return self._manager @property def port(self) -> int: """The port of the node""" return self._port @property def ssl(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is using a ssl connection""" return self._ssl @property def connection_protocol(self) -> str: """The protocol used for the connection""" return "https" if self.ssl else "http" @property def host(self) -> str: """The host of the node""" return self._host @property def region(self) -> str: """The region of the node""" return self._region @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the node""" return self._name @property def password(self) -> str: """The password of the node""" return self._password @property def resume_timeout(self) -> int: """The timeout to use for resuming""" return self._resume_timeout @property def reconnect_attempts(self) -> int: """The number of attempts to reconnect to the node""" return self._reconnect_attempts @property def stats(self) -> Stats: """The stats of the node""" return self._stats @stats.setter def stats(self, value: Stats) -> None: """Sets the stats of the node""" if not isinstance(value, Stats): raise TypeError("stats must be of type Stats") self._stats = value @property def available(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the node is available for requests""" return self._ws.connected if self._ws else False @property def _original_players(self) -> list[Player]: """Returns a list of players that were assigned to this node, but were moved due to failover etc""" # noinspection PyProtectedMember return [p for p in self._manager.client.player_manager.players.values() if p._original_node == self] @property def players(self) -> list[Player]: """Returns a list of all players on this node""" return [p for p in self._manager.client.player_manager.players.values() if p.node == self] @property def playing_players(self) -> list[Player]: """Returns a list of all players on this node that are playing""" return [p for p in self.players if p.is_active] @property def connected_players(self) -> list[Player]: """Returns a list of all players on this node that are connected""" return [p for p in self.players if p.is_connected] @property def server_connected_players(self) -> int: """Returns the number of players on this node that are connected""" return self.stats.players if self.stats else self.connected_count @property def server_playing_players(self) -> int: """Returns the number of players on this node that are playing""" return self.stats.playing_players if self.stats else self.playing_count @property def count(self) -> int: """Returns the number of players on this node""" return len(self.players) @property def playing_count(self) -> int: """Returns the number of players on this node that are playing""" return len(self.playing_players) @property def connected_count(self) -> int: """Returns the number of players on this node that are connected""" return len(self.connected_players) @property def penalty(self) -> float: """Returns the load-balancing penalty for this node""" if not self.available or not self.stats: return float("inf") return @property def session_id(self) -> str: """Returns the session id of the node""" return self.websocket.session_id if self.websocket else ""
[docs] def down_vote(self, player: Player) -> int: """Adds a down vote for this node""" if not player.is_active: return -1 self._down_votes[] = 1 return self.down_votes
[docs] def down_unvote(self, player: Player) -> int: """Removes a down vote for this node""" if not player.is_active: return -1 self._down_votes.pop(, None) return self.down_votes
@property def down_votes(self) -> int: """Returns the down votes for this node""" return len(set(self._down_votes.keys()))
[docs] def voted(self, player: Player) -> bool: """Returns whether a player has voted for this node""" return in self._down_votes
@down_votes.deleter def down_votes(self): """Clears the down votes for this node""" self._down_votes.clear() @property def can_resume(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the node can be resumed""" return self._ws.can_resume
[docs] async def penalty_with_region(self, region: str | None) -> float: """The penalty for the node, with the region added in""" if not region: return self.penalty return self.penalty + (1.1 ** (0.0025 * await self.region_distance(region)) * 500 - 500)
[docs] def dispatch_event(self, event: PyLavEvent) -> None: """|coro| Dispatches the given event to all registered hooks. Parameters ---------- event: :class:`Event` The event to dispatch to the hooks. """ self.node_manager.client.dispatch_event(event)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<Node id={self.identifier} name={} session_id={self.session_id} " f"region={self.region} ssl={self.ssl} " f"search_only={self.search_only} connected={self.websocket.connected if self._ws else False} " f"votes={self.down_votes} " f"players={self.server_connected_players} playing={self.server_playing_players}>" ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Node): return functools.reduce( lambda x, y: x and y, map( lambda p, q: p == q, [self.identifier, self.websocket.connected,, self.session_id], [other.identifier, self.websocket.connected,, other.session_id], ), True, ) elif isinstance(other, (node_real.Node, node_mocked.NodeMock)): return self.identifier == return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Node): return self.identifier != other.identifier elif isinstance(other, (node_real.Node, node_mocked.NodeMock)): return self.identifier != return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((, self.port))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_loadtrack_response( data: JSON_DICT_TYPE, ) -> ( rest_api.ErrorResponse | rest_api.EmptyResponse | rest_api.PlaylistResponse | rest_api.SearchResponse | rest_api.TrackResponse ): """Parses the loadtrack response. Parameters ---------- data: LoadTracksResponseT The data to parse. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ match data["loadType"]: case "error": return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.ErrorResponse, data=data) case "empty": return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.EmptyResponse, data=data) case "playlist": return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.PlaylistResponse, data=data) case "track": return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.TrackResponse, data=data) case "search": return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.SearchResponse, data=data)
[docs] async def get_unsupported_features(self) -> set[str]: """|coro| Returns the unsupported features of the target node. """ await self.update_features() return SUPPORTED_SOURCES.union(SUPPORTED_FEATURES) - self._capabilities
[docs] async def update_features(self) -> set[str]: """|coro| Updates the features of the target node. """ info = await self.fetch_info() self._capabilities.clear() self._filters.clear() for source in info.sourceManagers: self._capabilities.add(source) for filterName in info.filters: self._filters.add(filterName) for plugin in info.plugins: match case "SponsorBlock-Plugin": self._capabilities.add("sponsorblock") case "LavaSearch": self._capabilities.add("lavasearch") case "LavaLyrics": self._capabilities.add("lavalyrics") case "youtube-plugin": self._capabilities.add("youtube") if self.identifier in PYLAV_NODES: self._capabilities.discard("http") self._capabilities.discard("local") # If not setup says these should be disabled remove them to trick the node to think they are disabled if self._capabilities: self._capabilities.difference_update(self._disabled_sources) return self._capabilities.copy()
[docs] def has_source(self, source: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node has the specified source. Parameters ---------- source: :class:`str` The source to check. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node has the specified source, False otherwise. """ return source.lower() in self.sources
has_capability = has_source
[docs] def has_filter(self, filter_name: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node has the specified filter. Parameters ---------- filter_name: :class:`str` The filter to check. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node has the specified filter, False otherwise. """ return filter_name in self._filters
[docs] async def update_disabled_sources(self, sources: set[str]) -> None: """ Updates the disabled sources. Returns ------- :class:`None` """ if self.managed or self.identifier in BUNDLED_NODES_IDS_HOST_MAPPING or self.identifier == 31415: return unsupported = await self.get_unsupported_features() currently_disabled = set(await self.config.fetch_disabled_sources()) unsupported = list(unsupported.union(currently_disabled).union(sources)) await self.config.update_disabled_sources(unsupported) self._disabled_sources = unsupported
@property def capabilities(self) -> set: """ Returns the capabilities of the target node. Returns ------- :class:`set` The capabilities of the target node. """ return self._capabilities.copy() @property def disabled_sources(self) -> set: """ Returns the disabled sources of the target node. Returns ------- :class:`set` The disabled sources of the target node. """ return self._disabled_sources.copy() @property def sources(self) -> set: """ Returns the sources of the target node. Returns ------- :class:`set` The sources of the target node. """ return self._capabilities.copy() @property def supports_spotify(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Spotify. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Spotify, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("spotify") @property def supports_apple_music(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Apple Music. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Apple Music, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("applemusic") @property def supports_getyarn(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports GetYarn. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports GetYarn, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("") @property def supports_soundgasm(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Soundgasm. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Soundgasm, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("soundgasm") @property def supports_clypit(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports ClypIt. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports ClypIt, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("clypit") @property def supports_speak(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports speak source. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports speak, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("speak") @property def supports_tts(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Google Cloud TTS. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Google Cloud TTS, False otherwise. """ return self.has_capability("gcloud-tts") @property def supports_pornhub(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports PornHub. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports PornHub, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("pornhub") @property def supports_reddit(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Reddit. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Reddit, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("reddit") @property def supports_ocremix(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports OCRemix. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports OCRemix, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("ocremix") @property def supports_mixcloud(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Mixcloud. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Mixcloud, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("mixcloud") @property def supports_tiktok(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports TikTok. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports TikTok, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("tiktok") @property def supports_youtube(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports YouTube. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports YouTube, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("youtube") @property def supports_bandcamp(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Bandcamp. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Bandcamp, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("bandcamp") @property def supports_soundcloud(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports SoundCloud. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports SoundCloud, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("soundcloud") @property def supports_twitch(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Twitch. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Twitch, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("twitch") @property def supports_deezer(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Deezer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Deezer, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("deezer") @property def supports_yandex_music(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Yandex Music. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Yandex Music, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("yandexmusic") @property def supports_vimeo(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports Vimeo. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports Vimeo, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("vimeo") @property def supports_http(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports HTTP. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports HTTP, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("http") @property def supports_local(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports local files. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports local files, False otherwise. """ return self.has_source("local") @property def supports_sponsorblock(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports SponsorBlock. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports SponsorBlock, False otherwise. """ return self.has_capability("sponsorblock") @property def supports_lavasearch(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports LavaSearch. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports LavaSearch, False otherwise. """ return self.has_capability("lavasearch") @property def supports_lavalyrics(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the target node supports LavaLyrics. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if the target node supports LavaLyrics, False otherwise. """ return self.has_capability("lavalyrics")
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the target node. """ if self.websocket is not None: await self.websocket.close() await self.session.close() with contextlib.suppress(JobLookupError): self.node_manager.client.scheduler.remove_job( job_id=f"{self.identifier}-{}-node_monitor_task" )
[docs] async def wait_until_ready(self, timeout: float | None = None): """Waits until the target node is ready.""" await asyncio.wait_for(self._ready.wait(), timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def region_distance(self, region: str) -> float: """ Returns the numeric representation of the distance between the target node and the given region. Parameters ---------- region : :class:`str` The region to get the distance to. Returns ------- :class:`float` The numeric representation of the distance between the target node and the given region. """ coordinates = REGION_TO_COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MAPPING.get(region) return distance(*self.coordinates, *coordinates) if (coordinates and self.coordinates) else float("inf")
[docs] async def get_track_from_cache( self, query: Query, first: bool = False ) -> rest_api.PlaylistResponse | rest_api.SearchResponse | rest_api.TrackResponse | None: """Gets a query from the query cache.""" response = await self.node_manager.client.query_cache_manager.fetch_query(query) if not response: return load_type = "playlist" if query.is_playlist or query.is_album else "search" if query.is_search else "track" kwargs = {"tracks": True} match load_type: case "playlist": kwargs["info"] = True kwargs["pluginInfo"] = True kwargs["name"] = True cached_query = await response.fetch_bulk(**kwargs) if cached_query is None: return if tracks := cached_query["tracks"]: try: if tracks and first: tracks = [tracks[0]] except Exception: # noqa tracks = [] load_type = "error" data = {"loadType": load_type, "data": None} match data["loadType"]: case "playlist": data["data"] = { "info": cached_query["info"] or {"name": cached_query["name"] or "", "selectedTrack": 0}, "pluginInfo": cached_query["pluginInfo"], "tracks": tracks, } case "search": data["data"] = tracks case "track": data["data"] = tracks[0] case "empty": data["data"] = None case "error": data["data"] = {"cause": "No tracks returned", "severity": "common", "message": "No tracks found"} response = self.parse_loadtrack_response(data) return response
@property def base_url(self) -> URL: """Returns the base URL of the target node.""" return URL(f"{self.connection_protocol}://{}:{self.port}") @property def base_api_url(self) -> URL: """Returns the base API URL of the target node.""" return self.base_url / f"v{self.api_version}" @property def base_ws_url(self) -> URL: """Returns the base WebSocket URL of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url.with_scheme(self.socket_protocol) # ENDPOINTS
[docs] def get_endpoint_websocket(self) -> URL: """Returns the WebSocket endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_ws_url / "websocket"
[docs] def get_endpoint_info(self) -> URL: """Returns the info endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "info"
[docs] def get_endpoint_session_players(self) -> URL: """Returns the session players endpoint of the target node.""" return self.get_endpoint_session() / "players"
[docs] def get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(self, guild_id: int) -> URL: """Returns the session player endpoint of the target node for the given guild ID.""" return self.get_endpoint_session_players() / f"{guild_id}"
[docs] def get_endpoint_session(self) -> URL: """Returns the session endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "sessions" / self.session_id
[docs] def get_endpoint_loadtracks(self) -> URL: """Returns the loadtracks endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "loadtracks"
[docs] def get_endpoint_loadseach(self) -> URL: """Returns the loadsearch endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "loadsearch"
[docs] def get_endpoint_decodetrack(self) -> URL: """Returns the decodetrack endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "decodetrack"
[docs] def get_endpoint_decodetracks(self) -> URL: """Returns the decodetracks endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "decodetracks"
[docs] def get_endpoint_stats(self) -> URL: """Returns the stats endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "stats"
[docs] def get_endpoint_routeplanner_status(self) -> URL: """Returns the routeplanner status endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "routeplanner" / "status"
[docs] def get_endpoint_routeplanner_free_address(self) -> URL: """Returns the routeplanner free address endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "routeplanner" / "free" / "address"
[docs] def get_endpoint_routeplanner_free_all(self) -> URL: """Returns the routeplanner free all endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_api_url / "routeplanner" / "free" / "all"
[docs] def get_endpoint_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(self, guild_id: int) -> URL: """Returns the session player sponsorblock categories endpoint of the target node for the given guild ID.""" return self.get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(guild_id) / "sponsorblock" / "categories"
[docs] def get_endpoint_version(self) -> URL: """Returns the version endpoint of the target node.""" return self.base_url / "version"
[docs] def get_endpoint_current_track_lyrics(self, guild_id: int) -> URL: """Get current playing track lyrics.""" return self.get_endpoint_session_players() / f"{guild_id}" / "track" / "lyrics"
[docs] def get_lyrics(self): """Get lyrics of the specified track.""" return self.get_endpoint_version() / "lyrics"
# REST API - Direct calls
[docs] async def fetch_session_players(self) -> list[rest_api.LavalinkPlayer] | HTTPException: """|coro| Gets all players associated with the target node. Returns ------- list[rest_api.LavalinkPlayer] A list of all players associated with the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_session_players(), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return [from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LavalinkPlayer, data=t) for t in await res.json(loads=json.loads)] failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get session players: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_session_player(self, guild_id: int) -> rest_api.LavalinkPlayer | HTTPException: """|coro| Gets the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(guild_id=guild_id), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LavalinkPlayer, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get session player: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def patch_session_player( self, guild_id: int, no_replace: bool = False, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE = None ) -> rest_api.LavalinkPlayer | HTTPException: """|coro| Updates the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.patch( self.get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(guild_id=guild_id), params={"noReplace": "true" if no_replace else "false", "trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, json=payload, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LavalinkPlayer, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to patch session player: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def delete_session_player(self, guild_id: int) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Deletes the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.delete( self.get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(guild_id=guild_id), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE or res.status in [404]: return response = await res.json(loads=json.loads) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=response) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to delete session player: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def get_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(self, guild_id: int) -> list[str] | HTTPException: """|coro| Gets the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id=guild_id), ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return await res.json(loads=json.loads) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace( "Failed to get session player sponsorblock categories: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message ) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def put_session_player_sponsorblock_categories( self, guild_id: int, categories: list[str] ) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Sets the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.put( self.get_endpoint_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id=guild_id), json=categories, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace( "Failed to put session player sponsorblock categories: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message ) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def delete_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(self, guild_id: int) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Deletes the sponsorblock categories for the player associated with the target node and the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.delete( self.get_endpoint_session_player_sponsorblock_categories(guild_id=guild_id), ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace( "Failed to delete session player sponsorblock categories: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message ) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def patch_session(self, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Patches the session associated with the target node. """ async with self._session.patch( self.get_endpoint_session(), json=payload, params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to delete session player: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_loadtracks(self, query: Query) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Fetches the loadtracks response from the target node. """ if not self.available or not self.has_source(query.requires_capability): return dataclasses.replace(EMPTY_RESPONSE) async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_loadtracks(), params={"identifier": query.query_identifier}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: result = await res.json(loads=json.loads) self._logger.trace("Loaded track: %s response: %s", query, result) response = self.parse_loadtrack_response(result) asyncio.create_task(self.node_manager.client.query_cache_manager.add_query(query, response)) self._manager.client.dispatch_event(LavalinkLoadtracksEvent(node=self, response=response)) return response failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to load track: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_loadsearch( self, query: Query ) -> rest_api.LoadSearchResponses | LavalinkError | HTTPException | None: if not self.available or not self.has_source(query.requires_capability): return None async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_loadseach(), params={"query": query.query_identifier, "trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: if res.status == 204: return None result = await res.json(loads=json.loads) self._logger.trace("Loaded Search Result: %s response: %s", query, result) response = from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LoadSearchResponses, data=result) asyncio.create_task(self.node_manager.client.query_cache_manager.add_query(query, response)) self._manager.client.dispatch_event(LavalinkLoadSearchEvent(node=self, response=response)) return response failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to load track: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_decodetrack( self, encoded_track: str, timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout | object = sentinel, raise_on_failure: bool = True ) -> Track | HTTPException: """|coro| Fetches the decodetrack response from the target node. """ async with self._manager._client.cached_session.get( self.get_endpoint_decodetrack(), params={"encodedTrack": encoded_track, "trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, timeout=timeout, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=Track, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to decode track: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) if raise_on_failure: raise HTTPException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def post_decodetracks( self, encoded_tracks: list[str], raise_on_failure: bool = False ) -> list[Track] | HTTPException: """|coro| Posts the decodetracks response from the target node. """ async with self.get_endpoint_decodetracks(), json=encoded_tracks, params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return [from_dict(data_class=Track, data=t) for t in await res.json(loads=json.loads)] failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to decode tracks: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) if raise_on_failure: raise HTTPException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_info(self, raise_on_error: bool = False) -> rest_api.LavalinkInfo | HTTPException: """|coro| Fetches the info response from the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_info(), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LavalinkInfo, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: if raise_on_error: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) return UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get info: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) if raise_on_error: raise HTTPException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
def _process_version_from_headers(self, headers: CIMultiDictProxy[str]) -> Version: self._api_version = int(headers.get("Lavalink-API-Version") or MAX_SUPPORTED_API_MAJOR_VERSION) version_str = f"{self._api_version}.9999.9999" return Version(version_str)
[docs] async def fetch_stats(self, raise_on_error: bool = False) -> websocket_responses.Stats | HTTPException: """|coro| Fetches the stats response from the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_stats(), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.Stats, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: if raise_on_error: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) return HTTPException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get stats: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) if raise_on_error: raise HTTPException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_version(self, raise_on_error: bool = False) -> Version | HTTPException: """|coro| Fetches the version response from the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_version(), headers={ "Content-Type": "text/plain", }, params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: text = await res.text() version_from_header = self._process_version_from_headers(res.headers) return parse(text) if SEMANTIC_VERSIONING.match(text) else version_from_header failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: if raise_on_error: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) return HTTPException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get version: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) if raise_on_error: raise HTTPException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_routeplanner_status(self) -> RoutePlannerStart | HTTPException: """|coro| Fetches the routeplanner status response from the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_routeplanner_status(), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: data = await res.json(loads=json.loads) data["type"] = data["class"] del data["class"] return from_dict(data_class=RoutePlannerStart, data=data) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to get routeplanner status: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def post_routeplanner_free_address(self, address: str) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Frees the given address from the routeplanner. """ async with self.get_endpoint_routeplanner_free_address(), json={"address": address}, params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to free routeplanner address: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def post_routeplanner_free_all(self) -> None | HTTPException: """|coro| Frees all addresses from the routeplanner. """ async with self.get_endpoint_routeplanner_free_all(), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) self._logger.trace("Failed to free all routeplanner addresses: %d %s", failure.status, failure.message) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_current_lyrics( self, guild_id: int, skipTrackSource: bool = False, raise_on_error: bool = False ) -> lyrics_responses.LyricsObject | LavalinkError | HTTPException | None: """|coro| Fetches the lyrics for the current track from the target node. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_current_track_lyrics(guild_id=guild_id), params={ "trace": "true" if self.trace else "false", "skipTrackSource": "true" if skipTrackSource else "false", }, ) as res: if res.status == 204: return None elif res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: data = await res.json(loads=json.loads) return from_dict(data_class=lyrics_responses.LyricsObject, data=data) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if raise_on_error: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
[docs] async def fetch_lyrics( self, encodedTrack: str, skipTrackSource: bool = False, raise_on_error: bool = False ) -> lyrics_responses.LyricsObject | LavalinkError | HTTPException | None: """|coro| Fetches the lyrics for the specified track. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_lyrics(), params={ "trace": "true" if self.trace else "false", "skipTrackSource": "true" if skipTrackSource else "false", "track": encodedTrack, }, ) as res: if res.status == 204: return None elif res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: data = await res.json(loads=json.loads) return from_dict(data_class=lyrics_responses.LyricsObject, data=data) failure = from_dict(data_class=LavalinkError, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if raise_on_error: raise UnauthorizedException(failure) return HTTPException(failure)
# REST API - Wrappers
[docs] async def fetch_node_version(self) -> Version: """|coro| Fetches the version response from the target node. """ self._version = await self.fetch_version(raise_on_error=True) return self._version
[docs] async def fetch_api_version(self) -> None: """|coro| Fetches the API version response from the target node. """ if self.version is None: await self.fetch_node_version()
[docs] async def get_guild_player(self, guild_id: int) -> rest_api.LavalinkPlayer: """|coro| Fetches the player for the given guild ID. """ async with self._session.get( self.get_endpoint_session_player_by_guild_id(guild_id=guild_id), params={"trace": "true" if self.trace else "false"}, ) as res: if res.status in GOOD_RESPONSE_RANGE: return from_dict(data_class=rest_api.LavalinkPlayer, data=await res.json(loads=json.loads)) if res.status in [401, 403]: raise UnauthorizedException raise ValueError(f"Server returned an unexpected return code: {res.status}")
[docs] async def get_track( self, query: Query, first: bool = False, bypass_cache: bool = False, sleep: bool = False ) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets all tracks associated with the given query. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`Query` The query to perform a search for. first: :class:`bool` Whether to return the first result or all results. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. sleep: :class:`bool` Whether to sleep for 1 second before returning the response. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response object """ if not bypass_cache: if cached_entry := await self.get_track_from_cache(query=query, first=first): return cached_entry if ( self.node_manager.client.local_tracks_cache.is_ready and query.is_local and f"{query._query}" in self.node_manager.client.local_tracks_cache.path_to_track ): return self.parse_loadtrack_response( { "loadType": "track", "data": self.node_manager.client.local_tracks_cache.path_to_track[f"{query._query}"], } ) response = await self.fetch_loadtracks(query=query) if sleep: await asyncio.sleep(0.05) if isinstance(response, HTTPException): return response if first: match response.loadType: case "track": return response case "search": return rest_api.TrackResponse(loadType="track",[0]) case "playlist": return rest_api.TrackResponse(loadType="track",[0]) return response
[docs] async def get_lavasearch_collection( self, query: Query, bypass_cache: bool = False, sleep: bool = False, filter: Literal["tracks", "albums", "artists", "playlists"] | None = None, ) -> rest_api.LoadSearchResponses | list[PlaylistData] | list[Track] | None: """|coro| Gets all tracks associated with the given query. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`Query` The query to perform a search for. filter: Optional[Literal["tracks" , "albums", "artists", "playlists"]] Whether to filter the response to a specific type. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. sleep: :class:`bool` Whether to sleep for 1 second before returning the response. Returns ------- Optional[rest_api.LoadSearchResponses | list[PlaylistData] | list[Track]] Lavalink LoadSearch Response object """ if not bypass_cache: if cached_entry := await self.get_track_from_cache(query=query): return cached_entry response = await self.fetch_loadsearch(query=query) if sleep: await asyncio.sleep(0.05) if isinstance(response, type(None)): return match filter: case "tracks": return response.tracks case "albums": return response.albums case "artists": return response.artists case "playlists": return response.playlists case _: return response
[docs] async def search_youtube_music(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from YouTube music. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"ytmsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_youtube(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from YouTube music. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"ytsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_soundcloud(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Soundcloud. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"scsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_spotify(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Spotify. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"spsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_apple_music(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Apple Music. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"amsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_deezer(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Deezer. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"dzsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def search_yandex(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Yandex Music. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(f"ymsearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def get_query_speak(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query for speak. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track( await self._query_cls.from_string(f"speak:{query[:200]}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache )
[docs] async def get_query_localfiles( self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = True, ) -> rest_api.LoadTrackResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from Localfiles. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadTrackObjects Lavalink LoadTrack Response Object """ return await self.get_track(await self._query_cls.from_string(query), bypass_cache=bypass_cache)
[docs] async def get_lavasearch(self, query: str, bypass_cache: bool = False) -> rest_api.LoadSearchResponses: """|coro| Gets the query from LavaSearch. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` The query to search for. bypass_cache: :class:`bool` Whether to bypass the cache. Returns ------- LavalinkLoadSearchObjects Lavalink LoadSearch Response Object """ return await self.get_lavasearch_collection( await self._query_cls.from_string(f"lavasearch:{query}"), bypass_cache=bypass_cache )
[docs] def get_filter_payload( self, *, player: Player, volume: Volume = None, equalizer: Equalizer = None, karaoke: Karaoke = None, timescale: Timescale = None, tremolo: Tremolo = None, vibrato: Vibrato = None, rotation: Rotation = None, distortion: Distortion = None, low_pass: LowPass = None, channel_mix: ChannelMix = None, reset_no_set: bool = False, reset: bool = False, pluginFilters: dict[str, Echo | Reverb | None] = None, ) -> JSON_DICT_TYPE: """Gets the filter payload.""" if reset: return {} if pluginFilters is None: pluginFilters = {} payload = {} if self.has_filter("volume"): self._get_filter_payload_volume(payload, volume) if self.has_filter("equalizer"): self._get_filter_payload_equalizer(equalizer, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("karaoke"): self._get_filter_payload_karaoke(karaoke, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("timescale"): self._get_filter_payload_timescale(payload, player, reset_no_set, timescale) if self.has_filter("tremolo"): self._get_filter_payload_tremolo(payload, player, reset_no_set, tremolo) if self.has_filter("vibrato"): self._get_filter_payload_vibrato(payload, player, reset_no_set, vibrato) if self.has_filter("rotation"): self._get_filter_payload_rotation(payload, player, reset_no_set, rotation) if self.has_filter("distortion"): self._get_filter_payload_distortion(distortion, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("lowPass"): self._get_filter_payload_low_pass(low_pass, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("channelMix"): self._get_filter_payload_channel_mix(channel_mix, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("echo"): echo = pluginFilters.get("echo") self._get_filter_payload_echo(echo, payload, player, reset_no_set) if self.has_filter("reverb"): reverb = pluginFilters.get("reverb") self._get_filter_payload_reverb(reverb, payload, player, reset_no_set) return payload
@staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_volume(payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, volume: Volume) -> None: if volume: payload["volume"] = volume.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_echo(echo: Echo, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool) -> None: if "pluginFilters" not in payload: payload["pluginFilters"] = {} if echo: payload["pluginFilters"]["echo"] = echo.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.echo: payload["pluginFilters"]["echo"] = player.echo.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_reverb(reverb: Reverb, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool) -> None: if "pluginFilters" not in payload: payload["pluginFilters"] = {} if reverb: payload["pluginFilters"]["revert"] = reverb.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.reverb: payload["pluginFilters"]["revert"] = player.reverb.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_channel_mix( channel_mix: ChannelMix, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool ) -> None: if channel_mix: payload["channelMix"] = channel_mix.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.channel_mix: payload["channelMix"] = player.channel_mix.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_low_pass( low_pass: LowPass, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool ) -> None: if low_pass: payload["lowPass"] = low_pass.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.low_pass: payload["lowPass"] = player.low_pass.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_distortion( distortion: Distortion, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool ) -> None: if distortion: payload["distortion"] = distortion.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.distortion: payload["distortion"] = player.distortion.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_rotation( payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool, rotation: Rotation ) -> None: if rotation: payload["rotation"] = rotation.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.rotation: payload["rotation"] = player.rotation.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_vibrato( payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool, vibrato: Vibrato ) -> None: if vibrato: payload["vibrato"] = vibrato.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.vibrato: payload["vibrato"] = player.vibrato.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_tremolo( payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool, tremolo: Tremolo ) -> None: if tremolo: payload["tremolo"] = tremolo.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.timescale: payload["timescale"] = player.timescale.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_timescale( payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool, timescale: Timescale ) -> None: if timescale: payload["timescale"] = timescale.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.timescale: payload["timescale"] = player.timescale.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_karaoke( karaoke: Karaoke, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool ) -> None: if karaoke: payload["karaoke"] = karaoke.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.karaoke: payload["karaoke"] = player.karaoke.get() @staticmethod def _get_filter_payload_equalizer( equalizer: Equalizer, payload: JSON_DICT_TYPE, player: Player, reset_no_set: bool ) -> None: if equalizer: payload["equalizer"] = equalizer.get() elif not reset_no_set and player.equalizer: payload["equalizer"] = player.equalizer.get()
[docs] async def filters( self, *, player: Player, volume: Volume = None, equalizer: Equalizer = None, karaoke: Karaoke = None, timescale: Timescale = None, tremolo: Tremolo = None, vibrato: Vibrato = None, rotation: Rotation = None, distortion: Distortion = None, low_pass: LowPass = None, channel_mix: ChannelMix = None, echo: Echo = None, ) -> None: """|coro| Set the filters for a player. """ payload = self.get_filter_payload( player=self.node_manager.client.player_manager.get(, volume=volume, equalizer=equalizer, karaoke=karaoke, timescale=timescale, tremolo=tremolo, vibrato=vibrato, rotation=rotation, distortion=distortion, low_pass=low_pass, channel_mix=channel_mix, pluginFilters=dict(echo=echo), ) player.add_voice_to_payload(payload) await self.patch_session_player(, payload={"filters": payload})