Source code for pylav.nodes.manager

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import operator
import os
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import aiohttp
import asyncstdlib

from pylav.compat import json
from pylav.constants.builtin_nodes import BUNDLED_NODES_IDS_HOST_MAPPING, PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS
from pylav.constants.config import EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_NAME, JAVA_EXECUTABLE
from pylav.constants.coordinates import DEFAULT_REGIONS, REGION_TO_COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MAPPING
from import NodeConnectedEvent, NodeDisconnectedEvent
from pylav.exceptions.client import PyLavNotInitializedException
from pylav.helpers.misc import ExponentialBackoffWithReset
from pylav.logging import getLogger
from pylav.nodes.node import Node
from pylav.nodes.utils import sort_key_nodes
from pylav.players.player import Player
from import NodeMock
from pylav.utils.location import get_closest_region_name_and_coordinate

    from pylav.core.client import Client

LOGGER = getLogger("PyLav.NodeManager")

[docs] class NodeManager: """Manages nodes and their connections to the client.""" __slots__ = ( "_client", "_session", "_player_queue", "_unmanaged_external_host", "_unmanaged_external_password", "_unmanaged_external_port", "_unmanaged_external_ssl", "_nodes", "_adding_nodes", "_player_migrate_task", ) def __init__( self, client: Client, external_host: str = None, external_password: str = None, external_port: int = None, external_ssl: bool = False, ): self._client = client self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=120), json_serialize=json.dumps) self._player_queue = set() self._unmanaged_external_host = external_host self._unmanaged_external_password = external_password self._unmanaged_external_port = external_port self._unmanaged_external_ssl = external_ssl self._nodes = [] self._adding_nodes = asyncio.Event() self._player_migrate_task = None def __iter__(self): yield from self._nodes @property def session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """Returns the aiohttp session used by the client""" return self._session @property def client(self) -> Client: """Returns the client""" return self._client @property def nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """Returns a list of all nodes""" return self._nodes @property def available_nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """Returns a list of available nodes""" return list(filter(operator.attrgetter("available"), self.nodes)) @property def managed_nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """Returns a list of nodes that are managed by the client""" return list(filter(operator.attrgetter("managed"), self.nodes)) @property def search_only_nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """Returns a list of nodes that are search only""" return list(filter(operator.attrgetter("available", "search_only"), self.nodes)) @property def player_queue(self) -> list[Player]: """Returns a list of players that are queued to be played""" return list(self._player_queue) @player_queue.setter def player_queue(self, players: list[Player]) -> None: """Sets the player queue""" self._player_queue = set(players) @player_queue.deleter def player_queue(self): """Clears the player queue""" self._player_queue.clear()
[docs] async def add_node( self, *, host: str, port: int, password: str, unique_identifier: int, name: str, resume_timeout: int = 60, reconnect_attempts: int = -1, ssl: bool = False, search_only: bool = False, disabled_sources: list[str] = None, managed: bool = False, yaml: dict | None = None, extras: dict = None, temporary: bool = False, ) -> Node: """ Adds a node to PyLav's node manager. Parameters ---------- host: :class:`str` The address of the Lavalink node. port: :class:`int` The port to use for websocket and REST connections. password: :class:`str` The password used for authentication. resume_timeout: Optional[:class:`int`] How long the node should wait for a connection while disconnected before clearing all players. Defaults to `60`. name: :class:`str` An identifier for the node that will show in logs. Defaults to `None`. reconnect_attempts: Optional[:class:`int`] The amount of times connection with the node will be reattempted before giving up. Set to `-1` for infinite. Defaults to `3`. ssl: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to use a ssl connection. Defaults to `False`. search_only: :class:`bool` Whether the node is search only. Defaults to `False`. unique_identifier: Optional[:class:`str`] A unique identifier for the node. Defaults to `None`. disabled_sources: Optional[:class:`list`[:class:`str`]] A list of sources to disable. Defaults to `None`. managed: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the node is managed by the client. Defaults to `False`. yaml: Optional[:class:`dict`] A dictionary of node settings. Defaults to `None`. extras: Optional[:class:`dict`] A dictionary of extra settings. Defaults to `{}`. temporary: :class:`bool` Whether the node is temporary. Defaults to `False`. Temporary nodes are not added to the db. Returns ------- :class:`Node` The node that was added. """ node = Node( manager=self, host=host, port=port, password=password, resume_timeout=resume_timeout, name=name, reconnect_attempts=reconnect_attempts, ssl=ssl, search_only=search_only, unique_identifier=unique_identifier, disabled_sources=disabled_sources, managed=managed, extras=extras or {}, temporary=temporary, ) self._nodes.append(node) # noinspection PyProtectedMember"Successfully added to Node Manager") # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.verbose("Successfully added to Node Manager -- %r", node) if temporary: yaml = yaml or {"server": {}, "lavalink": {"server": {}}} yaml["server"]["address"] = host # type: ignore yaml["server"]["port"] = port # type: ignore yaml["lavalink"]["server"]["password"] = password data = { "name": name, "ssl": ssl, "resume_timeout": resume_timeout, "reconnect_attempts": reconnect_attempts, "search_only": search_only, "managed": managed, "extras": extras or {}, "yaml": yaml, "disabled_sources": disabled_sources, } node._config = NodeMock(id=unique_identifier, data=data) else: node._config = await self.client.node_db_manager.update_node( host=host, port=port, password=password, resume_timeout=resume_timeout, name=name, reconnect_attempts=reconnect_attempts, ssl=ssl, search_only=search_only, unique_identifier=unique_identifier, disabled_sources=disabled_sources, managed=managed, yaml=yaml, extras=extras or {}, ) return node
[docs] async def remove_node(self, node: Node) -> None: """ Removes a node. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node to remove from the list. """ await node.close() self.nodes.remove(node) # noinspection PyProtectedMember"Successfully removed Node") # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.verbose("Successfully removed Node -- %r", node) if ( node.identifier and not node.managed and node.identifier not in BUNDLED_NODES_IDS_HOST_MAPPING and node.identifier != 31415 ): await self.client.node_db_manager.delete(node.identifier) # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.debug("Successfully deleted Node from database")
[docs] def get_region(self, endpoint: str | None) -> str | None: """ Returns a region from a Discord voice server address. Parameters ---------- endpoint: :class:`str` The address of the Discord voice server. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`str`] """ if not endpoint: return None endpoint = endpoint.replace("vip-", "") for key in DEFAULT_REGIONS: nodes = [n for n in self.available_nodes if n.region == key] if not nodes: continue if endpoint.startswith(key): return key return None
[docs] def get_closest_node(self, region: str) -> Node: """ Returns the closest node to a given region. Parameters ---------- region: :class:`str` The region to use. Returns ------- :class:`Node` """ return min(self.available_nodes, key=lambda n: n.region_distance(region))
[docs] async def find_best_node( self, region: str = None, not_region: str = None, feature: str = None, already_attempted_regions: set[str] = None, coordinates: tuple[float, float] = None, wait: bool = False, attempt: int = 0, backoff: ExponentialBackoffWithReset = None, ) -> Node | None: """Finds the best (least used) node in the given region, if applicable. Parameters ---------- region: :class:`str` The region to use. not_region: :class:`str` The region to exclude. feature: :class:`str` The feature required. already_attempted_regions: :class:`set`[:class:`str`] A set of regions that have already been attempted. coordinates: :class:`tuple`[:class:`float`, :class:`float`] The coordinates to use. wait: :class:`bool` Whether to wait for a node to become available. attempt: :class:`int` The current attempt number. backoff: :class:`ExponentialBackoffWithReset` The backoff to use. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`Node`] """ if backoff is None: backoff = ExponentialBackoffWithReset() delay = 1 else: delay = backoff.delay() already_attempted_regions = already_attempted_regions or set() if feature: nodes = [n for n in self.available_nodes if n.has_capability(feature)] else: nodes = self.available_nodes if coordinates is None: if region and region in REGION_TO_COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MAPPING: coordinates = REGION_TO_COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MAPPING[region] else: coordinates = (0, 0) if region and not_region: nodes = await self._get_nodes_by_region_with_exclusion( already_attempted_regions, coordinates, nodes, not_region, region ) elif region: nodes = await self._get_nodes_by_region_only(already_attempted_regions, coordinates, nodes, region) else: nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.region != not_region and n.region not in already_attempted_regions] if not nodes: nodes = await self._get_fall_back_nodes(already_attempted_regions, feature, nodes) node = await asyncstdlib.min(nodes, key=partial(sort_key_nodes, region=region), default=None) if nodes else None if node is None and wait: await asyncio.sleep(delay) return await self.find_best_node( region=region, not_region=not_region, feature=feature, already_attempted_regions=already_attempted_regions, coordinates=coordinates, wait=wait, backoff=backoff, attempt=attempt + 1, ) return node
async def _get_fall_back_nodes(self, already_attempted_regions, feature, nodes): if feature: nodes = [ n for n in self.available_nodes if n.has_capability(feature) and n.region not in already_attempted_regions ] else: nodes = self.available_nodes return nodes async def _get_nodes_by_region_only(self, already_attempted_regions, coordinates, nodes, region): available_regions = {n.region for n in self.available_nodes if n.region not in already_attempted_regions} closest_region, __ = await get_closest_region_name_and_coordinate(*coordinates, region_pool=available_regions) nodes = [ n for n in nodes if (n.region in [region, closest_region]) and n.region not in already_attempted_regions ] return nodes async def _get_nodes_by_region_with_exclusion( self, already_attempted_regions, coordinates, nodes, not_region, region ): available_regions = {n.region for n in self.available_nodes if n.region not in already_attempted_regions} closest_region, __ = await get_closest_region_name_and_coordinate(*coordinates, region_pool=available_regions) nodes = [ n for n in nodes if (n.region in [region, closest_region]) and n.region != not_region and n.region not in already_attempted_regions ] return nodes
[docs] def get_node_by_id(self, unique_identifier: int) -> Node | None: """ Returns a node by its unique identifier. Parameters ---------- unique_identifier: :class:`int` The unique identifier of the node. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`Node`] """ return next((n for n in self.nodes if n.identifier == unique_identifier), None)
[docs] async def node_connect(self, node: Node) -> None: """ Called when a node is connected from Lavalink. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node that has just connected. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.debug("Successfully established connection") del node.down_votes self._player_migrate_task = asyncio.create_task(self._player_change_node_task(node)) self.client.dispatch_event(NodeConnectedEvent(node))
async def _player_change_node_task(self, node): for player in iter(self.player_queue): await player.change_node(node, forced=True) # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.debug("Successfully moved %s", # noinspection PyProtectedMember if self.client._connect_back: # noinspection PyProtectedMember for player in iter(node._original_players): await player.change_node(node, forced=True) player._original_node = None del self.player_queue self._player_migrate_task = None
[docs] async def node_disconnect(self, node: Node, code: int, reason: str) -> None: """ Called when a node is disconnected from Lavalink. Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Node` The node that has just connected. code: :class:`int` The code for why the node was disconnected. reason: :class:`str` The reason why the node was disconnected. """ if self.client.is_shutting_down: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.warning("Disconnected with code %s and reason %s", code, reason) # noinspection PyProtectedMember node._logger.verbose( "Disconnected with code %s and reason %s -- %r", code, reason, node, ) self.client.dispatch_event(NodeDisconnectedEvent(node, code, reason)) best_node = await self.find_best_node(region=node.region) if not best_node or not best_node.available: self.player_queue = self.player_queue + node.players LOGGER.error("Unable to move players, no available nodes! Waiting for a node to become available") return for player in iter(node.players): await player.change_node(best_node, forced=True) # noinspection PyProtectedMember if self.client._connect_back: player._original_node = node
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Disconnects all nodes and closes the session.""" if self._player_migrate_task is not None: self._player_migrate_task.cancel() await self.session.close() for node in iter(self.nodes): await node.close()
[docs] async def connect_to_all_nodes(self) -> None: """Connects to all nodes.""" nodes_list = [] for node in iter(await self.client.node_db_manager.get_all_unmanaged_nodes()): await self._process_single_unmanaged_node_connection(node, nodes_list) await self._process_envvar_node(nodes_list) # noinspection PyProtectedMember config_data = self.client._lib_config_manager.get_config() all_data = await config_data.fetch_all() if all_data["java_path"] != JAVA_EXECUTABLE and os.path.exists(JAVA_EXECUTABLE): await config_data.update_java_path(JAVA_EXECUTABLE) tasks = [asyncio.create_task(n.wait_until_ready()) for n in nodes_list] if not tasks: if await self.client.managed_node_is_enabled(): self._adding_nodes.set() return True LOGGER.warning("No nodes found, please add some nodes") raise PyLavNotInitializedException("Failed to connect to any nodes") done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) for task in pending: task.cancel() for result in done: result.result() len_nodes = sum(1 for node in nodes_list if node.available) if len_nodes == 0: raise PyLavNotInitializedException("No nodes are available") if not self._adding_nodes.is_set(): self._adding_nodes.set() return True
async def _process_bundled_node_lava_link(self, nodes_list): if all(True for n in iter(nodes_list) if != ""): nodes_list.append( await self.add_node( password=f"PyLav/{self.client.lib_version}", **PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""], ) ) else: LOGGER.debug( "%s already added to connection pool - skipping duplicated connection", PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""]["name"], ) async def _process_bundled_node_ny(self, nodes_list): if all(True for n in iter(nodes_list) if != "") and not self.get_node_by_id( PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""]["unique_identifier"] ): base_settings = PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""] nodes_list.append(await self.add_node(**base_settings)) else: LOGGER.debug( "%s already added to connection pool - skipping duplicated connection", PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""]["name"], ) async def _process_bundled_node_london(self, nodes_list): if all(True for n in iter(nodes_list) if != "") and not self.get_node_by_id( PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""]["unique_identifier"] ): base_settings = PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""] base_settings["host"] = "" nodes_list.append(await self.add_node(**base_settings)) else: LOGGER.debug( "%s already added to connection pool - skipping duplicated connection", PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[""]["name"], ) async def _process_envvar_node(self, nodes_list): if self._unmanaged_external_host and self._unmanaged_external_password: if all(True for n in nodes_list if != self._unmanaged_external_host): if self._unmanaged_external_host in PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS: base_settings = PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[self._unmanaged_external_host] else: base_settings = { "port": self._unmanaged_external_port or (443 if self._unmanaged_external_ssl else 80), "ssl": self._unmanaged_external_ssl, "password": self._unmanaged_external_password, "resume_timeout": 600, "reconnect_attempts": -1, "search_only": False, "managed": False, "disabled_sources": [], "host": self._unmanaged_external_host, "unique_identifier": 31415, "name": EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_NAME, "temporary": True, } nodes_list.append(await self.add_node(**base_settings)) else: LOGGER.warning( "%s already added to connection pool - skipping duplicated connection - (%s:%s)", EXTERNAL_UNMANAGED_NAME, self._unmanaged_external_host, self._unmanaged_external_port, ) async def _process_single_unmanaged_node_connection(self, node, nodes_list): if == LOGGER.debug("Skipping node %s as it is the managed node", return node_data = await node.fetch_all() try: if node in nodes_list: LOGGER.warning( "%s Node already added to connection pool - skipping duplicated connection - (%s:%s)", node_data["name"], node_data["yaml"]["server"]["address"], node_data["yaml"]["server"]["port"], ) return if node_data["yaml"]["server"]["address"] in PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS: connection_arguments = PYLAV_BUNDLED_NODES_SETTINGS[node_data["yaml"]["server"]["address"]] else: connection_arguments = await node.get_connection_args() nodes_list.append(await self.add_node(**connection_arguments)) except (ValueError, KeyError) as exc: LOGGER.warning("Invalid node, skipping ... id: %s - Original error: %s",, exc)
[docs] async def wait_until_ready(self, timeout: float | None = None): """Wait until all nodes are ready.""" await asyncio.wait_for(self._adding_nodes.wait(), timeout=timeout)