Source code for pylav.helpers.discord.converters.playlists

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar

import asyncstdlib
from discord.app_commands import Choice, Transformer
from discord.ext import commands
from rapidfuzz import fuzz

from pylav.exceptions.database import EntryNotFoundException
from pylav.helpers.format.strings import shorten_string
from import Playlist as PlaylistModel

    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator  # type: ignore

    _ = Translator("PyLav", Path(__file__))
except ImportError:
    Translator = None

    def _(string: str) -> str:
        return string

    PlaylistConverter = TypeVar("PlaylistConverter", bound=list[PlaylistModel])

[docs] class PlaylistConverter(Transformer): """Converts a playlist name or ID to a list of matching objects"""
[docs] @classmethod async def convert(cls, ctx: DISCORD_CONTEXT_TYPE, arg: str) -> list[PlaylistModel]: """Converts a playlist name or ID to a list of matching objects""" try: playlists = await ctx.pylav.playlist_db_manager.get_playlist_by_name_or_id(arg) except EntryNotFoundException as e: raise commands.BadArgument( _( "A playlist with the name or identifier `{user_input_variable_do_not_translate}` was not found." ).format(user_input_variable_do_not_translate=arg) ) from e return playlists
[docs] @classmethod async def transform(cls, interaction: DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE, argument: str) -> list[PlaylistModel]: """Transforms a playlist name or ID to a list of matching objects""" if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) ctx = await interaction.client.get_context(interaction) return await cls.convert(ctx, argument)
[docs] @classmethod async def autocomplete(cls, interaction: DISCORD_INTERACTION_TYPE, current: str) -> list[Choice]: """Autocompletes a playlist name or ID to a list of matching objects""" if not current: playlists = await interaction.client.pylav.playlist_db_manager.get_bundled_playlists() return [ Choice(name=shorten_string(await e.fetch_name(), max_length=100), value=f"{}") for e in playlists ][:25] try: playlists = await interaction.client.pylav.playlist_db_manager.get_playlist_by_name(current, limit=50) except EntryNotFoundException: return [] async def _filter(c: PlaylistModel): name = await c.fetch_name() author = await c.fetch_author() return ( fuzz.partial_ratio(name, current, score_cutoff=75), 1 if author == else 0, [-ord(i) for i in name], ) extracted = await asyncstdlib.heapq.nlargest(asyncstdlib.iter(playlists), n=25, key=_filter) return [ Choice(name=shorten_string(await e.fetch_name(), max_length=100), value=f"{}") for e in extracted ]