Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

from redbot.core.i18n import Translator

from pylav.core.context import PyLavContext
from import EntryPickerMenu
from import EntrySelectSelector
from import EntryPickerSource
from pylav.helpers.format.strings import shorten_string
from import DISCORD_COG_TYPE
from pylav.type_hints.generics import ANY_GENERIC_TYPE

_ = Translator("PyLav", Path(__file__))

[docs] async def maybe_prompt_for_entry( cog: DISCORD_COG_TYPE, context: PyLavContext, entries: list[ANY_GENERIC_TYPE], message_str: str, selector_text: str ) -> ANY_GENERIC_TYPE | None: """Prompt the user to pick an item from a list of items. Ideally the item objects should have a `.name` attribute and a `.id` attribute. If a name is not available, this uses the class name which may result is duplicate entries. if no id is available we use the name hash. if no entry is selected or user closes the menu, None is returned. """ if len(entries) > 1: entry_picker = EntryPickerMenu( cog=cog,, source=EntryPickerSource(, cog=cog, pages=entries, message_str=message_str, ), selector_cls=EntrySelectSelector, delete_after_timeout=True, clear_buttons_after=True, starting_page=0, selector_text=shorten_string(max_length=100, string=selector_text), original_author=context.interaction.user if context.interaction else, ) await entry_picker.start(context) try: await entry_picker.wait_for_response() entry = entry_picker.result except TimeoutError: entry = None else: entry = entries[0] return entry